Answering the toughest questions in Magic is about walking fine lines. It's about striking perfect balances. Power and consistency, risk and reward, speed and staying power.
Flexibility is an important concept when it comes to finding balance in Magic. Choosing flexible cards or building flexibility into the structure of your deck will lower your risk and increase your consistency. In other words, flexibility helps prevent things from going wrong. If flexibility doesn't come at the cost of too much power, you should jump at the opportunity!
Modal Spells
A modal spell is simply a spell that asks you to choose "modes" when you cast it.
Modal spells are, by nature, very flexible cards. In the middle of a hairy combat step? Add two +1/+1 counters! Troublesome creature on the other side of the board? Exile it! None of the above? Cash it in for two new cards!
If you were to separate
Mana Sinks
Recall that mana sinks are cards that, while not necessarily expensive in themselves, can make use of your extra mana in late-game scenarios. They increase the consistency of a deck by providing insurance against mana flood.
Mana sinks are flexible cards. If they aren't expensive to put into play, they won't make your deck slow, top-heavy, or reliant on having tons of mana. However, they're also helpful if you do draw too many lands, or if the game is dragging on into the very late stages.
Cards with "X" in the Mana Cost
One particular category of mana sink is cards with "X" in their mana cost, like
Endless One
Today's preview card from Battle for Zendikar follows in the same vein as
Endless One is also a creature with "X" in its mana cost. You can cast it early if you need to do so in order to keep pace in tempo. Later in the game, though, it can easily be the biggest creature on the table!
One of the greatest appeals of a card like Endless One is its ability to plug a hole in your mana curve.
Imagine that your goal is simply to use all of your mana to cast creatures on every turn. Ideally, you'd want to cast a one-mana creature on turn one, a two-mana creature on turn two, a three-mana creature on turn three, and so on. To maximize your chances, you can build your deck with a healthy mix of creatures at each of these mana costs. Inevitably, though, you're going to have games where your draws don't line up the way you were hoping. Maybe you have a one-drop and a two-drop, but you're missing a three-drop. Maybe you miss your land drop on turn five and can't continue moving up the mana curve.
Endless One guarantees that these things won't happen. On any turn, with any amount of mana, you can spend it on Endless One!
That's the real beauty of flexibility—it helps you in the games where your draw isn't perfect. It raises the floor for how bad things can go for you and ensures that you have something to work with in each and every game you play.
Flexibility is an important factor in striking the balance between power and consistency. Playing with flexible cards will always increase your consistency, but will sometimes come at the cost of power.
Endless One | Art by Jason Felix
You can cast
Your flexible cards will rarely let you down, but they'll also rarely be the best possible play you can make on a given turn.
Thankfully, Endless One doesn't force you to give up too much power for the sake of flexibility. Yes, spending four mana for a 4/4 isn't quite a
Endless One also has the advantage of being colorless, making it playable in any deck, immune to
Finally, like
It's a good habit to always keep an eye out for flexible cards. You'll find flexibility in Endless One. More importantly, though, you'll find it in any quality card that strikes a healthy balance between power and consistency. Putting cards like Endless One into your decks will lower the chances of a bad draw, but they won't cost you much in terms of raw power. It's a slam dunk!