Magic: The Gathering® – Assassin's Creed®的衍生物
Magic: The Gathering® – Assassin's Creed®中有你了解和喜爱的全图衍生物,上面印有出自原版系列电子游戏的经典角色和设定!
Kendall is a content producer, writer, and editor. He's worked at Wizards of the Coast since 2018 as an editor and producer of Magic content, primarily on and card image galleries for all the latest releases.
Magic: The Gathering® – Assassin's Creed®中有你了解和喜爱的全图衍生物,上面印有出自原版系列电子游戏的经典角色和设定!
Magic: The Gathering® – Assassin's Creed®的入门套组在2024年7月5日上市,来看看其中的内容。
插画牌在Magic: The Gathering® – Assassin's Creed®回归,这一次出现在30%的无疆补充包中,且5%的常规补充包中的插画牌上有画师签名或鹏洛客符号的戳记。