Collecting Modern Horizons 3
Editor's Note: We have updated numbers to clarify the appearance of Booster Fun treatments in Collector Boosters.
Modern Horizons 3 Key Details
Magic and made-for-Modern designs meet with Modern Horizons 3: packed with powerful cards, references to and remixes from across Magic, beautiful (and collectible) treatments, and reprinted favorites to expand what's possible in Modern.

M3C Expansion Symbol

SPG Expansion Symbol
Modern Horizons 3 Set Code: MH3
Modern Horizons 3 Commander Set Code: M3C
Retro Frame Reprints: H2R
Special Guests Set Code: SPG
Website: Modern Horizons 3
Preorder Now
Modern Horizons 3 is available to preorder at your local game store, online at Amazon, and elsewhere Magic products are sold.
Modern Horizons 3 Preview Events
- Debut and Previews Begin on WeeklyMTG: May 21
- Card Image Gallery and Previews Complete: May 31
- Global Tabletop Launch: June 14
Modern Horizons 3 Play Events
- Prerelease Events Begin at Your Local Game Store: June 7
- MTG Arena Global Launch: June 11
- Launch Party Weekend: June 14
- Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 at MagicCon: Amsterdam: June 28–30
Card Set Information
Modern Horizons 3 (MH3) has 80 common cards, 101 uncommon cards (81 single-faced cards and 20 double-faced cards), 60 rares, and 20 mythic rares (15 single-faced cards and 5 double-faced cards). Of those, 20 uncommons, 18 rares, and 4 mythic rares from Commander and Legacy are being introduced to Modern for the first time. Modern Horizons 3 contains the 5 basic lands (Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, and Forest) with variant treatments, plus an uncommon Snow-Covered Wastes (included as one of the 101 uncommons) with its variant treatments.
Special Guests
Special Guests cards return in Modern Horizons 3, with 1 in 64 Play Boosters and roughly 1 in 15.5 Collector Boosters containing a Special Guests card. There are 10 borderless mythic rare Special Guests cards available in both Play Boosters (in non-foil) and Collector Boosters (in traditional foil), 5 of which are Elementals with textured foil versions exclusive to Collector Boosters.
Modern Horizons 3 Booster Fun
Borderless cards make a huge comeback in Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters and Collector Boosters, with 5 double-faced planeswalkers and 12 lands showing off this amazing treatment. These 17 cards feature alternate art and the classic borderless treatment in 10 rares and 7 mythic rares. Additionally, the 10 mythic rare Special Guests cards also received the borderless treatment.
Borderless Profile
The borderless profile treatment is back across 19 Modern Horizons 3 cards and new-to-Modern cards from the set (12 rares and 7 mythic rares) in both Play Boosters and Collector Boosters. You can also find any of the 8 mythic rare borderless profile commanders from Modern Horizons 3 Commander decks in both Play Boosters and Collector Boosters, with ripple foil versions exclusive to Collector's Edition Commander decks (more on ripple foil below).
Borderless Frame Break
You can also find borderless frame break cards in Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters and Collector Boosters, with 30 in total across the set (26 rares and 4 mythic rares). Select new-to-Modern cards and Modern Horizons 3 cards feature alternate art with the borderless frame break treatment. As Modern Horizons 3 is a celebration of Magic, we made sure to bring back classic Magic artists like Richard Kane Ferguson, Mark Poole, Ron Spears, and more to infuse the cards with the outstanding visuals Magic has been and is known for.
Borderless Concept Eldrazi
There are also 3 non-foil and traditional foil versions of the Eldrazi titans to find in Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters and Collector Boosters. These feature amazing concept art and the classic borderless treatment.
Serialized Borderless Concept Eldrazi
In addition to the non-foil and traditional foil borderless concept Eldrazi, there are double rainbow borderless serialized versions of the Eldrazi titans that can appear in Modern Horizons 3 Collector Boosters. There are 250 serialized printings of each of the three titans featuring concept artwork in brilliant double rainbow foil.
These cards are only in English but appear in all languages of Collector Boosters. They are mechanically identical to their non-serialized counterparts.
Textured Foil
First appearing in Double Masters 2022, the textured foil treatment is also available in Modern Horizons 3 and is exclusive to Collector Boosters. In Collector Boosters, you can find either a borderless Special Guests Elemental (1.9%) or a borderless double-faced planeswalker (1.9%) with textured foiling. This unique approach to the foiling process truly makes these borderless treatments pop.
Ripple Foil
(Ripple Foil Borderless Profile)
Our newest foil treatment features a subtle halo-like effect that ripples across all 100 cards in each Modern Horizons 3 Collector's Edition Commander deck, including the front side of the 10 double-sided tokens in each deck and the ripple foil–etched display commander (printed on thicker cardstock; not legal in sanctioned Commander play). The ripple foil treatment is exclusive to Modern Horizons 3 Collector's Edition Commander decks.
Foil Etched
Select cards and variants can also appear in the foil-etched treatment exclusive to Collector Boosters, including the 8 mythic rare commanders from regular Commander decks as well as 12 rares and 10 mythic rares from Modern Horizons 3.
Retro Frame
The fan-favorite retro frame treatment can be found on 58 Modern Horizons 3 cards (7 commons, 16 uncommons, 26 rares, and 9 mythic rares) and 16 select reprints from Modern Horizons and Modern Horizons 2 with the H2R set code (2 commons, 6 uncommons, 2 rares, and 6 mythic rares).
Full Art
Full-art cards return with the full-art Eldrazi lands, featuring beautiful landscapes and powerful Eldrazi denizens (moments before they destroy said beautiful landscapes).
These can appear in Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters 10% of the time, and an additional 6.67% of the time, they will appear in traditional foil (for a total of 1 in 6 Play Boosters where they can appear). One will always appear in traditional foil in Collector Boosters.
Extended Art
Extended art returns on cards in Collector Boosters and 13 new-to-Magic cards in each Collector's Edition Commander deck. There are 67 extended-art cards throughout Modern Horizons 3, with 8 mythic rares and 59 rares receiving the extended-art treatment. Typically, we include extended art only on cards that don't have other alternate versions. With Modern Horizons 3, we made an exception to include 5 ally fetch lands in extended art to go along with the extended-art enemy fetch lands found in Modern Horizons 2.
Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters
Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters are exactly what they're named for: if you're planning to play with friends, attending an in-store Prerelease or Draft event, or just curious to see what's inside the set, the Play Booster has you covered for both gaming and building your Magic collection.

Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters each include the following:
- 14 Magic: The Gathering cards:
- 6 Commons* – Modern Horizons 3 has 80 commons you can find in this slot.
- 3 Uncommons, including double-faced cards (DFCs) – Here you can find any of the 81 MH3 uncommons (2.4 cards on average) and the 20 MH3 double-faced uncommons (0.6 cards on average).
- 1 Rare or mythic rare, including Booster Fun, double-faced, and retro frame cards – Here you can get any of the 60 MH3 rares (79.8%) or 20 mythic rares, including DFC planeswalkers (13.0%), retro frame cards (24 rares, 8 mythic rares [2.1% in total]), or a Booster Fun borderless card, including fetch lands, concept Eldrazi, DFC planeswalkers, frame break cards, profile cards, and other borderless rares or mythic rares (5.1% in total).
- 1 New-to-Modern card – MH3 brings 20 uncommons, 18 rares, and 4 mythic rares from Commander and Legacy formats and introduces them to the Modern format for the first time. This slot contains only cards that are new to Modern. In a regular frame, this slot has the 20 uncommons (75%), 18 rares (21.3%), and 4 mythic rares (2.3%). The slot also could contain Booster Fun or retro frame versions. There are 6 rares and 1 mythic rare in the borderless frame break treatment (0.8% in total), 2 rares and 2 mythic rares in the borderless profile treatment (0.3% in total), 2 rares and 1 mythic rare in a retro frame (0.2% in total), and 1 additional borderless mythic rare (less than 0.1%).
- 1 Wildcard of any rarity – In addition to the 80 commons (41.7%), 81 uncommons (33.4%), DFC uncommons (8.3%), 60 rares (6.7%), and 20 mythic rares (including DFC planeswalkers [1.1%]), this slot is where you will find:
- Borderless frame break cards (20 rares, 3 mythic rares), borderless profile cards (10 rares, 5 mythic rares), borderless concept Eldrazi (3 mythic rares), and other borderless cards, including ally fetch lands and DFC planeswalkers (10 rares, 6 mythic rares). In total, you get one of these rares or mythic rares in a borderless treatment in the wildcard slot in 0.4% of Play Boosters.
- MH3 retro frame cards, including new-to-Modern uncommons (7 commons, 16 uncommons, 24 rares, and 8 mythic rares that show up 4.2% in total)
- Commander mythic rares (8 cards, both regular and borderless; 4.2% in total) double-faced cards, and more
- Full-art Snow-Covered Wastes (1 card; less than 0.1%)
- 1 Traditional foil card of any rarity** – This contains a traditional foil version of the new-to-Modern cards, retro frame new-to-Modern cards (all rarities), and traditional foil versions of the wildcard slot (except for Special Guests; traditional foil versions are only in Collector Boosters)
- 1 Land card or common – Each of the 80 MH3 commons show up in this slot half of the time (50%). The remainder of the time, you get one of the 10 regular basic lands in non-foil (20%) or traditional foil (13.3%), or a full-art Eldrazi basic land in non-foil (10%) or traditional foil (6.7%).
*One of the 10 mythic rare non-foil Special Guests cards replaces a common card in 1 in 64 Play Boosters.
**Note that for a small number of English-language Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters, traditional foil double-faced uncommons were misprinted with incorrectly matched faces. These cards may be played as though mechanically identical to their non-misprint counterparts to correctly match double-faced cards based on the front face of the card and do not represent mechanically unique printings.
Modern Horizons 3 Collector Boosters
Modern Horizons 3 Collector Boosters are the most exciting boosters you can open for the set! Packed with shiny foils, beautiful Booster Fun treatments (from borderless to retro frame and beyond), and home to the highly collectible serialized cards that can appear, Collector Boosters are a treat to open and great for adding new cards to your collection.

Modern Horizons 3 Collector Boosters each contain the following:
- 4 Traditional foil commons – In these slots, you will find the 80 MH3 commons.
- 3 Traditional foil uncommons – Here you will get, on average, 2 of MH3's 81 uncommons, 0.5 of MH3's 20 double-faced (DFC) uncommons, and 0.5 of the 20 new-to-Modern uncommons.
- 1 Traditional foil full-art Eldrazi land – 1 of 5 full-art Eldrazi basic lands
- 1 Non-foil common or uncommon retro frame card or full-art Snow-Covered Wastes – In addition to the full-art Snow-Covered Wastes found in this slot (2.6%), here you will find a selection of commons and uncommons from MH1, MH2, and MH3 all brought into the retro frame. There are 7 retro frame MH3 commons (30.7%), 12 retro frame MH3 uncommons (31.6%), 4 retro frame MH3 new-to-Modern uncommons (10.5%), 2 retro frame commons (8.8%), and 6 retro frame uncommons of cards that first appeared in Modern Horizons or Modern Horizons 2 (15.8%).
- 1 Traditional foil common or uncommon retro frame card or full-art Snow-Covered Wastes – The same card selection and drop rates as the slot above, done in traditional foil
- 1 Traditional foil rare or mythic rare, including DFCs and new-to-Modern cards – Here you can get any of the 60 MH3 rares (66.7%), 15 MH3 mythic rares (8.3%), 5 MH3 DFC mythic rares (2.8%), 18 MH3 new-to-Modern rares (20%), or 4 MH3 new-to-Modern mythic rares (2.2%).
- 1 Foil-etched Commander mythic rare or a non-foil or traditional foil Booster Fun Commander rare or mythic rare – In this slot, you will find the Modern Horizons 3 Commander cards with the foil-etched, non-foil, or traditional foil treatment.
- The 8 Commander mythic rares are each available in the foil-etched treatment (3.3%), as well as their non-foil borderless profile versions (6.1%) and traditional foil borderless profile versions (3.5%). A non-foil extended art version (5.3%) or a traditional foil extended-art version (3%) of 7 of the 8 Commander mythic rares can be found here as well, with Ulalek, Fused Atrocity being the mythic rare not included in extended art.
- There are also 39 extended-art Modern Horizons 3 Commander rares found in this slot, each in non-foil as well as the 13 new Eldrazi Commander deck rares (78.9% in total). This selection of cards contains all the mechanically new rares found in the Commander decks. Of note, the 13 new rares from Eldrazi Incursion show up with the same art and treatment as you will find in their Commander deck due to Eldrazi already having a colorless transparent frame.
- 2 Non-foil rares or mythic rares with the borderless, extended-art, or retro frame treatment – This slot features an amazing array of collectible cards, including both borderless and retro frame fetch lands, borderless concept Eldrazi, extended-art cards, retro frame cards, and more! Of note, there are cards that have two Booster Fun treatments for the same card; when that occurs, each of those versions typically shows up half as often so that they, in total, show up as often as cards with a single Booster Fun version. Here is the breakout for the two cards that you get in this slot, noting that any percentage listed is the possibility for getting the cards in the two slots total, so the percentages will add up to a total of two cards:
- 20 MH3 extended-art rares (45.4%) and 1 MH3 extended-art mythic rare (1.1%)
- The borderless treatments that show up, including 20 rare (29.6%) and 3 mythic rare (2.8%) borderless frame break cards, 10 rare (18.2%) and 5 mythic rare (4.6%) borderless profile cards, 3 mythic rare (1.7%) borderless concept Eldrazi cards, and other borderless cards, such as 5 rare (5.7%) fetch lands, 5 other rare (11.4%) lands and 1 other mythic rare (1.1%) land, and 5 mythic rare (5.7%) DFC planeswalker cards.
- The new-to-Modern cards: 6 rare (13.6%) and 1 mythic rare (0.6%) borderless frame break card, 2 rare (4.6%) and 2 mythic rare (1.7%) borderless profile cards, and 1 mythic rare (1.1%) regular borderless card
- There is also the possibility of opening retro frame cards from Modern Horizons 2 and Modern Horizons 3 in these slots. From MH3, there are 24 retro frame rares (28.4%), including fetch lands, 8 retro frame mythic rares (5.7%), 2 retro frame new-to-Modern rares (4.6%), and 1 mythic rare (1.1%). From MH2, there are 2 retro frame rares (4.5%) and 6 retro frame mythic rares, the 5 MH2 Elementals, and Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (6.8%).
- 1 Traditional foil rare or mythic rare that's an extended-art, borderless, or retro frame card, or one of the following:
- A double rainbow serialized Eldrazi (250 of each)
- A foil-etched rare (9.3%) or mythic rare (3.9%)
- A traditional foil Special Guests mythic rare (10 cards total—4.4%)
- A textured foil Special Guests Elemental (1.9%) or DFC planeswalker (1.9%)
- The remainder of this slot has the same content as the non-foil slot above with the percentages reduced appropriately to account for the inclusion of serialized, foil-etched, textured foil, and Special Guests cards.
- 1 Traditional foil double-sided token
Modern Horizons 3 Commander Decks
Modern Horizons 3 Commander decks celebrate the powerful mechanics and themes found across the set and come ready to play out of the box with friends at your local game store. With new-to-Magic cards, double-sided tokens, and a Collector Booster Sample Pack to tantalize with possibilities, each Commander deck is perfect for jumping into one of the most popular ways to play Magic.

Each Modern Horizons 3 Commander deck includes the following:
- 1 Ready-to-play 100-card deck, including:
- 1 Traditional foil mythic rare face commander
- 1 Traditional foil mythic rare featured commander
- 13 New-to-Magic rares
- 1 Foil-etched display commander (a thick cardstock copy of the face commander card with foil etched into the card's border and art; not legal in sanctioned Commander play)
- 1 Modern Horizons 3 Collector Booster Sample Pack
- 10 Non-foil double-sided tokens
- 1 Deck box
- 1 Life wheel
- 1 Strategy insert
Modern Horizons 3 Collector's Edition Commander Decks
Modern Horizons 3 Collector's Edition Commander decks are everything the regular Commander decks offer but printed with an exclusive ripple foil treatment. With Booster Fun treatments on many cards and tokens similarly featuring ripple foil on one side, Collector's Edition Commander decks provide an eye-catching way to celebrate your favorite theme and level up your existing Commander deck.

In addition to featuring the new ripple foil treatment on all 100 cards, each Modern Horizons 3 Collector's Edition Commander deck includes the following:
- 1 Ready-to-play 100-card deck, including:
- 1 Borderless profile face commander
- 1 Borderless profile featured commander
- 13 New-to-Magic extended-art rares
- 1 Ripple foil–etched display commander (a thick cardstock copy of the face commander card with the ripple foil treatment etched into the card's border and art; not legal in sanctioned Commander play)
- 1 Modern Horizons 3 Collector Booster Sample Pack
- 10 Double-sided tokens (with ripple foil tokens on the front and non-foil tokens on the back)
- 1 Deck box
- 1 Life wheel
- 1 Strategy insert
Modern Horizons 3 Prerelease Pack
The Modern Horizons 3 Prerelease Pack includes a bundle of Play Boosters and accessories to welcome any player into the experience of the latest Magic release. Prereleases are the first place players can open and play with the newest cards and share in the joy of discovering powerful combinations and interesting interactions via in-store events.
You can pre-register to be among the first to open Modern Horizons 3 products at a Prerelease event near you.

Each Modern Horizons 3 Prerelease Pack includes the following:
- 6 Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters
- 1 Traditional foil year-stamped rare or mythic rare
- 1 Magic: The Gathering Arena code card; only available in select regions
- 1 Deck box
- 1 Spindown die
Modern Horizons 3 Bundles
Modern Horizons 3 Bundles can complement—or start—any Magic collection. With Play Boosters, basic lands (including traditional foil versions), a promo card, a box to store it all, and more, the Bundle is a convenient way to explore Modern Horizons 3 that any fan will appreciate.

Each Modern Horizons 3 Bundle includes the following:
- 9 Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters
- 1 Traditional foil card with Bundle-exclusive alternate art
- 15 Traditional foil basic lands (5 with full art)
- 15 Non-foil basic lands (5 with full art)
- 1 Oversized spindown life counter
- 1 Card-storage box
- 2 Reference cards
Modern Horizons 3 Bundle: Gift Edition
Modern Horizons 3 Bundle: Gift Edition supercharges the Bundle with a variation of the oversized spindown life counter and new artwork for the card-storage box, plus it adds a Collector Booster packed with shiny foils and collectible cards. It's the perfect gift for the fan of Magic who has it all, and why we call it "Gift Edition."

Each Modern Horizons 3 Bundle: Gift Edition includes the following:
- 9 Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters
- 1 Modern Horizons 3 Collector Booster
- 1 Traditional foil card with Bundle-exclusive alternate art
- 15 Traditional foil basic lands (5 are full-art Eldrazi basic lands)
- 15 Non-foil basic lands (5 are full-art Eldrazi basic lands)
- 1 Oversized spindown life counter
- 1 Card-storage box
- 2 Reference cards
Take a look at the traditional foil Powerbalance promo from the Modern Horizons 3 Bundle and Bundle: Gift Edition below:
Uncover more about Modern Horizons 3 through the Eldrazi story arcs on, which feature cards, characters, and stories from the set. You can also preorder Modern Horizons 3 products now from your local game store, online retailers like Amazon, and elsewhere Magic is sold.