Odds and Ends
#9) Laurie Cheers (56) - tie
Purraj of Urborg Phantom Nantuko Disciple of Kangee, Aerie Keeper of the Mind Stone Kavu Chameleon Spirit Mirror Wall of Lava Burst of Energy Arc Lightning Cloud Spirit Shield Wall of Wood Sage Owl Familiar Ground Seal of Fire and Brimstone Dragon Breath of Life/Death Pulse of Llanowar Knight of Stromgald Cabal Ritual of Steel Wall of Fire/Ice Cave Tiger Claws of Wirewood Savage Gorilla Warrior Angel of Light of Day of the Dragons (56)
Purraj of Urborg
Urborg Phantom
Phantom Nantuko
Nantuko Disciple
Disciple of Kangee
Kangee, Aerie Keeper
Keeper of the Mind
Mind Stone
Stone Kavu
Kavu Chameleon
Chameleon Spirit
Spirit Mirror
Mirror Wall
Wall of Lava
Lava Burst
Burst of Energy
Energy Arc
Arc Lightning
Lightning Cloud
Cloud Spirit
Spirit Shield
Shield Wall
Wall of Wood
Wood Sage
Sage Owl
Owl Familiar
Familiar Ground
Ground Seal
Seal of Fire
Fire and Brimstone
Brimstone Dragon
Dragon Breath
Breath of Life
Death Pulse
Pulse of Llanowar
Llanowar Knight
Knight of Stromgald
Stromgald Cabal
Cabal Ritual
Ritual of Steel
Steel Wall
Wall of Fire
Ice Cave
Cave Tiger
Tiger Claws
Claws of Wirewood
Wirewood Savage
Savage Gorilla
Gorilla Warrior
Warrior Angel
Angel of Light
Light of Day
Day of the Dragons
#9) Martijn Hennink (56) - tie
Purraj of Urborg Phantom Nantuko Disciple of Kangee, Aerie Keeper of the Mind Stone Kavu Chameleon Spirit Mirror Mirror Wall of Roots of Life Burst of Energy Arc Lightning Cloud Dragon Breath of Life/Death Pulse of Llanowar Knight of Stromgald Cabal Ritual of Steel Wall of Wood Sage Owl Familiar Ground Seal of Fire/Ice Cave Tiger Claws of Wirewood Herald of Serra's Hymn to Tourach's Gate to the Æther Storm Cauldron Dance of the Dead Ringers (56)
Purraj of Urborg
Urborg Phantom
Phantom Nantuko
Nantuko Disciple
Disciple of Kangee
Kangee, Aerie Keeper
Keeper of the Mind
Mind Stone
Stone Kavu
Kavu Chameleon
Chameleon Spirit
Spirit Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Wall
Wall of Roots
Roots of Life
Life Burst
Burst of Energy
Energy Arc
Arc Lightning
Lightning Cloud
Cloud Dragon
Dragon Breath
Breath of Life
Death Pulse
Pulse of Llanowar
Llanowar Knight
Knight of Stromgald
Stromgald Cabal
Cabal Ritual
Ritual of Steel
Steel Wall
Wall of Wood
Wood Sage
Sage Owl
Owl Familiar
Familiar Ground
Ground Seal
Seal of Fire
Ice Cave
Cave Tiger
Tiger Claws
Claws of Wirewood
Wirewood Herald
Herald of Serra
Serra's Hymn
Hymn to Tourach
Tourach's Gate
Gate to the Æther
Æther Storm
Storm Cauldron
Cauldron Dance
Dance of the Dead
Dead Ringers
#8) Squash (58)
Purraj of Urborg Phantom Nantuko Disciple of Kangee, Aerie Keeper of the Mind Stone Kavu Chameleon Spirit Mirror Mirror Wall of Essence Drain Life Burst of Energy Arc Lightning Cloud Spirit Shield Wall of Wood Sage Owl Familiar Ground Seal of Fire and Brimstone Dragon Breath of Life/Death Pulse of Llanowar Knight of Stromgald Cabal Ritual of Steel Wall of Fire/Ice Cave Tiger Claws of Wirewood Savage Gorilla Warrior Angel of Retribution of the Meek(58)
Purraj of Urborg
Urborg Phantom
Phantom Nantuko
Nantuko Disciple
Disciple of Kangee
Kangee, Aerie Keeper
Keeper of the Mind
Mind Stone
Stone Kavu
Kavu Chameleon
Chameleon Spirit
Spirit Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Wall
Wall of Essence
Essence Drain
Drain Life
Life Burst
Burst of Energy
Energy Arc
Arc Lightning
Lighting Cloud
Cloud Spirit
Spirit Shield
Shield Wall
Wall of Wood
Wood Sage
Sage Owl
Owl Familiar
Familiar Ground
Ground Seal
Seal of Fire
Fire and Brimstone
Brimstone Dragon
Dragon Breath
Breath of Life
Life /Death
Death Pulse
Pulse of Llanowar
Llanowar Knight
Knight of Stromgald
Stromgald Cabal
Cabal Ritual
Ritual of Steel
Steel Wall
Wall of Fire
Ice Cave
Cave Tiger
Tiger Claws
Claws of Wirewood
Wirewood Savage
Savage Gorilla
Gorilla Warrior
Warrior Angel
Angel of Retribution
Retribution of the Meek
#6) Nick Branstator (59) - tie
Purraj of Urborg Phantom Nantuko Disciple of Kangee, Aerie Keeper of the Mind Stone Kavu Chameleon Spirit Shield Wall of Granite Grip of Chaos/Order of the Ebon Hand to Hand of Death Pulse of Llanowar Knight of Stromgald Cabal Ritual of Steel Wall of Essence Drain Life/Death Cloud Dragon Breath of Life Burst of Energy Arc Lightning Cloud Spirit Mirror Mirror Wall of Fire/Ice Cave Tiger Claws of Wirewood Herald Serra Avatar of Hope Charm School of the Unseen Walker (59)
Purraj of Urborg
Urborg Phantom
Phantom Nantuko
Nantuko Disciple
Disciple of Kangee
Kangee, Aerie Keeper
Keeper of the Mind
Mind Stone
Stone Kavu
Kavu Chameleon
Chameleon Spirit
Spirit Shield
Shield Wall
Wall of Granite
Granite Grip
Grip of Chaos
Order of the Ebon Hand
Hand to Hand
Hand of Death
Death Pulse
Pulse of Llanowar
Llanowar Knight
Knight of Stromgald
Stromgald Cabal
Cabal Ritual
Ritual of Steel
Steel Wall
Wall of Essence
Essence Drain
Drain Life
Death Cloud
Cloud Dragon
Dragon Breath
Breath of Life
Life Burst
Burst of Energy (who knew this would see use outside of bizarre Extended Mind's Desire decks?)
Energy Arc
Arc Lightning
Lightning Cloud
Cloud Spirit
Spirit Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Wall (the Walls are such a key nexus for the chains)
Wall of Fire
Ice Cave
Cave Tiger
Tiger Claws
Claws of Wirewood
Wirewood Herald
Herald of Serra
Serra Avatar
Avatar of Hope
Hope Charm
Charm School
School of the Unseen
Unseen Walker
#6) Ryan Carper (59) - tie
Liu Bei, Lord of Shu Defender of the Order of the Ebon Hand to Hand of Death Pulse of Llanowar Knight of Stromgald Cabal Ritual of Steel Wall of Roots of Life/Death Cloud Dragon Breath of Life Burst of Energy Arc Lightning Cloud Spirit Mirror Mirror Wall of Stone Kavu Chameleon Spirit Shield Wall of Wood Sage Owl Familiar Ground Seal of Fire/Ice Cave Tiger Claws of Wirewood Herald of Serra Avatar of Hope and Glory Seeker of Skybreak(59)
Liu Bei, Lord of Shu
Shu Defender
Defender of the Order
Order of the Ebon Hand
Hand to Hand
Hand of Death
Death Pulse
Pulse of Llanowar
Llanowar Knight
Knight of Stromgald
Stromgald Cabal
Cabal Ritual
Ritual of Steel
Steel Wall
Wall of Roots
Roots of Life
Death Cloud
Cloud Dragon
Dragon Breath
Breath of Life
Life Burst
Burst of Energy
Energy Arc
Arc Lightning
Lightning Cloud
Cloud Spirit
Spirit Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Wall
Wall of Stone
Stone Kavu
Kavu Chameleon
Chameleon Spirit
Spirit Shield
Shield Wall
Wall of Wood
Wood Sage
Sage Owl
Owl Familiar
Familiar Ground
Ground Seal
Seal of Fire
Ice Cave
Cave Tiger
Tiger Claws
Claws of Wirewood
Wirewood Herald
Herald of Serra
Serra Avatar
Avatar of Hope
Hope and Glory
Glory Seeker
Seeker of Skybreak
#4) Chris Plottke (60) - tie
Purraj of Urborg Phantom Nantuko Disciple of Kangee, Aerie Keeper of the Mind Stone Kavu Chameleon Spirit Shield Wall of Wood Sage Owl Familiar Ground Seal of Fire / Ice Storm Spirit Mirror Mirror Wall of Essence Drain Life Burst of Energy Arc Lightning Cloud Dragon Breath of Life / Death Pulse of Llanowar Knight of Stromgald Cabal Ritual of Steel Wall of Ice Cave Tiger Claws of Wirewood Herald of Serra Avatar of Hope Charm School of the Unseen Walker. (60)
Purraj of Urborg
Urborg Phantom
Phantom Nantuko
Nantuko Disciple
Disciple of Kangee
Kangee, Aerie Keeper
Keeper of the Mind
Mind Stone
Stone Kavu
Kavu Chameleon
Chameleon Spirit
Spirit Shield
Shield Wall
Wall of Wood
Wood Sage
Sage Owl
Owl Familiar
Familiar Ground
Ground Seal
Seal of Fire
Ice Storm
Storm Spirit
Spirit Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Wall
Wall of Essence
Essence Drain
Drain Life
Life Burst
Burst of Energy
Energy Arc
Arc Lightning
Lightning Cloud
Cloud Dragon
Dragon Breath
Breath of Life
Death Pulse
Pulse of Llanowar
Llanowar Knight
Knight of Stromgald
Stromgald Cabal
Cabal Ritual
Ritual of Steel
Steel Wall
Wall of Ice
Ice Cave
Cave Tiger
Tiger Claws
Claws of Wirewood
Wirewood Herald
Herald of Serra
Serra Avatar
Avatar of Hope
Hope Charm
Charm School
School of the Unseen
Unseen Walker
#4) Paul Thiessen (60) - tie
Purraj of Urborg Phantom Nantuko Disciple of Kangee, Aerie Keeper of the Mind Stone Kavu Chameleon Spirit Mirror Mirror Wall of Fire and Brimstone Dragon Breath of Life/Death Pulse of Llanowar Knight of Stromgald Cabal Ritual of Steel Wall of Roots of Life Burst of Energy Arc Lightning Cloud Spirit Shield Wall of Wood Sage Owl Familiar Ground Seal of Fire/Ice Cave Tiger Claws of Wirewood Herald of Serra Avatar of Hope Charm School of the Unseen Walker (60)
Purraj of Urborg
Urborg Phantom
Phantom Nantuko
Nantuko Disciple
Disciple of Kangee
Kangee, Aerie Keeper
Keeper of the Mind
Mind Stone
Stone Kavu
Kavu Chameleon
Chameleon Spirit
Spirit Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Wall
Wall of Fire
Fire and Brimstone
Brimstone Dragon
Dragon Breath
Breath of Life
Death Pulse
Pulse of Llanowar
Llanowar Knight
Knight of Stromgald
Stromgald Cabal
Cabal Ritual
Ritual of Steel
Steel Wall
Wall of Roots
Roots of Life
Life Burst
Burst of Energy
Energy Arc
Arc Lightning
Lightning Cloud
Cloud Spirit
Spirit Shield
Shield Wall
Wall of Wood
Wood Sage
Sage Owl
Owl Familiar
Familiar Ground
Ground Seal
Seal of Fire
Ice Cave
Cave Tiger
Tiger Claws
Claws of Wirewood
Wirewood Herald
Herald of Serra
Serra Avatar
Avatar of Hope
Hope Charm
Charm School
School of the Unseen
Unseen Walker
#3) Oliver (60, kinda 61)
Purraj of Urborg Phantom Nantuko Disciple of Kangee, Aerie Keeper of the Mind Stone Kavu Chameleon Spirit Mirror Mirror Wall of Wood Sage Owl Familiar Ground Seal of Fire / Ice Storm Spirit Shield Wall of Essence Drain Life Burst of Energy Arc Lightning Cloud Dragon Breath of Life / Death Pulse of Llanowar Knight of Stromgald Cabal Ritual of Steel Wall of Ice Cave Tiger Claws of Wirewood Herald of Serra Avatar of Hope Charm School of the Unseen Walker (60)
Purraj of Urborg
Urborg Phantom
Phantom Nantuko
Nantuko Disciple
Disciple of Kangee
Kangee, Aerie Keeper
Keeper of the Mind
Mind Stone
Stone Kavu
Kavu Chameleon
Chameleon Spirit
Spirit Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Wall
Wall of Wood
Wood Sage
Sage Owl
Owl Familiar
Familiar Ground
Ground Seal
Seal of Fire
Ice Storm
Storm Spirit
Spirit Shield
Shield Wall
Wall of Essence
Essence Drain
Drain Life
Life Burst
Burst of Energy
Energy Arc
Arc Lightning
Lightning Cloud
Cloud Dragon
Dragon Breath
Breath of Life
Death Pulse
Pulse of Llanowar
Llanowar Knight
Knight of Stromgald
Stromgald Cabal
Cabal Ritual
Ritual of Steel
Steel Wall
Wall of Ice
Ice Cave
Cave Tiger
Tiger Claws
Claws of Wirewood
Wirewood Herald
Herald of Serra
Serra Avatar
Avatar of Hope
Hope Charm
Charm School
School of the Unseen
Unseen Walker
#2) Thijs van Ommen (61)
Purraj of Urborg* Phantom Nantuko Disciple of Kangee, Aerie Keeper of the Mind Stone Kavu Chameleon Spirit Mirror Mirror Wall of Essence Drain Life Burst of Energy Arc Lightning Cloud Dragon Breath of Life/Death Pulse of Llanowar Knight of Stromgald Cabal Ritual of Steel Wall of Ice Storm Spirit Shield Wall of Wood Sage Owl Familiar Ground Seal of Fire/Ice Cave Tiger Claws of Wirewood Herald of Serra Avatar of Hope and Glory* Seeker* of Skybreak (61 cards)
Purraj of Urborg
Urborg Phantom
Phantom Nantuko
Nantuko Disciple
Disciple of Kangee
Kangee, Aerie Keeper
Keeper of the Mind
Mind Stone
Stone Kavu
Kavu Chameleon
Chameleon Spirit
Spirit Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Wall
Wall of Essence
Essence Drain
Drain Life
Life Burst
Burst of Energy
Energy Arc
Arc Lightning
Lightning Cloud
Cloud Dragon
Dragon Breath
Breath of Life
Death Pulse
Pulse of Llanowar
Llanowar Knight
Knight of Stromgald
Stromgald Cabal
Cabal Ritual
Ritual of Steel
Steel Wall
Wall of IceIce Storm
Storm Spirit
Spirit Shield
Shield Wall
Wall of Wood
Wood Sage
Sage Owl
Owl Familiar
Familiar Ground
Ground Seal
Seal of Fire
Ice Cave
Cave Tiger
Tiger Claws
Claws of Wirewood
Wirewood Herald
Herald of Serra
Serra Avatar
Avatar of Hope
Hope and Glory
Glory Seeker
Seeker of Skybreak
#1 – Brett Allen (88)
Regente das Tocas de Mogg Predone Goblin Esploratori Femeref Knight of Stromgald Cabal Ritual of Steel Wall of Heat Wave Elemental de la Tormenta de Lava Burst of Energy Arc Lightning Cloud Dragon Mask of Memory Crystal Golem Soldevi Sage Owl Familiar Ground Seal of Fire Tempest Efreet di Uktabi Faerie Dragon Breath of Life/Death Pulse of Llanowar Elite Archers Elfes de Llanowar Knight of Dawn Elemental de la Niebla de Mosquitos del Yavimaya Elder Land Wurm di Yavimaya Kavu Chameleon Spirit Shield Wall of Fire/Ice Storm Spirit Mirror Mirror Wall of Essence Drain Power Armor Thrull Servitore di Volrath the Fallen Angel de Serra Avatar of Hope Charm School of the Unseen Walker (88)
Regente das Tocas [PT Liege of the Hollows]
Tocas de Mogg [PT Mogg Hollows]
Mogg Predone [IT Mogg Raider]
Predone Goblin [IT Goblin Raider]
Goblin Esploratori [IT Goblin Scouts]
Esploratori Femeref [IT Femeref Scouts]
Femeref Knight
Knight of Stromgald
Stromgald Cabal
Cabal Ritual
Ritual of Steel
Steel Wall
Wall of Heat
Heat Wave
Wave Elemental
Elemental de la tormenta [SP Storm Elemental]
Tormenta [IT Blizzard]
Tormenta de Lava [SP Lava Storm]
Lava Burst
Burst of Energy
Energy Arc
Arc Lightning
Lightning Cloud
Cloud Dragon
Dragon Mask
Mask of Memory
Memory Crystal
Crystal Golem
Golem Soldevi [FR Soldevi Golem]
Soldevi Sage
Sage Owl
Owl Familiar
Familiar Ground
Ground Seal
Seal of Fire
Fire Tempest
Tempest Efreet
Efreet di Uktabi [IT Uktabi Efreet]
Uktabi Faerie
Faerie Dragon
Dragon Breath
Breath of Life
Death Pulse
Pulse of Llanowar
Llanowar Elite
Elite Archers
Archers elfes [FR Elvish Archers]
Elfes de Llanowar [FR Llanowar Elves]
Llanowar Knight
Knight of Dawn
Dawn Elemental
Elemental de la niebla [SP Fog Elemental]
Niebla [SP Fog]
Niebla de mosquitos [SP Fog of Gnats]
Mosquitos del Yavimaya [SP Yavimaya Gnats]
Yavimaya Elder
Elder Land Wurm
Wurm di Yavimaya [IT Yavimaya Wurm]
Yavimaya Kavu
Kavu Chameleon
Chameleon Spirit
Spirit Shield
Shield Wall
Wall of Fire
Ice Storm
Storm Spirit
Spirit Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Wall
Wall of Essence
Essence Drain
Drain Power
Power Armor
Armor Thrull
Thrull Servitore [IT Thrull Retainer]
Servitore di Volrath [IT Servant of Volrath]
Volrath the Fallen
Fallen Angel
Angel de Serra [SP Serra Angel]
Serra Avatar
Avatar [IT Personal Incarnation]
Avatar of Hope
Hope Charm
Charm School
School of the Unseen
Unseen Walker