News / 牌圖集合 Innistrad: Crimson Vow Variants 牌圖集合 2021-11-09 Wizards of the Coast 白 | 藍 | 黑 | 紅 | 綠多色 | 神器 | 地 | 轉化式雙面牌 | 所有牌張白 Breathkeeper Seraph Wedding Ring Drogskol Reinforcements Haunted Library Priest of the Blessed Graf Rhoda, Geist Avenger Storm of Souls Sudden Salvation Breathkeeper Seraph Wedding Ring 不潔司儀 迎賓吸血鬼 瑟班守護者莎利雅 拘禁牢環 歐雷巴救星 瑟班守護者莎利雅 By Invitation Only Cemetery Protector Hallowed Haunting Hopeful Initiate Lantern Flare Savior of Ollenbock Sigarda's Summons Voice of the Blessed Sigarda's Summons藍 Imperious Mindbreaker Donal, Herald of Wings Breath of the Sleepless Ethereal Investigator Haunting Imitation Occult Epiphany Spectral Arcanist Timin, Youthful Geist Imperious Mindbreaker 遠見拼接師基拉夫 渴求發現 Cemetery Illuminator Consuming Tide Dreamshackle Geist Hullbreaker Horror Inspired Idea Necroduality Overcharged Amalgam Patchwork Crawler Winged Portent 遊魂幽籠黑 Doom Weaver Timothar, Baron of Bats Crossway Troublemakers Glass-Cast Heart Kamber, the Plunderer Olivia's Wrath Predators' Hour Shadowgrange Archfiend Doom Weaver 陰鬱的索霖 血狂名流 血瓶販商 伐肯納先人 暴食賓客 隱匿殺手 陰鬱的索霖 婚禮警衛 腐蝕蝓怪陀襲力 伐肯納先人 陰鬱的索霖 Cemetery Desecrator Demonic Bargain Dreadfeast Demon Dying to Serve Graf Reaver Headless Rider Path of Peril 極惡刺蠍紅 Mirage Phalanx Arterial Alchemy Imposing Grandeur Laurine, the Diversion Markov Enforcer Midnight Arsonist Scion of Opulence Mirage Phalanx 盛裝茜卓 好鬥賓客 鮮血催眠師 血瓣主祭 墓地守門者 控念吸血鬼 伐肯納貴客 奧莉薇亞的喜娘 沃達連品血客 吸血鬼復仇 Alchemist's Gambit Change of Fortune Creepy Puppeteer Curse of Hospitality Kessig Wolfrider Manaform Hellkite Stensia Uprising 控念吸血鬼綠 Hollowhenge Overlord Thundering Mightmare Hollowhenge Overlord Thundering Mightmare 隱居標本師 Ascendant Packleader Cemetery Prowler Cultivator Colossus Dig Up Glorious Sunrise Hamlet Vanguard Hiveheart Shaman Howling Moon Splendid Reclamation多色 不息復靈米蕾森 茂威原祖史崔凡 Umbris, Fear Manifest Millicent, Restless Revenant Strefan, Maurer Progenitor Disorder in the Court Sinister Waltz Umbris, Fear Manifest 遊魂獵手卡婭 邪氣伴娘安姬 血稅收集官 馬可夫滌淨師 馬可夫圓舞者 受詛血咒的歐吉克 緋紅新娘奧莉薇亞 受難先知伊如 全能噬蛙葛諾克 荷拉娜與阿雷娜伴侶 老魯斯登 天使之拳托亨斯 受難先知伊如 緋紅新娘奧莉薇亞 天使之拳托亨斯神器 調查員日誌 Dollhouse of Horrors Investigator's Journal地 毒蕈林地 幻根瀑布 破碎聖所 風蝕海岸 日落隘口 Voldaren Estate 平原 海島 沼澤 山脈 樹林 沃達連邸轉化式雙面牌 Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat 白 | 藍 | 黑 | 紅 | 綠多色 | 神器 | 地 | 轉化式雙面牌 | 所有牌張