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Preorder Duskmourn: House of Horror

In this plane-enveloping House, evil manifests Nightmares and Glitch Ghosts, sends Razorkin into a frenzy, and turns toys and shadows lethal. Come play with us, if you dare, at your local game store beginning September 27.

WeeklyMTG | Duskmourn: House of Horror Previews

Join Blake Rasmussen, Jadine Klomparens, and Emily Teng as they showcase a haunted mansion's worth of new cards and delve into the intricacies of  Duskmourn: House of Horror 's Draft Archetypes. 

Secret Lair x Dungeons & Dragons ® 50th Anniversary Superdrop

The  Secret Lair  team has put together a timeless Superdrop that features cards and art inspired by five iconic decades of dungeon delving.
Secret Lair x Dungeons & Dragons ® 50th Anniversary Superdrop

The Week That Was: An All-New, All-Different Modern

Following monumental bannings, Modern players have been experimenting with what decks might emerge.

Exploring the Depths of Horror: Interview with Artist Masahiro Ito

How did a legendary artist bring the terror of  Duskmourn: House of Horror  to life?

Where to Find Duskmourn: House of Horror Previews

Discover all the exciting and terrifying previews that arrive with Duskmourn: House of Horror!

Wizards of the Coast
Where to Find Duskmourn: House of Horror Previews

Metagame Mentor: A Newly Energized Modern Format

With Nadu and Grief gone, Modern has become an electric format filled with all sorts of decks.

Where and How to Play Duskmourn: House of Horror

Face your greatest fears and claim Magic glory and promo cards at Duskmourn: House of Horror events!

Wizards of the Coast
Where and How to Play Duskmourn: House of Horror

Duskmourn: House of Horror Mechanics

Dare to delve into Duskmourn with mechanics both new and old. Stay sharp, stay prepared, and you just might make it out alive.

Matt Tabak
Duskmourn: House of Horror Mechanics

Festival in a Box: Las Vegas 2024

Mystery Booster 2 , MagicCon promos, Collector boosters and a Secret Lair Drop —everything you need to celebrate MagicCon at home. Sign up to be notified when the sale begins August 19 at 9 a.m. PT at!

MagicCon: Las Vegas Badges On-Sale Now!

Badges for our final MagicCon of 2024 are on sale now! Join us in Las Vegas, October 25–27, for a weekend packed with play, panels,  Magic  World Championship 30 and more.

Can You Survive the 13 Days of Duskmourn?

매직 스토리

Duskmourn: House of Horror | Episode 6: Don't Die

Valgavoth offers eternal blessings for his faithful, and eternal torment to those who oppose him. The House consumes all and is all.

Mira Grant
Duskmourn: House of Horror | Episode 6: Don't Die
매직 스토리

Duskmourn: House of Horror | Episode 5: Don't Give In

As the walls of the House shift, so do the allegiances holding the survivors together.

Mira Grant
Duskmourn: House of Horror | Episode 5: Don't Give In
매직 스토리

Duskmourn: House of Horror | Episode 4: Don't Give Up

As the rescue team learns more about Duskmourn, the House learns more about them and what they truly fear.

Mira Grant
Duskmourn: House of Horror | Episode 4: Don't Give Up
매직 스토리

Duskmourn: House of Horror | Episode 3: Don't Look Back

With the team divided and the horrors of the House closing in, the rescuers must face their fears head-on.

Mira Grant
Duskmourn: House of Horror | Episode 3: Don't Look Back

최신 기사

팟캐스트 & 기타

  • 동영상

    WeeklyMTG | Banned & Restricted Discussion

  • 동영상

    WeeklyMTG | Announcing the Magic Spotlight Series

  • Podcast

    Magic: The Gathering Drive to Work Podcast with Mark Rosewater

  • Podcast

    The Magic Story Podcast

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