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Standard Showdown

Standard Showdown

Magic: The Gathering® Foundations

Torneios semanais de 15 de novembro a 30 de janeiro


Traga seu melhor deck de Padrão para sua loja local todas as semanas e encare a competição para ter uma chance de conquistar a glória e receber grandes prêmios!

Foundations Standard Showdown Starts November 15

Delve into Standard Constructed — a 60-card format focusing on releases currently dating back to Dominaria United — with Standard Showdown, as the program returns to local game stores worldwide!

Standard Showdown is a weekly program that WPN retailers run to bring their Standard Constructed community together for a few hours of fun, with a few added prizes to spice things up. The winner each week takes home a copy of the next Cowboy Bebop collaboration promo, Go for the Throat, in traditional foil.

So, get your Standard deck ready and check out a WPN retailer near you for details on Standard Showdown events happening throughout the next few months!

Prepare-se para o Standard Showdown

Prepare-se para o Standard Showdown

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