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Daily MTG

Preorder Aetherdrift

Leave your competition in the dust! Get behind the wheel in Aetherdrift, a multiversal race filled with adrenaline-fueled Magic gameplay across three planes—available February 14 at your local game.

WeeklyMTG | Aetherdrift Special Guests and More

Join Blake Rasmussen, Jadine Klomparens, and Zakeel Gordon as they preview more cards from the upcoming set release  Aetherdrift  and showcase the rest of the  Special Guests  cards. 

Festival in a Box: Chicago 2025 Arrives February 3!

With a brand-new  Secret Lair  drop, promo cards, and an entire box of  Mystery Booster 2 , Festival in a Box is everything  Magic  players love about  Magic .
Festival in a Box: Chicago 2025 Arrives February 3!
Making Magic

Aetherdrift Vision Design Handoff, Part 1

We're cruising through Aetherdrift's vision design with a look at the set in its earliest iteration.

Mark Rosewater
Aetherdrift Vision Design Handoff, Part 1
MTG Arena

Introducing Achievements on MTG Arena

Learn more about achievements and titles coming to MTG Arena on February 11.

Grant Reid
Introducing Achievements on MTG Arena

Leitfaden für dein erstes Prerelease mit Ätherdrift

Du hast von den Besten gelernt, jetzt ist es an der Zeit, bei den Ätherdrift Prerelease-Events deines Stores zu den Besten zu gehören!

Jubilee Finnegan
Leitfaden für dein erstes Prerelease mit Ätherdrift

Aetherdrift Release Notes

The Release Notes include info about the release of a new set, as well as clarifications and rulings involving that set's cards.

Jess Dunks
Aetherdrift Release Notes

Earn Sssweet Year of the Snake Promos at Your Local Game Store

Ready to celebrate the Lunar New Year? Earn reptilian rewards at your local game store starting in February!

Wizards of the Coast
Earn Sssweet Year of the Snake Promos at Your Local Game Store

Die Spielsteine von Ätherdrift

Lass die Reifen quietschen und rase mit den zahlreichen Spielsteinkarten von Ätherdrift zu deinem nächsten Spieleabend!

Jubilee Finnegan
Die Spielsteine von Ätherdrift


Als wahre Kunstform verdient Rennsport eine Würdigung durch die Artwork-Karten von Ätherdrift.

Jubilee Finnegan


Bändige mystische Energie und führe mit den Commander-Decks von Ätherdrift eine Zombiearmee an.

Jubilee Finnegan

Aetherdrift Card Image Gallery

The card image gallery is updated with the latest cards every day following previews.  Aetherdrift  releases worldwide February 14, 2025.

Wo und wie du Ätherdrift spielen kannst

Lerne die Fahrtheorie – die vielen Mechaniken in Ätherdrift – und schau, ob du das Zeug hast, die Ziellinie zuerst zu überqueren.

Wizards of the Coast
Wo und wie du Ätherdrift spielen kannst

Sammeln von Ätherdrift: die vier wichtigsten Dinge, die du wissen musst

Ganz gleich, ob du auf der Suche nach deinem neusten Commander oder einem neuen Prunkstück für deine Sammlung bist, in Ätherdrift findest du etwas, das des ersten Platzes würdig ist.

Jubilee Finnegan
Max McCall
Sammeln von Ätherdrift: die vier wichtigsten Dinge, die du wissen musst

Mechaniken von Ätherdrift

Apprenez à conduire avec toutes les mécaniques d'Aetherdrift et voyez si vous vous sentez capable de franchir la ligne d'arrivée en premier.

Matt Tabak
Mechaniken von Ätherdrift

Explore More From Aetherdrift

Magic Story

Aetherdrift | Episode 6: The Bloodless Revolution

A showdown at the finish line, a sprint for victory, a fiery attack on the city—it's the end of the Ghirapur Grand Prix, and everyone's going full throttle.

K. Arsenault Rivera
Aetherdrift | Episode 6: The Bloodless Revolution
Magic Story

Aetherdrift | Episode 5: First Over the Line

Sita and Winter race through Ghirapur, only to be stopped short of the finish line. Meanwhile, in a remote desert oasis, the sun sets on Chandra and company.

K. Arsenault Rivera
Aetherdrift | Episode 5: First Over the Line
Side Stories

Aetherdrift | Like No Other Beast

A strange beast from another world threatens the plane of Muraganda. Mighty Khrad meets its challenge with blade in hand.

Zachary Olson
Aetherdrift | Like No Other Beast
Magic Story

Aetherdrift | Episode 4: Little-Guy Shortcuts

Muragandan locals rudely interrupt the Grand Prix. With Loot in danger, Chandra must decide what's more important: winning the race or helping the little guy.

K. Arsenault Rivera
Aetherdrift | Episode 4: Little-Guy Shortcuts

Neueste Artikel

Podcast und mehr

  • Video

    WeeklyMTG | Aetherdrift Debut

  • Video

    WeeklyMTG | Opening Innistrad Remastered

  • Video

    The Magic Story Podcast | Racing into Aetherdrift

  • Podcast

    Magic: The Gathering Drive to Work Podcast with Mark Rosewater

  • Podcast

    The Magic Story Podcast