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Military Support Program

Wizards of the Coast is proud to partner with Operation Gratitude in support of our deployed troops and their families.

To request a care package from Operation Gratitude that includes Magic: The Gathering product, please visit

Operation Gratitude is a nationwide nonprofit dedicated to providing grateful Americans across our country with opportunities for hands-on volunteerism in support of military, veterans and first responders. In March of 2003, Operation Gratitude sent its first four care packages to deployed service members in Iraq. Since its inception, the organization has encouraged millions of Americans to express their gratitude through hands-on volunteerism, in turn lifting the spirits of more than 3.3 million deployed troops, recruit graduates, veterans, military families, first responders, and healthcare heroes. The volunteers of Operation Gratitude are a generous and spirited grassroots network of Americans joined in common cause to say "Thank You" to all who serve our great nation. For more information visit

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