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Preorder Tarkir: Dragonstorm

Tarkir is now bigger and bolder than ever, filled with cinematic action, dynamic clan gameplay, and powerful new dragons that add lasting firepower to your collection. Join your clan. Break the storm. Prerelease events begin April 4!

The Magic Story Podcast | Tarkir: Dragonstorm Story Recap

Join Natalie and Harless as they recap the entirety of  Tarkir: Dragonstorm 's story—and discuss where we might be headed next—alongside  Magic Story  Lead Roy Graham. And there's more than just story reveals here;  The Magic Story Podcast   is also previewing a legendary creature and a dragon from this new set!

Secret Lair | Our Boss Is on Vacation Superdrop

The Our Boss Is on Vacation Superdrop is available now! Don't wait until she's back in office.
Secret Lair | Our Boss Is on Vacation Superdrop
MTG Arena

A Dragonstorm Is Brewing, Part 2

In Tarkir: Dragonstorm, the five iconic clans make their return. See how our designers gave them unique yet recognizable identities.

Mark Rosewater
A Dragonstorm Is Brewing, Part 2

Secret Lair Our Boss Is on Vacation Superdrop

The Our Boss Is On Vacation Superdrop is available now! Don't wait until she's back in office.

Wizards of the Coast
Secret Lair Our Boss Is on Vacation Superdrop

Listas de los mazos de Commander de Tarkir: tormenta dracónica

¡Elige tu clan y aduéñate de tu destino! Con los mazos de Commander de Tarkir: tormenta dracónica podrás alzar el vuelo junto a tu clan favorito de tres colores.

Jubilee Finnegan
Listas de los mazos de Commander de Tarkir: tormenta dracónica

Dónde y cómo jugar con Tarkir: tormenta dracónica

¡Acaba con la tormenta y hazte con el poder de los formidables dragones espíritu! Lánzate a la batalla por la diversión o por la gloria con Tarkir: tormenta dracónica.

Wizards of the Coast
Dónde y cómo jugar con Tarkir: tormenta dracónica
Galería de cartas

Tarkir: Dragonstorm Card Image Gallery

See all the latest cards and Booster Fun treatments from  Tarkir: Dragonstorm  before the set's release on April 11, 2025.

Los cuatro datos más importantes para coleccionar Tarkir: tormenta dracónica

En Tarkir: tormenta dracónica, que se lanzará en todo el mundo el 11 de abril de 2025, te aguardan un montón de cartas dignas del botín de un dragón, tratamientos de Diversión en Sobres y mucho más.

Athena Froehlich
Jubilee Finnegan
Los cuatro datos más importantes para coleccionar Tarkir: tormenta dracónica

Mecánicas de Tarkir: tormenta dracónica

Los clanes de Tarkir tienen muchas herramientas para repeler las tormentas dracónicas en expansión. Aprende a aprovecharlas y no te pierdas las nuevas e increíbles cartas de Tarkir: tormenta dracónica.

Matt Tabak
Mecánicas de Tarkir: tormenta dracónica

MagicCon: Las Vegas 2025 – The Storm Is Gathering

MagicCon returns to Las Vegas this summer! Join us for panels and events, Pro Tour  Magic: The Gathering ®—FINAL FANTASY™, merch, special guests, play events, and more.

Explore More From Tarkir: Dragonstorm

Historia de Magic

Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Episode 7: Return

The Meditation Realm is shattered. The dragonstorms rage. And Sarkhan comes to finish his foes, on wings of vengeance.

Cassandra Khaw
Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Episode 7: Return
Historia de Magic

Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Episode 6: How Wretched Love

Odd company in the Meditation Realm. Narset solves a problem and discovers a new one.

Cassandra Khaw
Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Episode 6: How Wretched Love
Historia de Magic

Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Temur: Together Survives the Pack

A horrible curse threatens the Temur clan. Together, Eshki Dragonclaw and Alniul, the Twice Whisperer journey to discover its source—and encounter a foe they never expected.

K. Arsenault Rivera
Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Temur: Together Survives the Pack
Historia de Magic

Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Episode 5: Recursion

Narset and Elspeth venture into the dragonstorms and find a new mystery within them.

Cassandra Khaw
Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Episode 5: Recursion

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