Magic: The Gathering
Erscheint 2025
Secret Lair ist hier, um alles zu feiern, was wir an Magic lieben (plus einige epische Zusammenarbeiten)! Hier findest du Karten mit witzigen und ausgefallenen Illustrationen, neue Künstler und Stile, die du nie erwartet hättest. Aber handle schnell! Jeder Drop ist nur für begrenzte Zeit verfügbar. Drop verpasst, Drop weg!
Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Episode 5: Recursion
Narset and Elspeth venture into the dragonstorms and find a new mystery within them.

Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Mardu: Where Lightning Tells Our Story
For years, Paala has dreamed about claiming her place as a warrior of the Mardu by the Lightning Proving—a dangerous trial conducted in the middle of a dragonstorm. But it's not just thunder and lightning that Paala must be cautious of in this test …

MTG Arena Announcements – March 10, 2025
Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Episode 4: Heart of Fire
Sarkhan and Taigam's scheming comes to a dark fruition. Elspeth and Narset experience hospitality, against their wishes.

Khans of Tarkir Design Handoff, Part 2
Mark returns to finish this trip through time, rounding out Khans of Tarkir's design handoff document.

Tarkir: Dragonstorm | Sultai: Betrayal
Now that the Sultai have defeated Silumgar and his brood, Nishang—once a renowned warrior—has found himself on the losing side. At his very lowest, a chance encounter offers him the opportunity to take revenge on his foes …

Spiele kostenlos! MTG Arena ist ein digitales Sammelkartenspiel für Desktops und Mobilgeräte. Melde dich an, und du findest 3 kostenlose Boosterpackungen in deinem Posteingang im Spiel!
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