Cube Draft. Chaos Draft. Необычный драфт. Драфт с картами, о которых я не договариваю.
Любой из нас, наверное, когда-нибудь играл в драфт странного и необычного формата. Это может быть шуточная или предельно серьезная игра, но в любом случае она безумно увлекательна. Драфты, в которых может произойти все, что угодно, — это, наверное, лучшее, что могут испытать игроки в Magic.
А теперь — о выпуске Mystery Booster.

Mystery Booster появился под влиянием всевозможных нестандартных форматов для драфта: это и Chaos, и Cube, и многие другие. По сути, это набор для Chaos draft, но в «официальной» упаковке. Правда, есть некоторые тонкости.
Если вы были на MagicFest в Ричмонде, то, наверное, видели, как некоторые уже играли в этот удивительный и странный формат. Он действительно весьма необычный. Уверен, вы хотите узнать о нем больше. Давайте разберемся.
Вы пропустили MagicFest в Ричмонде? Мы запустим трансляцию, посвященную выпуску Mystery Booster, в этот четверг в 14:00 РТ (01:00 в пятницу МСК) на канале Weekly MTG в Там соберутся хорошо знакомые вам люди из Wizards of the Coast! Мы будем рассказывать о новых картах и отвечать на все ваши вопросы в чате.
Набор содержит огромное количество репринтов (1694 карты) из всех выпусков за всю историю игры (ниже приводится полный список карт), а еще — сюрприз! — 121 новую карту. Даже собрав драфт на восемь участников, вы не увидите одну и ту же карту дважды.
Ну а чтобы добавить таинственности нашему таинственному выпуску Mystery Booster, мы подготовили две его версии: выставочное издание (Convention Edition), которое будет доступно на мероприятиях MagicFests и различных конвентах, в том числе PAX Unplugged в Филадельфии 6–8 декабря, а также версию WPN, которая увидит свет 13 марта 2020 года.
В каждом бустере выставочного издания Mystery Booster вы найдете пятнадцать карт: четырнадцать из огромного основного выпуска и одну совершенно новую карту-сюрприз. Мы называем такие карты «тестовыми картами отдела Р&Д». Это очень необычные карты, не похожие ни на какие другие, и вы можете увидеть их все в Галерее карт.
Версия WPN также будет содержать пятнадцать карт: четырнадцать из основного выпуска и одну из новых карт в фольге, которых будет всего 121. Фольгированные карты будут отличными от основного выпуска (да, они не входят в те 1694), что добавит драфту увлекательности. Кроме того, говорят, что кроме фольги, на этих картах есть и еще кое-что необычное. Но — тс-с-с! Я вам ничего не рассказывал. (Список фольгированных карт появится чуть ближе ко дню выхода, 13 марта.)
На всех картах, входящих в Mystery Booster, будут особый символ и номер. Но есть и отличие — маленький символ Planeswalker-а в левом нижнем углу. Как, например, здесь:

Mystery Booster — выпуск, каких еще не было за всю историю игры, и мы надеемся, что он подарит вам массу интересных впечатлений, веселья и… немного таинственности. Для тех, кто хочет больше узнать об этом выпуске, позже на этой неделе выйдет статья Гэвина Вэрхи о том, как создавался Mystery Booster.
Следите за расписанием MagicFest и других мероприятий, чтобы не пропустить появление выпуска Mystery Booster рядом с вами!
(Внимание! Перечисленные ниже версии карт могут не совпадать с теми, которые войдут в Mystery Booster.)
Название карты |
Absorb Vis |
Abundant Growth |
Abzan Charm |
Abzan Falconer |
Abzan Guide |
Abzan Runemark |
Academy Journeymage |
Accursed Spirit |
Acidic Slime |
Acrobatic Maneuver |
Act of Treason |
Act on Impulse |
Adanto Vanguard |
Adorned Pouncer |
Adventurous Impulse |
Aerie Bowmasters |
Aether Hub |
Aether Spellbomb |
Aether Tradewinds |
Aetherflux Reservoir |
Aethersnipe |
Affa Protector |
Affectionate Indrik |
Aggressive Instinct |
Aggressive Urge |
Agony Warp |
Ahn-Crop Crasher |
Aid the Fallen |
Ainok Bond-Kin |
Ainok Survivalist |
Ainok Tracker |
Ajani's Pridemate |
Akoum Refuge |
Akroan Hoplite |
Akroan Horse |
Akroan Sergeant |
Alchemist's Greeting |
Alchemist's Vial |
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death |
Alesha's Vanguard |
Alhammarret's Archive |
All Is Dust |
Alley Evasion |
Alley Strangler |
Alloy Myr |
Alpine Grizzly |
Altar's Reap |
Amass the Components |
Ambassador Oak |
Ambitious Aetherborn |
Aminatou's Augury |
Amphin Pathmage |
Ana Sanctuary |
Ancestral Mask |
Ancestral Vengeance |
Ancient Brontodon |
Ancient Den |
Ancient Grudge |
Ancient Stirrings |
Ancient Ziggurat |
Angel of Mercy |
Angel of Renewal |
Angel of the Dire Hour |
Angelic Destiny |
Angelic Gift |
Angelic Purge |
Angelsong |
Anger |
Anger of the Gods |
Animar, Soul of Elements |
Animate Dead |
Annihilate |
Anticipate |
Apostle's Blessing |
Approach of the Second Sun |
Arachnus Web |
Arbor Armament |
Arbor Elf |
Arc Trail |
Arcane Denial |
Arcane Sanctum |
Arch of Orazca |
Archaeomancer |
Archangel |
Archetype of Imagination |
Armadillo Cloak |
Armament Corps |
Armillary Sphere |
Arrest |
Arrester's Zeal |
Arrow Storm |
Artful Maneuver |
Artificer's Assistant |
Artisan of Kozilek |
Asceticism |
Ash Barrens |
Ashnod's Altar |
Assemble the Legion |
Atarka Efreet |
Athreos, God of Passage |
Augur of Bolas |
Augury Owl |
Aura Gnarlid |
Aura of Silence |
Aura Shards |
Avacyn's Pilgrim |
Avalanche Riders |
Avarax |
Aven Battle Priest |
Aven Sentry |
Azorius Charm |
Azra Bladeseeker |
Azra Oddsmaker |
Backwoods Survivalists |
Bala Ged Scorpion |
Balduvian Horde |
Baleful Ammit |
Baleful Strix |
Ballynock Cohort |
Baloth Gorger |
Baloth Null |
Balustrade Spy |
Barging Sergeant |
Barrage of Boulders |
Bartered Cow |
Bartizan Bats |
Basilisk Collar |
Basking Rootwalla |
Bastion Inventor |
Battle Mastery |
Battle Rampart |
Battle-Rattle Shaman |
Beacon of Immortality |
Bear Cub |
Bear's Companion |
Beast Within |
Beastbreaker of Bala Ged |
Beastmaster Ascension |
Become Immense |
Beetleback Chief |
Befuddle |
Belbe's Portal |
Belligerent Brontodon |
Bellows Lizard |
Beneath the Sands |
Benevolent Ancestor |
Benthic Giant |
Benthic Infiltrator |
Bestial Menace |
Bewilder |
Birds of Paradise |
Bitter Revelation |
Bitterblade Warrior |
Bitterbow Sharpshooters |
Bituminous Blast |
Black Cat |
Black Knight |
Black Market |
Blade Instructor |
Bladebrand |
Blades of Velis Vel |
Bladewing the Risen |
Blanchwood Armor |
Blasted Landscape |
Blastfire Bolt |
Blastoderm |
Blazing Volley |
Blessed Spirits |
Blessing of Belzenlok |
Blighted Bat |
Blighted Fen |
Blightning |
Blightsoil Druid |
Blindblast |
Blinding Souleater |
Blistergrub |
Blood Artist |
Blood Ogre |
Bloodbraid Elf |
Bloodfire Expert |
Bloodlust Inciter |
Bloodmad Vampire |
Bloodrite Invoker |
Bloodstone Goblin |
Bloom Tender |
Blossom Dryad |
Blossoming Sands |
Blow Your House Down |
Blue Elemental Blast |
Blur of Blades |
Boggart Brute |
Boiling Earth |
Bojuka Bog |
Bomat Bazaar Barge |
Bombard |
Bomber Corps |
Bonds of Faith |
Bone Saw |
Bone Splinters |
Bonesplitter |
Boompile |
Boon of Emrakul |
Borderland Explorer |
Borderland Ranger |
Boros Challenger |
Boros Reckoner |
Borrowed Grace |
Borrowed Hostility |
Borrowing 100,000 Arrows |
Bottle Gnomes |
Boulder Salvo |
Bounding Krasis |
Bow of Nylea |
Brainstorm |
Brazen Buccaneers |
Brazen Wolves |
Breaker of Armies |
Breeding Pit |
Briarhorn |
Brilliant Spectrum |
Brimstone Dragon |
Brimstone Mage |
Brine Elemental |
Bring Low |
Bristling Boar |
Broken Bond |
Broodhunter Wurm |
Browbeat |
Brute Strength |
Built to Last |
Built to Smash |
Bulwark Giant |
Burnished Hart |
Burst Lightning |
Butcher's Glee |
Byway Courier |
Cabal Therapy |
Cackling Imp |
Cadaver Imp |
Caged Sun |
Cairn Wanderer |
Calculated Dismissal |
Caligo Skin-Witch |
Call of the Nightwing |
Call the Scions |
Call to Heel |
Caller of Gales |
Campaign of Vengeance |
Cancel |
Candlelight Vigil |
Canopy Spider |
Canyon Lurkers |
Capture Sphere |
Caravan Escort |
Carnivorous Moss-Beast |
Carpet of Flowers |
Carrion Feeder |
Carrion Imp |
Cartouche of Knowledge |
Cartouche of Solidarity |
Cartouche of Zeal |
Cast Out |
Castaway's Despair |
Catacomb Crocodile |
Catacomb Slug |
Catalog |
Cathar's Companion |
Cathartic Reunion |
Cathodion |
Caught in the Brights |
Cauldron Dance |
Cauldron of Souls |
Caustic Caterpillar |
Caustic Tar |
Celestial Crusader |
Celestial Flare |
Centaur Courser |
Centaur Glade |
Center Soul |
Certain Death |
Champion of Arashin |
Champion of the Parish |
Chancellor of the Annex |
Chandra's Pyrohelix |
Chandra's Revolution |
Chaos Warp |
Charge |
Charging Monstrosaur |
Charging Rhino |
Chart a Course |
Chartooth Cougar |
Chasm Skulker |
Chatter of the Squirrel |
Child of Night |
Chillbringer |
Choking Tethers |
Chromatic Lantern |
Chromatic Star |
Chronostutter |
Cinder Hellion |
Circular Logic |
Citadel Castellan |
Citanul Woodreaders |
Citywatch Sphinx |
Claim // Fame |
Claustrophobia |
Cleansing Screech |
Clear the Mind |
Cliffside Lookout |
Clip Wings |
Cloak of Mists |
Cloud Elemental |
Cloudkin Seer |
Cloudreader Sphinx |
Cloudshift |
Clutch of Currents |
Coalition Honor Guard |
Coat of Arms |
Coat with Venom |
Cobblebrute |
Coiling Oracle |
Coldsteel Heart |
Collar the Culprit |
Collective Brutality |
Colossal Dreadmaw |
Combo Attack |
Commit // Memory |
Commune with Nature |
Commune with the Gods |
Compelling Argument |
Concentrate |
Condescend |
Congregate |
Conifer Strider |
Consulate Dreadnought |
Contagion Clasp |
Containment Membrane |
Contingency Plan |
Contraband Kingpin |
Contradict |
Conviction |
Convolute |
Copper Carapace |
Coral Trickster |
Coralhelm Guide |
Corpsehatch |
Corpsejack Menace |
Corrupted Conscience |
Cosmotronic Wave |
Costly Plunder |
Counterspell |
Countless Gears Renegade |
Courser of Kruphix |
Court Homunculus |
Court Hussar |
Court Street Denizen |
Covenant of Blood |
Coveted Jewel |
Cower in Fear |
Cragganwick Cremator |
Crash Through |
Crashing Tide |
Creeping Mold |
Crenellated Wall |
Crib Swap |
Crippling Blight |
Crop Rotation |
Crosis's Charm |
Crossroads Consecrator |
Crow of Dark Tidings |
Crowd's Favor |
Crowned Ceratok |
Crown-Hunter Hireling |
Crumbling Necropolis |
Crush Dissent |
Crushing Canopy |
Crystal Ball |
Crystal Chimes |
Crystal Shard |
Cultivate |
Cunning Breezedancer |
Curio Vendor |
Curiosity |
Curse of Opulence |
Curse of the Nightly Hunt |
Cursed Minotaur |
Daggerback Basilisk |
Danitha Capashen, Paragon |
Daretti, Scrap Savant |
Daring Demolition |
Daring Skyjek |
Dark Dabbling |
Dark Ritual |
Dark Withering |
Darkblast |
Darksteel Citadel |
Darksteel Garrison |
Darksteel Mutation |
Dauntless Cathar |
Dauthi Mindripper |
Dawn's Reflection |
Dawnglare Invoker |
Daze |
Dazzling Lights |
Dead Reveler |
Deadbridge Shaman |
Deadeye Tormentor |
Deadly Tempest |
Death by Dragons |
Death Denied |
Death-Hood Cobra |
Deathreap Ritual |
Debtors' Knell |
Decision Paralysis |
Decommission |
Decree of Justice |
Deep Analysis |
Deep Freeze |
Deepglow Skate |
Defeat |
Defense of the Heart |
Defiant Ogre |
Defiant Strike |
Demolish |
Demon's Grasp |
Demonic Tutor |
Demonic Vigor |
Deny Reality |
Desert Cerodon |
Desert Twister |
Desolation Twin |
Desperate Castaways |
Desperate Ravings |
Desperate Sentry |
Destructive Tampering |
Destructor Dragon |
Devilthorn Fox |
Diabolic Edict |
Diamond Mare |
Dictate of Erebos |
Dictate of Heliod |
Die Young |
Diminish |
Dinosaur Hunter |
Direct Current |
Dirge of Dread |
Dirgur Nemesis |
Disenchant |
Dismal Backwater |
Dismantling Blow |
Dismember |
Disowned Ancestor |
Dispel |
Displace |
Disposal Mummy |
Dissenter's Deliverance |
Distemper of the Blood |
Distortion Strike |
Divination |
Divine Favor |
Djeru's Renunciation |
Djeru's Resolve |
Djinn of Wishes |
Dolmen Gate |
Domesticated Hydra |
Dominus of Fealty |
Doomed Dissenter |
Doomed Traveler |
Doomgape |
Doorkeeper |
Douse in Gloom |
Draco |
Draconic Disciple |
Drag Under |
Dragon Bell Monk |
Dragon Breath |
Dragon Broodmother |
Dragon Egg |
Dragon Fodder |
Dragon Mask |
Dragon Whelp |
Dragon's Eye Savants |
Dragon's Eye Sentry |
Dragon's Presence |
Dragonlord Ojutai |
Dragonscale Boon |
Dragon-Scarred Bear |
Dragonsoul Knight |
Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief |
Drana's Emissary |
Dread Drone |
Dread Return |
Dreadbringer Lampads |
Dreadship Reef |
Dreadwaters |
Dream Cache |
Dream Twist |
Dregscape Zombie |
Driver of the Dead |
Drudge Sentinel |
Dual Shot |
Dukhara Scavenger |
Dune Beetle |
Dungrove Elder |
Duress |
Durkwood Baloth |
Dusk Charger |
Dusk Legion Zealot |
Dynacharge |
Earth Elemental |
Earthen Arms |
Eater of Days |
Eddytrail Hawk |
Eel Umbra |
Eldrazi Devastator |
Eldrazi Monument |
Eldritch Evolution |
Elemental Uprising |
Elephant Guide |
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite |
Elixir of Immortality |
Elves of Deep Shadow |
Elvish Fury |
Elvish Visionary |
Elvish Warrior |
Ember Weaver |
Embodiment of Spring |
Emerge Unscathed |
Emmessi Tome |
Empyrial Armor |
Emrakul's Hatcher |
Encampment Keeper |
Enchanted Evening |
Encircling Fissure |
Enduring Victory |
Energy Field |
Engineered Might |
Enlightened Ascetic |
Enlightened Maniac |
Ensoul Artifact |
Enthralling Victor |
Ephemeral Shields |
Ephemerate |
Epic Confrontation |
Epicure of Blood |
Erg Raiders |
Errant Ephemeron |
Erratic Explosion |
Esper Charm |
Essence Scatter |
Essence Warden |
Etched Oracle |
Eternal Thirst |
Eternal Witness |
Ethercaste Knight |
Ethereal Ambush |
Everdream |
Evincar's Justice |
Evolving Wilds |
Evra, Halcyon Witness |
Excavation Elephant |
Exclude |
Excoriate |
Executioner's Capsule |
Expedite |
Expedition Raptor |
Experiment One |
Explore |
Explosive Vegetation |
Expose Evil |
Expropriate |
Exsanguinate |
Extract from Darkness |
Exultant Skymarcher |
Eyeblight's Ending |
Eyes in the Skies |
Ezuri's Archers |
Fact or Fiction |
Fade into Antiquity |
Faerie Conclave |
Faerie Invaders |
Faerie Mechanist |
Failed Inspection |
Faith's Fetters |
Faithbearer Paladin |
Faithless Looting |
Falkenrath Reaver |
Fall of the Hammer |
Fallen Angel |
Farbog Revenant |
Farmstead Gleaner |
Farseek |
Fascination |
Fatal Push |
Fathom Seer |
Fblthp, the Lost |
Feat of Resistance |
Feed the Clan |
Felidar Guardian |
Felidar Sovereign |
Felidar Umbra |
Fen Hauler |
Fencing Ace |
Feral Abomination |
Feral Krushok |
Feral Prowler |
Ferocious Zheng |
Fertile Ground |
Fervent Strike |
Festercreep |
Festering Newt |
Fetid Imp |
Field of Ruin |
Fiend Hunter |
Fierce Empath |
Fierce Invocation |
Fiery Hellhound |
Fiery Temper |
Filigree Familiar |
Fill with Fright |
Fire // Ice |
Fire Elemental |
Fireball |
Firebolt |
Firebrand Archer |
Firehoof Cavalry |
Fires of Yavimaya |
First-Sphere Gargantua |
Flame Jab |
Flame-Kin Zealot |
Flameshot |
Flametongue Kavu |
Flamewave Invoker |
Flashfreeze |
Flayer Husk |
Fledgling Mawcor |
Fleeting Distraction |
Flesh to Dust |
Fling |
Floodgate |
Fog |
Fog Bank |
Fogwalker |
Foil |
Font of Mythos |
Forbidden Alchemy |
Forge Devil |
Forgotten Cave |
Formless Nurturing |
Forsake the Worldly |
Fortify |
Foundry Inspector |
Foundry Street Denizen |
Fountain of Renewal |
Fragmentize |
Frantic Search |
Frenzied Raptor |
Fretwork Colony |
Frilled Deathspitter |
Frilled Sea Serpent |
Frogmite |
Frontier Bivouac |
Frontier Mastodon |
Frontline Devastator |
Frontline Rebel |
Frost Lynx |
Fungal Infection |
Furnace Whelp |
Fury Charm |
Fusion Elemental |
Gaea's Blessing |
Gaea's Protector |
Galvanic Blast |
Gaseous Form |
Gateway Plaza |
Geist of the Moors |
Gelectrode |
Generator Servant |
Genju of the Fens |
Genju of the Spires |
Geomancer's Gambit |
Ghitu Lavarunner |
Ghitu War Cry |
Ghor-Clan Rampager |
Ghost Quarter |
Ghost Ship |
Ghostblade Eidolon |
Ghostly Changeling |
Ghoulcaller's Accomplice |
Giant Growth |
Giant Spectacle |
Giant Spider |
Giantbaiting |
Gideon Jura |
Gideon's Lawkeeper |
Gift of Estates |
Gift of Growth |
Gift of Orzhova |
Gift of Paradise |
Gifted Aetherborn |
Gilt-Leaf Palace |
Glacial Crasher |
Glade Watcher |
Glaring Aegis |
Gleam of Resistance |
Glint |
Glint-Sleeve Artisan |
Gnarlid Pack |
Go for the Throat |
Goblin Assault |
Goblin Balloon Brigade |
Goblin Bombardment |
Goblin Burrows |
Goblin Charbelcher |
Goblin Deathraiders |
Goblin Fireslinger |
Goblin Game |
Goblin Locksmith |
Goblin Matron |
Goblin Motivator |
Goblin Oriflamme |
Goblin Piledriver |
Goblin Roughrider |
Goblin War Paint |
Goblin Warchief |
God-Pharaoh's Faithful |
Gods Willing |
Gone Missing |
Gonti, Lord of Luxury |
Gore Swine |
Gorehorn Minotaurs |
Granitic Titan |
Grapeshot |
Grapple with the Past |
Grasp of Fate |
Grasp of Phantoms |
Grasp of the Hieromancer |
Grasping Scoundrel |
Grave Titan |
Gravecrawler |
Gravedigger |
Gravepurge |
Gravitic Punch |
Gray Merchant of Asphodel |
Graypelt Refuge |
Grazing Gladehart |
Great Furnace |
Greater Basilisk |
Greater Gargadon |
Greater Sandwurm |
Great-Horn Krushok |
Greenbelt Rampager |
Greenwood Sentinel |
Grim Affliction |
Grim Contest |
Grim Discovery |
Grixis Slavedriver |
Grotesque Mutation |
Groundswell |
Gruesome Fate |
Gruul Signet |
Guard Gomazoa |
Guardian Shield-Bearer |
Guardians of Meletis |
Guided Passage |
Guided Strike |
Gurmag Angler |
Gurmag Drowner |
Gush |
Gust Walker |
Gustcloak Skirmisher |
Gut Shot |
Guttersnipe |
Gwyllion Hedge-Mage |
Haakon, Stromgald Scourge |
Hamlet Captain |
Hammer Dropper |
Hammerhand |
Hanweir Lancer |
Hardened Berserker |
Hardy Veteran |
Harmonize |
Harrow |
Healer's Hawk |
Healing Grace |
Healing Hands |
Heavy Arbalest |
Heavy Infantry |
Hedron Crab |
Helm of Awakening |
Herald's Horn |
Hexplate Golem |
Hidden Stockpile |
Hideous End |
Hieroglyphic Illumination |
Highspire Mantis |
Hightide Hermit |
Hijack |
Hinterland Drake |
Hired Blade |
Hooded Brawler |
Hooting Mandrills |
Hornet Nest |
Horseshoe Crab |
Hot Soup |
Hound of the Farbogs |
Hulking Devil |
Humble |
Humongulus |
Hunt the Weak |
Hunter of Eyeblights |
Hunter's Ambush |
Hurricane |
Hyena Pack |
Hyena Umbra |
Hypnotic Specter |
Hypothesizzle |
Icy Manipulator |
Ill-Tempered Cyclops |
Impact Tremors |
Impending Disaster |
Imperious Perfect |
Implement of Malice |
Impulse |
Incorrigible Youths |
Induce Despair |
Infantry Veteran |
Infernal Scarring |
Inferno Fist |
Inferno Jet |
Infest |
Ingot Chewer |
Inkfathom Divers |
Innocent Blood |
Inquisition of Kozilek |
Inquisitor's Ox |
Insolent Neonate |
Inspired Charge |
Instill Infection |
Intrusive Packbeast |
Invigorate |
Invisibility |
Iona's Judgment |
Ior Ruin Expedition |
Iroas's Champion |
Irontread Crusher |
Isolation Zone |
Ivy Lane Denizen |
Jace's Phantasm |
Jackal Pup |
Jeering Homunculus |
Jeskai Sage |
Join Shields |
Jubilant Mascot |
Juggernaut |
Jungle Barrier |
Jungle Delver |
Jungle Hollow |
Jungle Shrine |
Jungle Wayfinder |
Jushi Apprentice |
Jwar Isle Avenger |
Kaervek's Torch |
Kalastria Nightwatch |
Kargan Dragonlord |
Kathari Remnant |
Kavu Climber |
Kavu Primarch |
Kazandu Refuge |
Keldon Halberdier |
Keldon Overseer |
Khalni Heart Expedition |
Khenra Scrapper |
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker |
Kiln Fiend |
Kin-Tree Invocation |
Kin-Tree Warden |
Kiora's Dambreaker |
Kiora's Follower |
Kird Ape |
Kiss of the Amesha |
Knight of Cliffhaven |
Knight of Dawn |
Knight of Old Benalia |
Knight of Sorrows |
Knight of the Skyward Eye |
Knight of the Tusk |
Knollspine Dragon |
Kolaghan Stormsinger |
Kolaghan's Command |
Kor Bladewhirl |
Kor Chant |
Kor Firewalker |
Kor Hookmaster |
Kor Sky Climber |
Kor Skyfisher |
Kozilek's Predator |
Kraul Foragers |
Kraul Warrior |
Krenko, Mob Boss |
Krenko's Command |
Krenko's Enforcer |
Krosan Druid |
Krosan Tusker |
Krosan Verge |
Krumar Bond-Kin |
Kruphix, God of Horizons |
Laboratory Brute |
Laboratory Maniac |
Labyrinth Guardian |
Larger than Life |
Lashknife Barrier |
Lawless Broker |
Lawmage's Binding |
Lay Claim |
Lay of the Land |
Lazotep Behemoth |
Lead by Example |
Lead the Stampede |
Leapfrog |
Leaping Master |
Leonin Relic-Warder |
Leopard-Spotted Jiao |
Lethal Sting |
Lieutenants of the Guard |
Lifespring Druid |
Lightform |
Lightning Bolt |
Lightning Greaves |
Lightning Helix |
Lightning Javelin |
Lightning Shrieker |
Lightning Talons |
Lightwalker |
Lignify |
Liliana, Death's Majesty |
Lingering Souls |
Living Death |
Llanowar Elves |
Llanowar Empath |
Lone Missionary |
Lonesome Unicorn |
Longshot Squad |
Looming Altisaur |
Lord of the Accursed |
Lotus Petal |
Lotus-Eye Mystics |
Loxodon Partisan |
Loxodon Warhammer |
Loyal Sentry |
Lunarch Mantle |
Lure |
Macabre Waltz |
Madcap Skills |
Maelstrom Archangel |
Magma Spray |
Magus of the Moat |
Mahamoti Djinn |
Makindi Sliderunner |
Mana Crypt |
Mana Leak |
Mana Tithe |
Manamorphose |
Manglehorn |
Man-o'-War |
Mantle of Webs |
Map the Wastes |
Marauding Boneslasher |
March of the Drowned |
Mardu Hordechief |
Mardu Roughrider |
Mardu Warshrieker |
Mark of Mutiny |
Mark of the Vampire |
Marked by Honor |
Marsh Hulk |
Martial Glory |
Martyr's Bond |
Martyr's Cause |
Mask of Memory |
Master Transmuter |
Maverick Thopterist |
Maximize Altitude |
Maximize Velocity |
Meandering Towershell |
Meddling Mage |
Meditation Puzzle |
Memory Erosion |
Memory Lapse |
Mephitic Vapors |
Merciless Resolve |
Mercurial Geists |
Meren of Clan Nel Toth |
Merfolk Looter |
Messenger Jays |
Metallic Rebuke |
Meteorite |
Miasmic Mummy |
Midnight Guard |
Might of the Masses |
Migratory Route |
Millikin |
Millstone |
Mimic Vat |
Mind Rake |
Mind Rot |
Mind Sculpt |
Mind Shatter |
Mind Spring |
Mind Stone |
Miner's Bane |
Mire's Malice |
Mirran Crusader |
Mirror Entity |
Misdirection |
Mishra's Bauble |
Mishra's Factory |
Mist Raven |
Mistform Shrieker |
Mistmeadow Witch |
Mizzix's Mastery |
Mnemonic Wall |
Mogg Fanatic |
Mogg Flunkies |
Mogg War Marshal |
Molten Rain |
Moment of Craving |
Momentary Blink |
Monastery Loremaster |
Monastery Swiftspear |
Moonglove Extract |
Moonlit Strider |
Mortal's Ardor |
Mortarpod |
Mortify |
Mother of Runes |
Mulch |
Mulldrifter |
Murder |
Murder of Crows |
Murderous Compulsion |
Mutiny |
Mycoloth |
Myr Retriever |
Myr Sire |
Mystic Confluence |
Mystic of the Hidden Way |
Mystical Teachings |
Nagging Thoughts |
Nameless Inversion |
Nantuko Husk |
Natural Connection |
Naturalize |
Nature's Claim |
Nature's Lore |
Naya Charm |
Negate |
Nemesis of Reason |
Nest Invader |
Nettle Sentinel |
Never Happened |
New Benalia |
New Horizons |
Niblis of Dusk |
Night's Whisper |
Nighthowler |
Nimble Mongoose |
Nimble-Blade Khenra |
Nin, the Pain Artist |
Nine-Tail White Fox |
Ninja of the Deep Hours |
Ninth Bridge Patrol |
Nirkana Assassin |
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar |
Noxious Dragon |
Nucklavee |
Nyx-Fleece Ram |
Oakgnarl Warrior |
Obelisk Spider |
Ochran Assassin |
Odric, Lunarch Marshal |
Ojutai Interceptor |
Ojutai's Breath |
Okiba-Gang Shinobi |
Omenspeaker |
Ondu Champion |
Ondu Giant |
Ondu Greathorn |
Ondu War Cleric |
Opportunity |
Opt |
Oracle of Nectars |
Oran-Rief Invoker |
Orcish Cannonade |
Orcish Oriflamme |
Oreskos Swiftclaw |
Ornithopter |
Orzhov Basilica |
Oust |
Outnumber |
Overgrown Armasaur |
Overgrown Battlement |
Overrun |
Pacifism |
Pack's Favor |
Painful Lesson |
Palace Jailer |
Palace Sentinels |
Paladin of the Bloodstained |
Palladium Myr |
Path of Peace |
Path to Exile |
Pathrazer of Ulamog |
Peace of Mind |
Peace Strider |
Peel from Reality |
Peema Outrider |
Pegasus Courser |
Pelakka Wurm |
Pentarch Ward |
Penumbra Spider |
Perilous Myr |
Perish |
Pestilence |
Phantasmal Bear |
Phantasmal Dragon |
Phantom Centaur |
Phyrexian Arena |
Phyrexian Ingester |
Phyrexian Metamorph |
Phyrexian Plaguelord |
Phyrexian Rager |
Phyrexian Reclamation |
Phyrexian Soulgorger |
Pierce the Sky |
Pilgrim's Eye |
Pillage |
Pillory of the Sleepless |
Pinion Feast |
Pit Keeper |
Pitfall Trap |
Plague Wight |
Plaguecrafter |
Plagued Rusalka |
Plaxcaster Frogling |
Plummet |
Pollenbright Wings |
Pondering Mage |
Portent |
Pouncing Cheetah |
Prakhata Club Security |
Precursor Golem |
Predict |
Preordain |
Pressure Point |
Prey Upon |
Prey's Vengeance |
Preyseizer Dragon |
Price of Progress |
Prickleboar |
Priest of Titania |
Prodigal Sorcerer |
Promise of Bunrei |
Propaganda |
Prophetic Prism |
Prophetic Ravings |
Prosperous Pirates |
Prowling Caracal |
Prowling Pangolin |
Pulse of Murasa |
Purphoros, God of the Forge |
Purple-Crystal Crab |
Putrefy |
Pyrotechnics |
Qasali Pridemage |
Quakefoot Cyclops |
Queen Marchesa |
Queen's Agent |
Quest for the Gravelord |
Questing Phelddagrif |
Quiet Disrepair |
Rabid Bloodsucker |
Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage |
Rage Reflection |
Raging Swordtooth |
Rain of Thorns |
Rakdos Drake |
Rakshasa's Secret |
Rally the Peasants |
Rampaging Cyclops |
Rampant Growth |
Rancor |
Ranger's Guile |
Raptor Companion |
Ravenous Chupacabra |
Ravenous Leucrocota |
Read the Bones |
Reality Scramble |
Reaper of Night |
Reassembling Skeleton |
Reckless Fireweaver |
Reckless Imp |
Reckless Spite |
Reckless Wurm |
Reclaim |
Reclaiming Vines |
Reclusive Artificer |
Recoup |
Recover |
Recruiter of the Guard |
Reflector Mage |
Refocus |
Refurbish |
Regrowth |
Release the Ants |
Release the Gremlins |
Relic Crush |
Reliquary Tower |
Renegade Demon |
Renegade Map |
Renegade Tactics |
Renegade's Getaway |
Renewed Faith |
Repulse |
Resurrection |
Retraction Helix |
Retreat to Emeria |
Return to the Earth |
Returned Centaur |
Revel in Riches |
Revenant |
Revive |
Reviving Dose |
Rhet-Crop Spearmaster |
Rhonas's Monument |
Rhox Maulers |
Rhox War Monk |
Rhys the Redeemed |
Rhystic Study |
Riftwing Cloudskate |
Righteous Cause |
Ringwarden Owl |
Riparian Tiger |
Riptide Crab |
Rishadan Footpad |
Rite of the Serpent |
Rith, the Awakener |
Rivals' Duel |
River Boa |
River Darter |
River Hoopoe |
River Serpent |
Riverwheel Aerialists |
Roar of the Wurm |
Roast |
Rogue's Passage |
Rolling Thunder |
Root Out |
Rootborn Defenses |
Roots |
Rosemane Centaur |
Rosethorn Halberd |
Rosheen Meanderer |
Rotfeaster Maggot |
Rubblebelt Maaka |
Ruin Rat |
Ruinous Gremlin |
Rummaging Goblin |
Run Amok |
Runeclaw Bear |
Rune-Scarred Demon |
Rush of Adrenaline |
Sacred Cat |
Sadistic Hypnotist |
Sage of Lat-Nam |
Sagu Archer |
Sailor of Means |
Sakashima the Impostor |
Sakura-Tribe Elder |
Salivating Gremlins |
Samut's Sprint |
Sanctum Gargoyle |
Sandsteppe Citadel |
Sandstone Oracle |
Sandstorm Charger |
Sapphire Charm |
Saproling Migration |
Sarkhan's Rage |
Satyr Enchanter |
Savage Knuckleblade |
Savage Punch |
Savage Twister |
Savannah Lions |
Scarab Feast |
Scatter the Seeds |
Scoured Barrens |
Screamreach Brawler |
Scroll Thief |
Scrounger of Souls |
Scuttling Death |
Sea Gate Oracle |
Seal of Cleansing |
Seal of Doom |
Seal of Strength |
Sealock Monster |
Search for Tomorrow |
Searing Light |
Secrets of the Golden City |
Sedraxis Specter |
Seek the Horizon |
Seek the Wilds |
Seeker of the Way |
Seismic Shift |
Seismic Stomp |
Sejiri Refuge |
Selesnya Guildmage |
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds |
Send to Sleep |
Sengir Vampire |
Sensor Splicer |
Seraph of the Suns |
Serendib Efreet |
Serra Disciple |
Serra's Embrace |
Serrated Arrows |
Sewer Nemesis |
Shadowcloak Vampire |
Shamanic Revelation |
Shambling Attendants |
Shambling Goblin |
Shambling Remains |
Shape the Sands |
Shaper Parasite |
Shardless Agent |
Shatter |
Shattering Spree |
Sheer Drop |
Shenanigans |
Shimmerscale Drake |
Shining Aerosaur |
Shining Armor |
Shipwreck Looter |
Shipwreck Singer |
Shock |
Short Sword |
Shoulder to Shoulder |
Shrewd Hatchling |
Shriekmaw |
Shrouded Lore |
Siege Wurm |
Siegecraft |
Sigil of Valor |
Sigiled Starfish |
Silent Observer |
Silhana Ledgewalker |
Silkweaver Elite |
Silumgar Butcher |
Silverchase Fox |
Silvergill Adept |
Simic Locket |
Singing Bell Strike |
Skaab Goliath |
Skarrg, the Rage Pits |
Skeletal Scrying |
Skeleton Archer |
Skirk Commando |
Skirk Prospector |
Skitter Eel |
Skittering Crustacean |
Skulking Ghost |
Skullclamp |
Skyhunter Skirmisher |
Skymarcher Aspirant |
Skyscanner |
Skyspear Cavalry |
Skyward Eye Prophets |
Slash of Talons |
Slave of Bolas |
Sleep |
Slipstream Eel |
Slither Blade |
Sliver Hivelord |
Smash to Smithereens |
Smelt |
Smiting Helix |
Snake Umbra |
Snap |
Snapping Drake |
Snapping Sailback |
Snubhorn Sentry |
Sol Ring |
Solemn Simulacrum |
Somber Hoverguard |
Soothsaying |
Sorcerer's Broom |
Sorin Markov |
Soul Manipulation |
Soul Parry |
Soul Summons |
Soul Warden |
Soulmender |
Soul-Strike Technique |
Sparkmage Apprentice |
Sparkspitter |
Sparktongue Dragon |
Sparring Mummy |
Spawning Grounds |
Spectral Gateguards |
Sphinx's Tutelage |
Spider Spawning |
Spikeshot Goblin |
Spire Monitor |
Spreading Rot |
Sprouting Thrinax |
Spy Kit |
Squirrel Wrangler |
Stab Wound |
Staggershock |
Stalking Tiger |
Stallion of Ashmouth |
Stalwart Aven |
Star of Extinction |
Star-Crowned Stag |
Stave Off |
Steadfast Sentinel |
Steady Progress |
Steamflogger Boss |
Stinkweed Imp |
Stitched Drake |
Stoic Builder |
Stone Haven Medic |
Storm Sculptor |
Stormblood Berserker |
Stormchaser Chimera |
Strategic Planning |
Stream of Thought |
Street Wraith |
Strength in Numbers |
Stromkirk Patrol |
Stunt Double |
Subtle Strike |
Sudden Demise |
Sulfurous Blast |
Sultai Charm |
Sultai Runemark |
Sultai Soothsayer |
Summit Prowler |
Sun-Crowned Hunters |
Sunlance |
Sunrise Seeker |
Sunset Pyramid |
Suppression Bonds |
Supreme Verdict |
Surrakar Banisher |
Survive the Night |
Suspicious Bookcase |
Swashbuckling |
Sweatworks Brawler |
Swift Kick |
Swiftwater Cliffs |
Sword of the Animist |
Swords to Plowshares |
Sylvan Bounty |
Sylvan Scrying |
Syncopate |
Syr Elenora, the Discerning |
Tajuru Pathwarden |
Tajuru Warcaller |
Take Down |
Take Vengeance |
Talons of Wildwood |
Talrand, Sky Summoner |
Tandem Lookout |
Tandem Tactics |
Tar Snare |
Tarfire |
Tatyova, Benthic Druid |
Taurean Mauler |
Tavern Swindler |
Tectonic Edge |
Tectonic Rift |
Teferi, Temporal Archmage |
Teferi's Protection |
Temple of the False God |
Temporal Fissure |
Temporal Mastery |
Tempt with Discovery |
Temur Battle Rage |
Tendrils of Corruption |
Terashi's Grasp |
Terminate |
Terrain Elemental |
Territorial Baloth |
Territorial Hammerskull |
Thalia's Lancers |
Thallid Omnivore |
The Crowd Goes Wild |
The Eldest Reborn |
The Gitrog Monster |
The Mirari Conjecture |
Thieving Magpie |
Thopter Foundry |
Thorn of the Black Rose |
Thornbow Archer |
Thornhide Wolves |
Thornscape Battlemage |
Thornweald Archer |
Thornwind Faeries |
Thornwood Falls |
Thought Collapse |
Thought Erasure |
Thought Scour |
Thought Vessel |
Thoughtcast |
Thraben Foulbloods |
Thraben Inspector |
Thraben Standard Bearer |
Thran Dynamo |
Thran Golem |
Thrashing Brontodon |
Thresher Lizard |
Thrill of Possibility |
Thrive |
Thrummingbird |
Thrun, the Last Troll |
Thunder Drake |
Tibalt's Rager |
Tidal Warrior |
Tidal Wave |
Tidy Conclusion |
Timberwatch Elf |
Time Sieve |
Time to Feed |
Timely Reinforcements |
Tinker |
Tireless Tracker |
Titanic Growth |
Tithe Drinker |
Topan Freeblade |
Torch Courier |
Torment of Hailfire |
Torment of Venom |
Tormod's Crypt |
Totally Lost |
Touch of Moonglove |
Tower Gargoyle |
Tower of Eons |
Toxin Sliver |
Trading Post |
Tragic Slip |
Trail of Evidence |
Treacherous Terrain |
Treasure Cruise |
Treasure Hunt |
Treasure Mage |
Trepanation Blade |
Trespasser's Curse |
Trial of Ambition |
Trinket Mage |
Triton Tactics |
Triumph of the Hordes |
Tukatongue Thallid |
Turn Aside |
Turntimber Basilisk |
Twins of Maurer Estate |
Two-Headed Giant |
Typhoid Rats |
Umbral Mantle |
Unburden |
Uncaged Fury |
Unclaimed Territory |
Uncomfortable Chill |
Undercity's Embrace |
Underworld Coinsmith |
Undying Rage |
Unflinching Courage |
Universal Automaton |
Universal Solvent |
Unlicensed Disintegration |
Untamed Hunger |
Unwavering Initiate |
Unyielding Krumar |
Urban Evolution |
Urborg Uprising |
Urza's Rage |
Valakut Invoker |
Valakut Predator |
Valley Dasher |
Vampire Champion |
Vampire Envoy |
Vampire Hexmage |
Vampire Lacerator |
Vampire Nighthawk |
Vandalize |
Vapor Snag |
Vastwood Gorger |
Vengeful Rebirth |
Venom Sliver |
Vent Sentinel |
Vessel of Malignity |
Vessel of Volatility |
Veteran Swordsmith |
Viashino Sandstalker |
Vigean Graftmage |
Vigor |
Village Bell-Ringer |
Violent Ultimatum |
Virulent Swipe |
Voice of the Provinces |
Volcanic Dragon |
Volcanic Rush |
Voldaren Duelist |
Volunteer Reserves |
Voracious Null |
Vraska's Finisher |
Wake of Vultures |
Wake the Reflections |
Walk the Plank |
Walking Corpse |
Wall of Fire |
Wall of Frost |
Wall of Omens |
Wall of One Thousand Cuts |
Wander in Death |
Wandering Champion |
War Behemoth |
Warden of Evos Isle |
Warden of the Eye |
Wargate |
Warteye Witch |
Watcher in the Web |
Watercourser |
Wave-Wing Elemental |
Wayfaring Temple |
Wayward Giant |
Weapons Trainer |
Weathered Wayfarer |
Wee Dragonauts |
Weight of the Underworld |
Weirded Vampire |
Weldfast Wingsmith |
Welkin Tern |
Wellwisher |
Wheel of Fate |
Whelming Wave |
Whiplash Trap |
Whir of Invention |
Whispersilk Cloak |
Wight of Precinct Six |
Wild Griffin |
Wild Growth |
Wild Mongrel |
Wild Nacatl |
Wildfire Emissary |
Wildsize |
Will-o'-the-Wisp |
Wind Drake |
Wind Strider |
Windborne Charge |
Windcaller Aven |
Windgrace Acolyte |
Winding Constrictor |
Wind-Kin Raiders |
Windrider Eel |
Wing Shards |
Winged Shepherd |
Wirewood Lodge |
Wishcoin Crab |
Wishful Merfolk |
Wojek Bodyguard |
Wolfkin Bond |
Woodborn Behemoth |
Woolly Loxodon |
Woolly Thoctar |
Wren's Run Vanquisher |
Wrench Mind |
Wretched Gryff |
Write into Being |
Yargle, Glutton of Urborg |
Yavimaya Elder |
Yavimaya Sapherd |
Yavimaya's Embrace |
Yeva's Forcemage |
Young Pyromancer |
Youthful Knight |
Youthful Scholar |
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow |
Zada's Commando |
Zealot of the God-Pharaoh |
Zealous Persecution |
Zealous Strike |
Zendikar's Roil |
Zhur-Taa Druid |
Zulaport Chainmage |