Bienvenue dans la Galerie d'illustrations des cartes Obscure ascension. C'est une archive régulièrement mise à jour de toutes les cartes avant-première Obscure Ascension, alors revenez souvent pour voir ce qu'il y a de nouveau !

Monday, January 23: Entire Set Posted!

Monday, January 9: 15 Cards Added!

CardPreviewed ByColor
Gather the TownsfolkMagic ArcanaWhite
Ray of RevelationDark Ascension Mechanics ArticleWhite
Thraben DoomsayerDark Ascension Mechanics ArticleWhite
Increasing ConfusionDark Ascension Mechanics ArticleBlue
Curse of ThirstDark Ascension Mechanics ArticleBlack
GravecrawlerMagic ArcanaBlack
Ravenous Demon (Archdemon of Greed)Dark Ascension Mechanics ArticleBlack
Zombie ApocalypseMagic ArcanaBlack
Faithless LootingMagic: The Gathering Comic BookRed
Mondronen Shaman (Tovolar's Magehunter)Magic ArcanaRed
Nearheath StalkerMagic ArcanaRed
Hunger of the HowlpackDark Ascension Mechanics ArticleGreen
Strangleroot GeistDark Ascension Mechanics ArticleGreen

Tuesday, January 10: 1 Cards Added!

CardPreviewed ByColor
Soul Seizer (Ghastly Haunting)Making MagicBlue

Wednesday, January 11: 5 Cards Added!

CardPreviewed ByColor
Increasing DevotionSerious FunWhite
GhoultreeGeek DadGreen
Drogskol ReaverGameHeadMulticolored
Altar of the LostLimited InformationArtifact
Jar of Eyeballs@maro254Artifact

Thursday, January 12: 7 Cards Added!

CardPreviewed ByColor
Loyal Cathar (Unhallowed Cathar)Star City GamesWhite
Secrets of the DeadBuilding on a BudgetBlue
Moonveil DragonDark Ascension WallpaperRed
Scorned Villager (Moonscarred Werewolf)SvenskamagicGreen
Falkenrath AristocratChannel FireballMulticolored
Sorin, Lord of InnistradSavor the FlavorMulticolored

Friday, January 13: 6 Cards Added!

CardPreviewed ByColor
Thalia, Guardian of ThrabenTop DecksWhite
Beguiler of WillsRedditBlue
Lambholt Elder (Silverpelt Werewolf)Gathering MagicGreen
Wolfbitten Captive (Krallenhorde Killer)@wizards_magicGreen
Havengul LichFrom the LabMulticolored

Monday, January 16: 4 Cards Added!

CardPreviewed ByColor
Fiend of the ShadowsRobot VikingBlack
Pyreheart WolfMagicFriends.itRed
VorapedeThe Magic ShowGreen
Huntmaster of the Fells (Ravager of the Fells)Latest DevelopmentsMulticolored

Tuesday, January 17: 7 Cards Added!

CardPreviewed ByColor
Mikaeus, the UnhallowedDailyMTG Feature ArticleBlack
Flayer of the HateboundMaking MagicRed
HellriderMTV GeekRed
Feed the PackNico Nico DougaGreen
Grafdigger’s CagePureMTGOArtifact
Warden of the WallAU/NZ OP FacebookArtifact
Vault of the ArchangelTCG PlayerLand

Wednesday, January 18: 4 Cards Added!

CardPreviewed ByColor
Chant of the SkifsangEU CommunityBlue
Thought ScourTwitter JapanBlue
Deadly AllureLimited InformationBlack

Thursday, January 19: 7 Cards Added!

CardPreviewed ByColor
Lingering SoulsBuilding on a BudgetWhite
Markov BlademasterThe ExaminerRed
Briarpack AlphaDengeki OnlineGreen
Lost in the WoodsAU Judge CommunityGreen
Predator OozeSerious FunGreen
Stromkirk CaptainDark Ascension WallpaperMulticolored
HelvaultSavor the FlavorArtifact

Friday, January 20: 4 Cards Added!

CardPreviewed ByColor
Sudden DisappearanceFrom the LabWhite
Geralf’s MessengerTop DecksBlack
Gruesome DiscoveryRebellion.esBlack
Increasing SavageryBlackborderGreen


Blanc | Bleu | Noir | Rouge | Vert | Autres | TOUTES LES CARTES

Archangel’s LightBar the DoorBreak of DayBurden of GuiltCurse of ExhaustionElgaud InquisitorFaith’s ShieldGather the TownsfolkGavony IronwrightHollowhenge SpiritIncreasing DevotionLingering SoulsLoyal Cathar (Unhallowed Cathar)Midnight GuardNiblis of the MistNiblis of the UrnRay of RevelationRequiem AngelSanctuary CatSéanceSilverclaw GriffinSkillful LungeSudden DisappearanceThalia, Guardian of ThrabenThraben DoomsayerThraben Heretic
Artful DodgeBeguiler of WillsBone to AshCall to the KindredChant of the SkifsangChill of ForebodingCounterlashCurse of EchoesDivinationDungeon GeistsGeralf’s MindcrusherGriptideHavengul RunebinderHeadless SkaabIncreasing ConfusionMystic RetrievalNephalia SeakiteNiblis of the BreathRelentless SkaabsSaving GraspScreeching SkaabSecrets of the DeadShriekgeistSoul Seizer (Ghastly Haunting)Stormbound GeistThought ScourTower Geist
Black CatChosen of Markov (Markov's Servant)Curse of MisfortunesCurse of ThirstDeadly AllureDeath’s CaressFalkenrath TorturerFarbog BoneflingerFiend of the ShadowsGeralf’s MessengerGravecrawlerGravepurgeGruesome DiscoveryHarrowing JourneyHighborn GhoulIncreasing AmbitionMikaeus, the UnhallowedRavenous Demon (Archdemon of Greed)Reap the SeagrafSightless GhoulSkirsdag FlayerSpiteful ShadowsTragic SlipUndying EvilVengeful VampireWakedancerZombie Apocalypse
Afflicted Deserter (Werewolf Ransacker)Alpha BrawlBlood FeudBurning OilCurse of BloodlettingErdwal RipperFaithless LootingFires of UndeathFlayer of the HateboundFlingForge DevilHeckling FiendsHellriderHinterland Hermit (Hintreland Scourge)Increasing VengeanceMarkov BlademasterMarkov WarlordMondronen Shaman (Tovolar’s Magehunter)Moonveil DragonNearheath StalkerPyreheart WolfRusset WolvesScorch the FieldsShattered PerceptionTalons of FalkenrathTorch FiendWrack with Madness
Briarpack AlphaClinging MistsCrushing VinesDawntreader ElkDeranged OutcastFavor of the WoodsFeed the PackGhoultreeGravetiller WurmGrim FloweringHollowhenge BeastHunger of the HowlpackIncreasing SavageryKessig RecluseLambholt Elder (Silverpelt Werewolf)Lost in the WoodsPredator OozeScorned Villager (Moonscarred Werewolf)Somberwald DryadStrangleroot GeistTracker’s InstinctsUlvenwald BearVillage SurvivorsVorapedeWild HungerWolfbitten Captive (Krallenhorde Killer)Young Wolf
Diregraf CaptainDrogskol CaptainDrogskol ReaverFalkenrath AristocratHavengul LichHuntmaster of the Fells (Ravager of the Fells)ImmerwolfSorin, Lord of InnistradStromkirk CaptainAltar of the LostAvacyn’s CollarChalice of Life (Chalice of Death)Elbrus, the Binding Blade (Withengar Unbound)Executioner’s HoodGrafdigger’s CageHeavy MattockHelvaultJar of EyeballsWarden of the WallWolfhunter’s QuiverEvolving WildsGrim BackwoodsHaunted FengrafVault of the Archangel

Blanc | Bleu | Noir | Rouge | Vert | Autres | TOUTES LES CARTES