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US Club Support in partnership with Magikids

Our partners at MagiKids provide access to kits to support schools, after-school clubs, and dozens of organizations with kits that include the cards and tools necessary for kids to engage with Magic: The Gathering as a fun means of developing their critical thinking, math, and reading skills in settings that foster friendships and social connection.

These kits are currently only available to qualifying organizers in the United States.

What are in these kits?

Kits are assembled by MagiKids and their charitable partners and come with donated Magic cards as well as an assortment of supplies to accompany playing the game such as deckboxes, card sleeves, dice, and other assorted accessories. The exact contents for each kit varies and is subject to change without notice, pending the availability of donated goods.

Who Qualifies for these kits?

If you are an organizer representing an enrichment organization within the United States, such as a school, library, community center, or scout troop, then you qualify to receive this kit. You must be employed by or be an official volunteer for the organization of an age of 18 or over and you must represent the organization’s game programming.

Please note that our partners do not send kits to networks of organizations, and each individual unit of an organization must apply for their own kit. Our partners may verify your relationship with the organization. Supplies of kits are limited.

How do I get a kit?

To request a kit, visit the Magikids website and fill out an application.

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