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Darigaaz, Shivan Champion's spellbook includes the following cards:
Shivan Dragon Moonveil Regent Terror of the Peaks Leyline Tyrant Immersturm Predator Manaform Hellkite Bone Dragon Demanding Dragon Skarrgan Hellkite Thunderbreak Regent Black Dragon Skyship Stalker Red Dragon
Goblin Influx Array's spellbook includes the following cards:
Goblin Warchief Goblin Chieftain Skirk Prospector Brash Taunter Wily Goblin Goblin Trashmaster Ember Hauler Relic Robber Fanatical Firebrand Goblin Arsonist Reckless Ringleader Battle Cry Goblin Beetleback Chief Goblin Instigator Legion Warboss
Oracle of the Alpha's spellbook includes the following cards:
Ancestral Recall Time Walk Timetwister Black Lotus Mox Emerald Mox Jet Mox Pearl Mox Ruby Mox Sapphire
Protean War Engine's spellbook includes the following cards:
Serra Angel Resplendent Angel Steel-Plume Marshal Duelcraft Trainer Falconer Adept Seraph of Dawn Star-Crowned Stag Benalish Marshal Serra Paragon Blade Historian Captivating Crew Manaform Hellkite Moonveil Regent Skyship Stalker Ogre Battledriver
Skywriter Djinn's spellbook includes the following cards:
See the Truth Teferi's Time Twist Flood of Recollection Keep Safe Hard Evidence Ghostform Startle Hampering Snare Stifle Contentious Plan Majestic Metamorphosis Befuddle Bury in Books Choking Tethers Suit Up
Slimefoot, Thallid Transplant's spellbook includes the following cards: