Magic: The Gathering – Assassin’s Creed®

Magic: The Gathering – Assassin’s Creed® Product Lineup
©2024 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

The Animus has a new destination: Magic: The Gathering. Take a Leap of Faith into a new expression of the game you love and find the weapons, characters, and real-world locations waiting on the battlefield. The only way to uncover the secrets of the past is to follow in the footsteps of the assassins who came before, and if you’ve learned anything, it’s that you must be swift, precise, and never show your hand.

Serialized Leonardo da Vinci cards are localized in Italian only and are available in Magic: The Gathering – Assassin’s Creed Collector Boosters of any language. Non-serialized Magic: The Gathering – Assassin’s Creed cards are mechanically identical to serialized variants. See product packaging for details. Images are digital renderings, not actual cards. Foil effect simulated.