Why Play This Format?
- Deckbuilding on the spot!
- Get teammate input on matches while playing (no input allowed during draft process).
- Different play experience every time with a level playing field.
Different Ways to Play
Play Rules/Modifiers
Grab two friends and battle against another team of three for 1v1 games! Seating arrangement for this format consists of two teams (Team A and Team B) each with three players, seating alternates between the teams as you go around the table. No communication, verbal or non-verbal, is allowed between players during the draft.
Gameplay follows standard draft rules: Players sit around a table in a semi-circle. Each player then opens a booster pack and picks a single card without showing the other players. Each player then passes the remaining cards to the left, and continues drafting from the new cards they get from the player on their right. This continues until all of the cards in those packs have been distributed (drafted). Then each player opens a second pack, but this time, pass the pack to the right. After all those cards are drafted, you do the same with the third pack, passing to the left again. At the end, each player will have about 45 cards (along with any number of basic lands) which they can use to build a 40 card deck.
- Minimum 40 cards per deck
- 30 min game duration for draft, 30 minutes to build, then about 20 minutes per game