MTG 아레나 10종 경기 이벤트 상세 내용
아레나 10종 경기(데카슬론)에 오신 여러분을 환영합니다! 여러 주 동안 진행되는 이번 시리즈를 통해, 여러분은 서로 다른 매직 경험을 제공하는 게임 모드들에서 경쟁하면서 MTG 아레나를 전부 경험할 수 있게 됩니다. 드래프트의 광팬이든, 히스토릭의 전문가이든, 아니면 색다른 플레이 경험을 좋아하시는 분이든, 여러분이 가진 기술을 뽐낼 수 있는 기회가 있을 것입니다. 또한 다양한 분야에서 전문성을 입증한 분들에게는 훨씬 더 큰 도전이 기다리고 있습니다
2021년 말까지 15일에 걸쳐, 저희는 열 개의 이벤트를 한 번에 두 개씩 진행할 계획이며, 각각의 이벤트 쌍은 다음의 일정에 따라 3일 동안 진행됩니다:
12월 19일 오전 1시~22일 오전 4시 KST
12월 22일 오전 1시~25일 오전 4시 KST
- 10종 경기 3: 이니스트라드: 핏빛 서약 전통 팬텀 드래프트* (BO3)
- 10종 경기 4: 신규 플레이어 덱
12월 25일 오전 1시~28일 오전 4시 KST
12월 28일 오전 1시~31일 오전 4시 KST
12월 31일 오전 1시~1월 3일 오전 4시 KST
- 10종 경기 9: 전통 스탠다드 (BO3) (금지 목록)
- 10종 경기 10: 스트릭스헤이븐: 마법 학교 팬텀 터보 드래프트* (각 플레이어가 "모든 주문은 발동하는 데 [5]가 덜 든다."를 가진 휘장을 받는 봇 드래프트)
*주의사항: 이 이벤트들은 팬텀 이벤트로, 카드들이 콜렉션에 추가되지 않습니다.
원하는 만큼 많은 이벤트에서 경쟁하여 각 이벤트에 대한 상품과 10종 경기 토큰을 획득하세요. 고유한 10종 경기 토큰을 더 많이 얻을수록, 놀라운 상품들이 가득한 최종 이벤트인 아레나 10종 경기 결승전에 참여할 수 있는 가능성이 높아집니다!
이에 더해, 10종 경기에 참여하는 분들은 모두 특별한 아레나 10종 경기 슬리브를 받게 됩니다!
일정: 12월 19일~1월 3일 (위 일정 참조)
참가비: 참여하는 각 이벤트마다 2,000 골드 또는 보석 400개
참가 보상: 아레나 10종 경기 슬리브
형식: 이벤트 일정 참조
- BO1 매치: 7승 또는 3패할 때까지 플레이
- BO3 매치: 5승 또는 2패할 때까지 플레이
보상: 팩 보상은 MTG 아레나에서 이용 가능한 모든 세트 중에서 제공됩니다!
10종 경기 이벤트 BO1 참가 보상: 아레나 10종 경기 슬리브 | |
승 | 보상 |
7승 | 골드 3,000개 + 10종 경기 토큰 |
6승 | 팩 3개 |
5승 | 팩 2개 |
3–4승 | 팩 1개 |
0–2승 | 보상 없음 |
10종 경기 이벤트 BO3 참가 보상: 아레나 10종 경기 슬리브 | |
승 | 보상 |
5승 | 골드 3,000개 + 10종 경기 토큰 |
4승 | 팩 2개 |
3승 | 팩 1개 |
0–2승 | 보상 없음 |
10종 경기 이벤트 상품
아레나 10종 경기의 서로 다른 게임 모드들은 MTG 아레나에서 제공되고 있는 것들을 모은 것이며, 상품 팩도 이와 마찬가지입니다. 10종 경기 이벤트 기간 동안 상품으로 제공되는 팩들은 히스토릭과 스탠다드에서 유효한 세트들에서 제공되며, 신규 알케미: 이니스트라드 팩도 포함될 수 있습니다 (알케미 형식 및 알케미: 이니스트라드 팩에 대한 더 자세한 내용은 MTG 아레나 게임 현황 공지 – 알케미 기사)에서 확인해보세요:
- 알케미: 이니스트라드 팩 – 20%
- 스탠다드 세트 팩 – 40%
- 히스토릭 세트 팩 – 40%
아레나 10종 경기 결승전에 참여하는 방법
BO1 이벤트에서 7승을 달성하거나 BO3 이벤트에서 5승을 달성하면 해당 이벤트에 대한 위업을 기리는 10종 경기 토큰 한 개를 받게 됩니다. 서로 다른 이벤트들에서 10종 경기 토큰을 3개, 6개, 8개 모으게 되면 아레나 10종 경기 결승전에 참여할 수 있게 됩니다!
- 고유 10종 경기 토큰 3개를 획득하면 아레나 10종 경기 결승전 참가권 1개 획득
- 고유 10종 경기 토큰 6개를 획득하면 아레나 10종 경기 결승전 참가권 2개 획득
- 고유 10종 경기 토큰 8개를 획득하면 아레나 10종 경기 결승전 참가권 3개 획득
열 개 이벤트를 모두 휩쓰는 경우에는, 아레나 10종 경기 결승전 참가권을 세 개 획득할 뿐 아니라, 보너스로 2월 5~6일에 진행되는 예선전 주말의 참가권도 얻게 됩니다!
아레나 10종 경기 결승전을 위해 획득하는 각각의 10종 경기 토큰은 고유한 것이어야만 합니다. 같은 이벤트에서 토큰을 여러 개 얻는 경우에는 10종 경기 토큰 한 개로 계산되므로, 서로 다른 이벤트를 많이 플레이하세요!
이미 획득한 토큰들을 추적할 수 있으며, 데스크탑 클라이언트에서는 토큰 아이콘 위에 마우스를 가져가서, 모바일에서는 탭해서 확인 가능합니다.
모든 10종 경기 이벤트 열 개가 종료되고 나면, 아레나 10종 경기 결승전 참가권이 1월 7일 금요일에 제공되게 됩니다. 1월 8일 토요일까지 참가권을 받지 못하는 경우에는 고객 지원에 연락을 부탁드립니다.
아레나 10종 경기 결승전
당신은 MTG 아레나의 수많은 형식과 게임 모드들 중 일부에서 실력을 증명했고, 이를 통해 최소한 세 개 이상의 고유한 10종 경기 토큰을 수집했습니다. 이제는 1월 9일 일요일에 진행되는 아레나 10종 경기 결승전에서 진정한 실력을 시험할 때입니다!
아레나 10종 경기 결승전 이벤트 세부 내용
이벤트 시작: 2022년 1월 9일, 오전 1시(한국 시각)
등록 종료: 2022년 1월 10일, 오전 1시(한국 시각)
이벤트 종료: 2022년 1월 12일, 오전 4시(한국 시각)
참가: 아레나 10종 경기 결승전 참가 토큰
참가 보상: 아레나 10종 경기 결승 진출자 슬리브
형식: 전통 팬텀 아레나 큐브 (BO3) (아레나 큐브 카드 리스트를 확인하세요)
구조: 7승 또는 3패할 때까지 플레이
아레나 10종 경기 결승전 | |
승 | 보상 |
7승 |
6승 |
5승 |
4승 |
3승 |
2승 |
1승 |
0승 |
*세트가 출시되는 2022년 2월 12일에 지급. 카미가와: 네온 왕조 상품은 해당 세트의 각 카드가 한 장씩 포함되어 있으며, 계정당 한 세트로 제한됩니다.
아레나 10종 경기 결승전 슬리브
아레나 10종 경기 결승전 이벤트에서 얻을 수 있는 슬리브에는 두 종류가 있습니다. 이 이벤트에 참여하는 모든 플레이어는 아레나 10종 경기 결승 진출자 슬리브를 받게 됩니다.
이벤트에서 4승 이상을 달성하면 금메달 슬리브를 받게 됩니다!
언힌지드 기본 대지 5장
이 멋진 전면 삽화 언힌지드 기본 대지 다섯 장은 여러분의 마나 기반에 진정한 활기를 더해 줄 것입니다. 고참 플레이어들은 이 카드들을 2019년에 진행된 차원 휴가(Plane-cation) 행사에서 수집했을 수도 있으며, 이제 모두가 완전한 세트를 각자의 콜렉션에 추가할 수 있는 기회를 제공하기 위해 다시 돌아왔습니다!
정신 조각가, 제이스 아바타
정신 조각가, 제이스처럼 매직에 큰 영향을 준 카드는 얼마 되지 않으며, 아레나 10종 경기 결승전에서 뛰어난 성적을 거둔다면 여러분도 이 아바타를 자신의 것으로 만들 수 있습니다!
훈련을 시작하세요!
12월 18일에 아레나 10종 경기가 시작되며 최고만이 우승자의 단상에 설 자격을 얻게 되니, 주문을 발동하는 손가락을 풀고 게임에서 견뎌내는 힘을 기르세요!
아레나 10종 경기 이벤트 금지 목록
10종 경기 6: 히스토릭 장인 금지 목록
변치 않는 은혜 (Abiding Grace)가마솥 소환수 (Cauldron Familiar)불타는 관문 (Gates Ablaze)집요한 청구인 (Persistent Petitioners)여름의 장막 (Veil of Summer)황무지 개척 (Wilderness Reclamation)천공의 불꽃 (Zenith Flare)
10종 경기 7: 히스토릭 금지 목록
배반 공작 요원 (Agent of Treachery)브레인 스톰 (Brainstorm)변환 (Channel)주문 무효화 (Counterspell)어둠의 의식 (Dark Ritual)악마의 가르침 (Demonic Tutor)망자들의 벌판 (Field of the Dead)발명의 화염 (Fires of Invention)벼락 (Lightning Bolt)동족 (Natural Order)운명의 결합점 (Nexus of Fate)왕관 도둑, 오코 (Oko, Thief of Crowns)옛날 옛적에 (Once Upon a Time)칼을 쟁기로 (Swords to Plowshares)시간 여행자, 테페리 (Teferi, Time Raveler)타사의 예언자 (Thassa's Oracle)티볼트의 속임수 (Tibalt's Trickery)타임 워프 (Time Warp)자연의 분노의 거신, 우로 (Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath)여름의 장막 (Veil of Summer)황무지 개척 (Wilderness Reclamation)세력 규합자, 위노타 (Winota, Joiner of Forces)
10종 경기 9: 전통 스탠다드 금지 목록
창조의 원천, 옴나스 (Omnath, Locus of Creation)
아레나 10종 경기 요약
아레나 10종 경기는 10개의 이벤트로 구성되어 있습니다. 각각의 이벤트에 대한 세부 내용 및 해당되는 보상은 아래에 표시되어 있습니다. 이벤트(들)의 우승자는 토큰을 받게 됩니다. 모든 이벤트가 종료되고 난 후, 위저즈에서 각 플레이어가 획득한 고유한 토큰의 수를 계산해 아래의 보상을 제공합니다:
- 고유한 토큰 0~2개: 보상 없음
- 고유한 토큰 3~5개: 아레나 10종 경기 결승전 참가 토큰 1개
- 고유한 토큰 6~7개: 아레나 10종 경기 결승전 참가 토큰 2개
- 고유한 토큰 8~9개: 아레나 10종 경기 결승전 참가 토큰 3개
- 고유한 토큰 10개: 아레나 10종 경기 결승전 참가 토큰 3개 및 2022년 2월 5~6일에 진행되는 예선전 주말 이벤트 참가권
모든 참가자는 아래의 아레나 10종 경기 공식 이용 조건에 동의해야 합니다.
The Arena Decathlon Official Terms and Conditions
Last updated December 3, 2021
These Arena Decathlon Official Terms and Conditions (the “Decathlon Rules”) govern your participation in this organized play event for Magic: The Gathering (“MTG”) – Arena: The Arena Decathlon (the “Arena Decathlon”). By entering the Arena Decathlon, in addition to the Decathlon Rules, you agree to be bound by Wizards of the Coast LLC’s (“Wizards”) General Terms (“General Terms”), Wizards Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”), Wizards Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”), Magic: The Gathering – Arena Terms (“MTG Arena Terms”), Wizards Play Policy (“Play Policy”), and the decisions of Wizards (including interpretations of the Official Rules) and the judges (all policies, collectively, the “Official Rules”). In the event of a conflict among the Official Rules and the Decathlon Rules, the Decathlon Rules control.
We reserve the right to change, revise and modify the Official Rules and the Arena Decathlon. Your continued participation in the Arena Decathlon after such change, revision or modification constitutes your acceptance of the same. Please read the Official Rules carefully.
1. There is a fee (“Entry Fee”) of 2,000 gold or 400 gems to enter the Arena Decathlon in consideration of an opportunity to participate in Arena Decathlon and the opportunity to win a prize.
2. Participation Eligibility. Limit one entry per person. To participate in the Arena Decathlon you must be at least 18 years of age or of legal age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence, whichever is older, to participate. You must also have an active and valid Wizards account. You may only participate so long as your participation does not violate applicable local laws. You are responsible for complying with local laws and requirements. The Arena Decathlon is void where prohibited including the following regions and territories: Belarus, the Central African Republic, the Crimea region, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cuba, Eritrea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Myanmar (Burma), North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Syria. Employees of Wizards and their household members, if related, are not eligible. Individuals who have been disqualified from participating in events by Wizards are also not eligible.
3. Eligibility for Monetary Rewards. To receive a cash prize, in addition to a Wizards account, winners must have an active DCI Account and i-Payout Account. If a winner is eligible to receive a cash prize, Wizards will contact winner via the email associated with winner’s Wizards account to obtain the winner’s DCI Account and i-Payout Account information. A winner must check their email regularly after the Arena Decathlon ends to ensure that winner responds to the inquiry in a timely manner. If a winner does not respond within 90 days of prize notification, Wizards reserves the right to rescind the cash prize. If a winner is eligible to receive a cash prize and does not receive a prize email within 72 hours of completion of the Arena Decathlon, such winner should contact customer service. If a winner does not have a DCI Account and/or i-Payout Account, Wizards will assist winner in creating such accounts. Wizards reserves the right to withhold payment of monetary prizes if a winner fails to provide the necessary information or create the required accounts. All gem prizes will be deposited into winner’s player account. Prizes may not substituted, assigned or transferred or redeemed for cash (if not a cash prize) and are for personal use only, however Wizards reserves the right to the extent permitted by law, to substitute a prize (or portion thereof) with one of comparable or greater value. Use of gems is subject to all applicable Terms of Service. For the avoidance of doubt, Entry Fees will not contribute to the prize pool for any tournament.
4. Taxes. Prizes are void where prohibited or restricted. Local, state, federal or provincial taxes, including but not limited to, VAT or income tax associated with the receipt or use of any prize, are the sole responsibility of the winner. A winner will be required to provide certain payment information including tax information. Cash prizes are subject to income and tax withholding and will be reported on forms (a) 1099-MISC for US residents and 1042-S for non-US residents, and (b) any other relevant tax forms as may be required by applicable law. Unless Wizards is required by winner’s jurisdiction of residence to withhold and pay the income tax withholding amount levied against the applicable prize awarded, the winner in whose name the prize is awarded will be responsible for all taxes (income and withholding) associated with acceptance and use of the prize. Such individual should be sure to obtain the services of a tax consultant. Wizards will have no obligation whatsoever for any related taxes or social contributions that may be payable in connection with a prize if it is not required for Wizards to withhold as stated above.
For Slovenia Residents Only: If the amount of the cash prize or the value of the prize exceeds 42 EUR, prizes are subject to personal income tax. Winners are required to file a tax return with the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia in fifteen (15) days after receiving the prize.
5. Prize Acceptance. Potential prize winners may be required to execute and return a Declaration of Eligibility, Liability and, unless prohibited, Publicity Release. If a potential prize winner does not return all required documentation within the time period stated, or if a prize notification or prize is returned as undeliverable, or such potential prize winner is not in compliance with these Decathlon Rules, the prize will be forfeited.
6. Player Conduct and Game Play.
- Players must be in good standing with respect to any Wizards and/or MTG accounts registered by said player, with no undisclosed violations or player is not eligible. Players must also be free of or served fully any penalties from previously breaking any official MTG rules or player is not eligible.
- If, at any time during the Arena Decathlon, a player becomes ineligible, Wizards can disqualify such player from further play. In such an event, the Entry Free will not be refunded.
- Player can choose to discontinue participation in the Arena Decathlon at any time without penalty; however, the Entry Fee will not be refunded.
- Wizards reserves the right to substitute any ineligible or withdrawn player with an invitation to the next eligible player as described above.
- Players are responsible for understanding the rules of the game. Unless otherwise specified by Wizards, all normal rules of game play will apply. A comprehensive gameplay overview and rules for Magic: The Gathering is available at
- Players must conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner. Players who engage in unsportsmanlike, disruptive, annoying, toxic, harassing or threatening conduct or violate any rule, gain unfair advantage in participating in any tournament, or attempt to obtain winner status using fraudulent means, including, without limitation, cheating, hacking, deception, or other unfair practices may be disqualified.
- Players must abide by all rules and regulations of the applicable tournament (incorporated herein by reference) and must comply with all requests and directions of Wizards.
- Wizards reserves the right to disqualify any player from participation including, but not limited to, situations where the player violates these Official Rules or provisions of applicable laws.
- Winning status is subject to verification including any suspected errors or anomalies in the game that may have affected the displayed results.
- Players must have access to the Internet and a valid Wizards Account with a verified e-mail address. Players are responsible for ensuring they have each and may be deemed ineligible if they fail to meet these requirements. IMPORTANT: If you participate via your wireless phone, message and data rates may apply. Please consult your wireless-service provider regarding its message and data pricing plans.
- All decisions of Wizards are final in all matters relating to game integrity, including player conduct and rule interpretation, for the Arena Decathlon.
- One player participant per account.
7. Guest Accounts. Players may not compete using guest accounts. All participants must have a unique and valid Wizards Account. Accounts can be created at
8. Observers. In-game observers are not allowed except for Wizards administrators and their designees.
9. Bugs and Glitches/Game Play stoppage. In the event of a bug or glitch that affects game play, the full game should be played out unless otherwise decided by Wizards administrators. Wizards may, in its discretion, pause game play at any time and for any reason related (but not limited) to preserving the integrity, fairness, accessibility, technical feasibility, and timeliness of the game. In the event of a stoppage of play, players will be notified and must remain at their devices and may not communicate with other players until game play is resumed. Wizards administrators may order game play restarted due to exceptional circumstances, such as if a bug affects a player’s ability to play or the game play is disrupted by a Force Majeure. Wizards reserves the right to add, remove, modify, reschedule, and/or delete any tournament for any reason, including without limitation, if in its sole judgment, that tournament's integrity has been compromised by an unforeseen technical issue and/or error in that tournament's administration. In case of removal, deletion, cancelation or termination of the Arena Decathlon, the Entry fee for the Arena Decathlon will be refunded.
10. Termination; Disqualifications. Wizards reserves the right to modify, revise, cancel or terminate the Arena Decathlon or any portion thereof at its sole discretion and without liability to you. Further, Wizards, at its sole discretion, may disqualify you for violations of the Code of Conduct including, without limitation, any attempt to hack or otherwise modify the MTG Arena client, unsportsmanlike behavior, collusion, cheating, or toxic behavior.
11. Limitation of Liability. With the exception of residents of Germany, Hungary and Austria, by participating player agrees to release, discharge, hold harmless and indemnify Wizards, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and advertising and promotion agencies and all of their respective officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents and representatives of the forgoing (collectively, “Wizards Entities”) from any and all liability, losses and damages of any kind (including, without limitation, arising from claims based upon copyright infringement, trademark infringement, invasion of privacy, defamation, or right of publicity) to persons or property resulting, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from player’s participation in the Arena Decathlon and/or the acceptance or use of any prize. Wizards Entities are not responsible for any unanticipated technical failure, hardware or software malfunctions, lost or unavailable network connections, failures or difficulties; or for any other errors of any kind, whether human, mechanical, or electronic; or for the incorrect or inaccurate capture of game scores or other information, or the failure to capture any such information.
Nothing herein excludes or limits the Wizards Entities’ warranties and liability: (i) for death or personal injury caused by the Wizards Entities; (ii) in case of Wizards Entities’ negligence or willful misconduct; (iii) for any other liability or warranty that, by law, may not be limited or excluded by the Wizards Entities.
12. Warning for Photosensitivity, Epilepsy, or Seizures. Photosensitivity, epilepsy or seizures could be associated with game play.
13. Publicity Grant. Except where prohibited by law, participating in the Arena Decathlon means that the player is deemed to have given consent for the Wizards Entities and their respective designees to use, publish, and display the name, voice, photograph, and other likeness and/or any biographical information the player may provide, footage of player’s Arena Decathlon play (including, but not limited to, a player’s deck), and/or any statement the player may make concerning MTG, the Arena Decathlon or any prize won and/ or screen shots or footage of Arena Decathlon play (collectively, “Player Information”), on Wizard’s websites, in any social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter) or platforms (e.g., YouTube, Twitch), e-banners and promotional emails, worldwide for up to three (3) years following the conclusion of the Arena Decathlon, for commercial, promotion, advertising, marketing and other purposes, without notification, review, approval or compensation. and in consideration of possibility to participate in the Arena Decathlon, no royalty is due to the Player.
14. Force Majeure: If for any reason the Arena Decathlon is not capable of running as planned, then Wizards reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Arena Decathlon. Notice for any such change, termination, modification or suspension will be posted on publicly and players shall be notified. Wizards Entities shall not be liable to the winner or any other person for failure to supply a prize or any part thereof by reason of any act of God, any action, regulation, order or request by any governmental or quasi-governmental entity, equipment failure, terrorist acts, earthquake, war, fire, flood, explosion, pandemic, epidemic, severe weather, hurricane, embargo, labor dispute or strike, labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slow-down, civil disturbance, insurrection, riot or any similar or dissimilar event beyond their reasonable control. In case of removal, deletion, cancelation or termination of the Arena Decathlon, the Entry fee for the Arena Decathlon will be refunded.
15. Choice of Law. To the extent permitted by law, any and all legal actions or claims arising in connection with the Arena Decathlon must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in King County, Washington, U.S.A. To the extent permitted by law, Washington law, without reference to Washington choice of law rules, governs the Arena Decathlon and all aspects related thereto.
EU Residents Only: In the event this Choice of Law provision is unenforceable in an EU player’s jurisdiction, that jurisdiction’s laws and courts shall govern. EU Residents have the right to submit any dispute before an alternative dispute resolution body or mediation set up by their country. A list of the online dispute resolution bodies (“ODR”) for consumers can be found at
Except where prohibited, each player agrees that: (1) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with the Arena Decathlon or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (2) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, and in no event will a player be entitled to obtain attorneys' fees or other legal costs; (3) no punitive, incidental, special, consequential or other damages, including without limitation lost profits may be awarded (collectively, "Special Damages"); and (4) player hereby waives all rights to claim Special Damages and all rights to have such damages multiplied or increased.
16. General Conditions. The Arena Decathlon is subject to all applicable federal, provincial, state and local laws. These Official Rules may be translated into other languages. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between any translated version of these Official Rules and the English version of these rules, the English version shall prevail, govern and control. Except official tournament invitations by Wizards, entry into the Arena Decathlon does not constitute entry into any other tournament, competition, contest or sweepstakes conducted by Wizards.
17. Questions/Concerns. If you have any questions or concerns about the Arena Decathlon or actions of player, please contact Wizards at
18. Tournament Structure.
As part of your entry for any one of the 10 Events, you will receive the Arena Decathlete (“Entry Reward”). While you may participate in the Arena Decathlon multiple times, the Entry Reward is limited to one per account.
Entry is 2,000 gold or 400 gems per Event, except the Arena Decathlon Finals, which requires ten (10) Wizards-verified tokens.
Prizes depend on whether the Event is Best-of-One or Best-of-Three.
Best-of-One Events:
The Best-of-One entry is valid until 7 wins or 3 losses, whichever comes first.
Best of One Rewards:
- 0-2 wins: Nothing
- 3 wins: 1 pack
- 4 wins: 1 pack
- 5 wins: 2 packs
- 6 wins: 3 packs
- 7 wins: 3,000 gold and a token specific to the Event in which you won (example: 7 wins in the Decathlon 1: Alchemy Event would result in a token for Decathlon 1.)
Best-of-Three Events:
The Best-of-Three entry is valid until 5 wins or 2 losses, whichever comes first.
Best-of-Three Rewards:
- 0-2 wins: No rewards
- 3 wins: 1 pack
- 4 wins: 2 packs
- 5 wins: 3000 gold and a token specific to the Event in which you won (example: 5 wins in the Decathlon 3: Traditional Draft Event would result in a token for Decathlon 3.)
For all Events, the packs given out as rewards are selected randomly at the time of reward receipt:
- 20% chance for an Alchemy: Innistrad pack
- 40% chance for a pack from a random Standard set
- 40% chance for a pack from a random Historic set
Entry into the Arena Decathlon Finals required a minimum of three (3) unique tokens acquired through winning prior Arena Decathlon Events. After all 10 Events are complete, Wizards will count the unique tokens acquired by each participant and provide the following rewards:
- 0-2 unique tokens: Nothing
- 3-5 unique tokens: 1 entry token to the Arena Decathlon Finals
- 6-7 unique tokens: 2 entry tokens to the Arena Decathlon Finals
- 8-9 unique tokens: 3 entry tokens to the Arena Decathlon Finals
- 10 unique tokens: 3 entry tokens to the Arena Decathlon Finals and entry into the February Qualifier Weekend event (date of the Qualifier Weekend TBD)
The Arena Decathlon Finals has separate rewards described below under Specific Event Information and Dates, “ARENA DECATHLON FINALS.”
Specific Event Information and Dates:
Arena Decathlon Events (each an “Event”, collectively comprising the Arena Decathlon)
Decathlon 1: Alchemy
Format: Best-of-One Alchemy
Start: December 18, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: December 21, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. Pacific on December 21, 2021)
Decathlon 2: Phantom Sealed
Format: Best-of-One mixed Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and Innistrad: Crimson Vow Phantom Sealed
Start: December 18, 2021, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: December 21, 2021, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. Pacific on December 21, 2021)
Decathlon 3: Traditional Phantom Draft
Format: Best-of-Three Innistrad: Crimson Vow player draft
Start: December 21, 2021, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: December 24, 2021, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. Pacific December 24, 2021)
Decathlon 4: New Player Decks
Format: Best-of-One preconstructed decks
Start: December 21, 2021, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: December 24, 2021, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. Pacific December 24, 2021)
Decathlon 5: Phantom Bot Draft
Format: Best-of-One Zendikar Rising Phantom Bot Draft
Start: December 24, 2021, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: December 27, 2021, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. Pacific December 27, 2021)
Decathlon 6: Historic Artisan
Format: Best-of-One Historic Artisan
Start: December 24, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: December 27, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. Pacific on December 27, 2021)
Decathlon 7: Historic
Format: Best-of-One Historic
Start: December 27, 2021, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: December 30, 2021, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. Pacific December 30, 2021)
Decathlon 8: Singleton
Format: Best-of-One Singleton
Start: December 27, 2021, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: December 30, 2021, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. Pacific December 30, 2021)
Decathlon 9: Traditional Standard
Format: Best-of-Three Traditional Standard
Start: December 30, 2021, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: January 2, 2022, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. January 2, 2022)
Decathlon 10: Phantom Turbo Draft
Format: Best-of-One Strixhaven: School of Mages Phantom Bot Draft with Turbo Draft Emblem
Start: December 30, 2021, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: January 2, 2022, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. January 2, 2022)
Format: Best-of-Three Traditional Arena Cube Draft, play to 7 wins or 3 losses (whichever comes first)
Start: January 8, 2022, 8 a.m. Pacific
End: January 9, 2022, 11 a.m. Pacific (entries close at 8 a.m. on January 9, .2022)
The only way to enter the Arena Decathlon Finals is to have three unique tokens won via the ten Arena Decathlon Events and verified by Wizards.
Entry into the Arena Decathlon Finals comes with an additional entry reward of the Arena Decathlon Finals sleeve.
Arena Decathlon Finals Rewards:
- 0 wins: No rewards
- 1 win: Four (4) rare wildcards
- 2 wins: Five (5) basic lands from the Unhinged set, plus all previous rewards
- 3 wins: Three (3) Player Draft tokens, plus all previous rewards received for less than three wins
- 4 wins: Arena Decathlon Gold Medal sleeve, plus all previous rewards for less than four wins
- 5 wins: Four (4) mythic rare wildcards, plus all previous rewards for less than five wins
- 6 wins: Jace, the Mind Sculptor avatar, plus all previous rewards for less than six wins
- 7 wins: One (1) copy of every card from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty set added to your MTG Arena account when the set is released on MTG Arena, plus all previous rewards for less than 7 wins. This prize is limited to 1 per account. Even if you have multiple entry tokens and earn 7 wins multiple times, you will only receive 1 copy of each card when the set is released.