The Grand Creature Type Update
Why Update?
Initially, we weren't going to. Back in the Mirrodin set, we implemented the "race class" model for Magic creatures, and we made Human a creature type. At first, we had no plans to update cards from the past. Then you'd have to check Oracle to know what creature types your card is, and we felt that was best avoided.
We soon realized that policy would be impossible to support because we reprint cards. When
But we reprint cards in all sorts of weird ways. There are the core set cards. There are reprints that show up in expert-level sets (like
As time went on, two things became clear to us:
1) It would be easier to look at the big picture and update everything than it would be to continually update small slices of the pie. Decisions made while looking at a tiny subset aren't necessarily the right decisions in the long run, so why not make the long-run decisions now?
2) Our hope that players would be able to avoid Oracle when they want to know what creature types their cards are was already torpedoed. If you're holding an Ice Age card, do you know whether it's been reprinted in Ninth Edition? Tenth Edition? Masters Edition? A Coldsnap theme deck? You've got to look it up if you really need to know. Once that's the case, then it's in everyone's best interests to make the creature types as sensible as possible.
Why Update Now?
The creature type update is synched to the Lorwyn release because Lorwyn is a tribal set. Those creature types matter! Updating the master creature type list that lives in the Comp Rules is especially important because all the Lorwyn creatures with changeling have all those types. So now is the best time to seriously streamline that list.
What's Changing?
There are four main categories of changes.
1) Creatures without creature types got some creature types. There are three types of cards that lacked creature types:
- Legendary creatures. Prior to the Mirrodin set, Legend was a creature type. Most legendary creatures were printed as "Summon Legend" or "Creature — Legend," and had no further creature types. (Some, like
Sliver Queen , had creature types in their text box; others, likeRorix Bladewing , had extra types on their type lines.) - Artifact creatures. Some artifact creatures had types like Golem, Gnome, or Chimera. But we didn't have an "every creature has a creature type" policy, so lots of artifact creatures were subtypeless.
- Cards that self-animate. Many cards that can turn into creatures, from
Mishra's Factory toOpal Titan , listed the creature types they turn into. But some didn't.
2) Creatures that lacked races got a race. The vast majority of these are creatures that should be Human but were printed before Mirrodin. In fact, more than half of the cards involved in this update got "Human" added to them. Some cards got other races, like Dryad (
3) Creatures that lacked an obvious class got a class. If a class exists in a creature's name, like
4) Obsolete creature types were eliminated. A number of completely bizarre creature types were still on the books. Being? Entity? Gaea's-Avenger? Gone, and their former owners now have more sensible types. In addition, there were a number of creature types that were too specific, and these have been folded into more standard types. For example, Erne and Vulture are now Bird, and Dragonfly and Ant are now Insect.
That covers most things. There were some other causes for change. For example, we've introduced Hellion and Homunculus as new creature types recently. Those types were propagated back to the three previous Hellions and two previous Homunculi. Also, we added a lot of animal types to Beasts that really look like those animals. For example,
This brings up an important point: Wherever possible, we added creature types to existing supported types rather than replacing those types. Take
Text Changes
Three cards got more extensive changes.
The "Guardian" creature type was eliminated in this update, for much the same reason that "Lord" was eliminated as a creature type. That left
Wirefly Hive produced Wirefly tokens. But just like
Un- Types
None of the Unglued or Unhinged creature types were changed. I couldn't change them even if I wanted to, since those cards don't exist in Oracle! However, all creature types specific to Un- cards are being eliminated from the Comprehensive Rules list. In the land of silver bordered cards, fractions are legal numbers—but this is specifically prohibited by the Comp Rules. When playing with Un- cards, pink, brown, and hazel are legit colors—but they're not listed in the Comp Rules. So why are creature types like Gus, Paratrooper, and Donkey in the Comp Rules? As of the Lorwyn update, they're not.
Final Notes
Overall, this was a huge project. A total of 1197 cards changed in the creature type update. 146 creature types were eliminated, and 8 were added, to leave the final list at 216 creature types.
And you know what? We probably didn't do it perfectly. When you're updating nearly 1200 cards, there are probably some things that slipped through the cracks. There are certainly issues that are ambiguous. If you think we made a mistake, or left something out, or have any other comments you'd like us to see, please leave a note in the message boards. We'll be checking, and any oversights will be corrected in the next Oracle update. Please do not send me email on this topic. The only way to have your voice be heard is to post in the message boards.
Eliminated Types
Abomination, Aladdin, Albatross, Alchemist, Ali-Baba, Ali-from-Cairo, Alligator, Ambush-Party, Ant, Asp, Bandit, Banshee, Bee, Being, Bodyguard, Brownie, Bull, Bureaucrat, Caravan, Carnivore, Carriage, Cave-People, Cheetah, Chicken, Child, Clamfolk, Cobra, Constable, Cow, Crusader, Designer, Devouring-Deep, Dinosaur, Dog, Donkey, Dragonfly, Drill-Sergeant, Eel, Effigy, El-Hajjâj, Enchantress, Entity, Erne, Essence, Exorcist, Expansion-Symbol, Farmer, Fiend, Frostbeast, Fungusaur, Gaea's-Avenger, Gamer, General, Ghost, Ghoul, Guardian, Gus, Gypsy, Harlequin, Heretic, Hero, Hipparion, Hornet, Horseman, Hyena, Infernal-Denizen, Inquisitor, Island-Fish, Jackal, Keeper, Kelp, King, Lady-of-Proper- Etiquette, Legionnaire, Leper, Lord, Lurker, Lycanthrope, Mage, Maiden, Mammoth, Marid, Master, Medusa, Merchant, Mime, Minor, Miracle-Worker, Mold-Demon, Monster, Mummy, Murk-Dwellers, Nameless-Race, Narwhal, Niall-Silvain, Noble, Paladin, Paratrooper, Penguin, People-of-the-Woods, Phantasm, Pig, Pikemen, Pixie-Queen, Poltergeist, Pony, Priest, Pyknite, Ranger, Robber, Roc, Rock-Sled, Sage, Scavenger, Shark, Ship, Shyft, Sister, Smith, Sorceress, Spuzzem, Spy, Stangg-Twin, Tactician, Tarpan, Teddy, Thief, The-Biggest-Baddest-Nastiest-Scariest-Creature-You'll-Ever-See, Twin, Viper, Vulture, Waiter, Walking-Dead, Whippoorwill, Wight, Wiitigo, Wirefly, Wolverine-Pack, Wolves-of-the-Hunt, Wretched
Added Types
Anemone, Anteater, Elk, Harpy, Nautilus, Scarecrow, Squid, Thalakos
New List of Creature Types (a.k.a., What Mirror Entity Is)
Advisor, Anemone, Angel, Anteater, Antelope, Ape, Archer, Archon, Artificer, Assassin, Assembly-Worker, Atog, Aurochs, Avatar, Badger, Barbarian, Basilisk, Bat, Bear, Beast, Beeble, Berserker, Bird, Blinkmoth, Boar, Bringer, Brushwagg, Camarid, Camel, Caribou, Carrier, Cat, Centaur, Cephalid, Chimera, Citizen, Cleric, Cockatrice, Construct, Coward, Crab, Crocodile, Cyclops, Dauthi, Demon, Deserter, Devil, Djinn, Dragon, Drake, Dreadnought, Drone, Druid, Dryad, Dwarf, Efreet, Egg, Elder, Elemental, Elephant, Elf, Elk, Eye, Faerie, Ferret, Fish, Flagbearer, Fox, Frog, Fungus, Gargoyle, Giant, Gnome, Goat, Goblin, Golem, Gorgon, Graveborn, Gremlin, Griffin, Hag, Harpy, Hellion, Hippo, Homarid, Homunculus, Horror, Horse, Hound, Human, Hydra, Illusion, Imp, Incarnation, Insect, Jellyfish, Juggernaut, Kavu, Kirin, Kithkin, Knight, Kobold, Kor, Kraken, Lammasu, Leech, Leviathan, Lhurgoyf, Licid, Lizard, Manticore, Masticore, Mercenary, Merfolk, Metathran, Minion, Minotaur, Monger, Mongoose, Monk, Moonfolk, Mutant, Myr, Mystic, Nautilus, Nephilim, Nightmare, Nightstalker, Ninja, Nomad, Octopus, Ogre, Ooze, Orb, Orc, Orgg, Ouphe, Ox, Oyster, Pegasus, Pentavite, Pest, Phelddagrif, Phoenix, Pincher, Pirate, Plant, Prism, Rabbit, Rat, Rebel, Reflection, Rhino, Rigger, Rogue, Salamander, Samurai, Sand, Saproling, Satyr, Scarecrow, Scorpion, Scout, Serf, Serpent, Shade, Shaman, Shapeshifter, Sheep, Skeleton, Slith, Sliver, Slug, Snake, Soldier, Soltari, Spawn, Specter, Spellshaper, Sphinx, Spider, Spike, Spirit, Splinter, Sponge, Squid, Squirrel, Starfish, Survivor, Tetravite, Thalakos, Thopter, Thrull, Treefolk, Triskelavite, Troll, Turtle, Unicorn, Vampire, Vedalken, Viashino, Volver, Wall, Warrior, Weird, Whale, Wizard, Wolf, Wolverine, Wombat, Worm, Wraith, Wurm, Yeti, Zombie, Zubera
So that's the overview. This is your last chance to escape before we get to the giant table.
Go to Comprehensive Rules Changes.
Go to Normal Oracle Changes.
What follows is a set-by-set breakdown of every card that got a new creature type. Changes in bold are those that feature the new creature types in rules text rather than on the type line.
Card | Printed Types | Current Types | New Types | Set |
Dwarven Warriors | Dwarves | Dwarf | Dwarf Warrior | Alpha |
Elvish Archers | Elves | Elf | Elf Archer | Alpha |
Fungusaur | Fungusaur | Fungusaur | Fungus | Alpha |
Jade Statue | Golem | Alpha | ||
Lord of Atlantis | Lord of Atlantis | Merfolk Lord | Merfolk | Alpha |
Nightmare | Nightmare | Nightmare | Nightmare Horse | Alpha |
Northern Paladin | Paladin | Knight | Human Knight | Alpha |
Phantasmal Forces | Phantasm | Phantasm | Illusion | Alpha |
Roc of Kher Ridges | Roc | Roc | Bird | Alpha |
Scavenging Ghoul | Ghoul | Ghoul | Zombie | Alpha |
Veteran Bodyguard | Bodyguard | Bodyguard | Human | Alpha |
War Mammoth | Mammoth | Mammoth | Elephant | Alpha |
White Knight | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Alpha |
Zombie Master | Lord | Lord | Zombie | Alpha |
Abu Ja'far | Leper | Leper | Human | Arabian Nights |
Aladdin | Aladdin | Aladdin | Human Rogue | Arabian Nights |
Ali Baba | Ali Baba | Ali-Baba | Human | Arabian Nights |
Ali from Cairo | Ali from Cairo | Ali-from-Cairo | Human | Arabian Nights |
Bird Maiden | Bird Maiden | Maiden | Human | Arabian Nights |
Brass Man | Construct | Arabian Nights | ||
Desert Nomads | Nomads | Nomad | Human Nomad | Arabian Nights |
El-Hajjâj | El-Hajjâj | El-Hajjâj | Human | Arabian Nights |
Guardian Beast | Guardian | Guardian | Beast | Arabian Nights |
Hurr Jackal | Jackal | Jackal | Hound | Arabian Nights |
Island Fish Jasconius | Island Fish | Island-Fish | Fish | Arabian Nights |
King Suleiman | King | King | Human | Arabian Nights |
Merchant Ship | Ship | Ship | Human | Arabian Nights |
Nafs Asp | Asp | Asp | Snake | Arabian Nights |
Old Man of the Sea | Marid | Marid | Djinn | Arabian Nights |
Repentant Blacksmith | Smith | Smith | Human | Arabian Nights |
Sorceress Queen | Sorceress | Sorceress | Human Wizard | Arabian Nights |
Argivian Blacksmith | Smith | Smith | Human Artificer | Antiquities |
Battering Ram | Construct | Antiquities | ||
Citanul Druid | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Antiquities |
Clay Statue | Golem | Antiquities | ||
Clockwork Avian | Bird | Antiquities | ||
Dwarven Weaponsmith | Dwarves | Dwarf | Dwarf Artificer | Antiquities |
Gaea's Avenger | Gaea's Avenger | Gaea's-Avenger | Treefolk | Antiquities |
Goblin Artisans | Goblins | Goblin | Goblin Artificer | Antiquities |
Grapeshot Catapult | Construct | Antiquities | ||
Martyrs of Korlis | Bodyguard | Bodyguard | Human | Antiquities |
Mishra's War Machine | Juggernaut | Antiquities | ||
Priest of Yawgmoth | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Antiquities |
Primal Clay | Shapeshifter | Antiquities | ||
Sage of Lat-Nam | Sage | Sage | Human Artificer | Antiquities |
Shapeshifter | Shapeshifter | Antiquities | ||
Tetravus | Construct | Antiquities | ||
Triskelion | Construct | Antiquities | ||
Urza's Avenger | Shapeshifter | Antiquities | ||
Xenic Poltergeist | Poltergeist | Poltergeist | Spirit | Antiquities |
Abomination | Abomination | Abomination | Horror | Legends |
Ærathi Berserker | Berserker | Berserker | Human Berserker | Legends |
Akron Legionnaire | Legionnaire | Legionnaire | Human Soldier | Legends |
Angus Mackenzie | Legend | Human Cleric | Legends | |
Axelrod Gunnarson | Legend | Giant | Legends | |
Ayesha Tanaka | Legend | Human Artificer | Legends | |
Barktooth Warbeard | Legend | Human Warrior | Legends | |
Bartel Runeaxe | Legend | Human Warrior | Legends | |
Blazing Effigy | Effigy | Effigy | Elemental | Legends |
Boris Devilboon | Legend | Human Wizard | Legends | |
Boris Devilboon | Minor Demon | Minor Demon | Demon named Minor Demon | Legends |
Bronze Horse | Horse | Legends | ||
Carrion Ants | Ants | Ant | Insect | Legends |
Clergy of the Holy Nimbus | Priest | Priest | Human Cleric | Legends |
Cyclopean Mummy | Mummy | Mummy | Zombie | Legends |
D'Avenant Archer | Archer | Soldier | Human Soldier Archer | Legends |
Devouring Deep | Devouring Deep | Devouring-Deep | Fish | Legends |
Emerald Dragonfly | Dragonfly | Dragonfly | Insect | Legends |
Enchanted Being | Being | Being | Human | Legends |
Floral Spuzzem | Spuzzem | Spuzzem | Elemental | Legends |
Gabriel Angelfire | Legend | Angel | Legends | |
Ghosts of the Damned | Ghosts | Ghost | Spirit | Legends |
Gosta Dirk | Legend | Human Warrior | Legends | |
Gwendlyn Di Corci | Legend | Human | Legends | |
Halfdane | Legend | Shapeshifter | Legends | |
Hazezon Tamar | Legend | Human Warrior | Legends | |
Headless Horseman | Horseman | Horseman | Zombie Knight | Legends |
Hornet Cobra | Cobra | Cobra | Snake | Legends |
Hunding Gjornersen | Legend | Human Warrior | Legends | |
Hyperion Blacksmith | Smith | Smith | Human Artificer | Legends |
Ichneumon Druid | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Legends |
Infernal Medusa | Medusa | Medusa | Gorgon | Legends |
Ivory Guardians | Guardians | Guardian | Human Cleric | Legends |
Jedit Ojanen | Legend | Cat Warrior | Legends | |
Jerrard of the Closed Fist | Legend | Human Knight | Legends | |
Johan | Legend | Human Wizard | Legends | |
Kasimir the Lone Wolf | Legend | Human Warrior | Legends | |
Keepers of the Faith | Keepers | Keeper | Human Cleric | Legends |
Kei Takahashi | Legend | Human Cleric | Legends | |
Killer Bees | Bees | Bee | Insect | Legends |
Kobold Drill Sergeant | Drill Sergeant | Drill-Sergeant | Kobold Soldier | Legends |
Kobold Overlord | Lord | Lord | Kobold | Legends |
Lady Caleria | Legend | Human Archer | Legends | |
Lady Evangela | Legend | Human Cleric | Legends | |
Lady Orca | Legend | Demon | Legends | |
Lesser Werewolf | Lycanthrope | Lycanthrope | Human Wolf | Legends |
Livonya Silone | Legend | Human Warrior | Legends | |
Lord Magnus | Legend | Human Druid | Legends | |
Lost Soul | Lost Soul | Minion | Spirit Minion | Legends |
Marble Priest | Cleric | Legends | ||
Marhault Elsdragon | Legend | Elf Warrior | Legends | |
Master of the Hunt | Master | Master | Human | Legends |
Master of the Hunt | Wolves of the Hunt | Wolves-of-the-Hunt | Wolf named Wolves of the Hunt that has "bands with other Wolves" | Legends |
Mold Demon | Mold Demon | Mold-Demon | Fungus Demon | Legends |
Moss Monster | Monster | Monster | Fungus | Legends |
Nebuchadnezzar | Legend | Human Wizard | Legends | |
Osai Vultures | Vultures | Vulture | Bird | Legends |
Pavel Maliki | Legend | Human | Legends | |
Pixie Queen | Pixie Queen | Pixie-Queen | Faerie | Legends |
Pradesh Gypsies | Gypsies | Gypsy | Human Nomad | Legends |
Princess Lucrezia | Legend | Human Wizard | Legends | |
Psionic Entity | Entity | Entity | Beast | Legends |
Raging Bull | Bull | Bull | Ox | Legends |
Ragnar | Legend | Human Cleric | Legends | |
Ramirez DePietro | Legend | Human Pirate | Legends | |
Ramses Overdark | Legend | Human Assassin | Legends | |
Rasputin Dreamweaver | Legend | Human Wizard | Legends | |
Riven Turnbull | Legend | Human Advisor | Legends | |
Rohgahh of Kher Keep | Legend | Kobold | Legends | |
Rubinia Soulsinger | Legend | Human | Legends | |
Segovian Leviathan | Leviathan | Serpent | Leviathan | Legends |
Sentinel | Shapeshifter | Legends | ||
Sir Shandlar of Eberyn | Legend | Human Knight | Legends | |
Sivitri Scarzam | Legend | Human | Legends | |
Stangg | Legend | Human Warrior | Legends | |
Stangg | Stangg Twin | Stangg-Twin | Human Warrior named Stangg Twin | Legends |
Sunastian Falconer | Legend | Human Shaman | Legends | |
Tetsuo Umezawa | Legend | Human Warrior | Legends | |
The Lady of the Mountain | Legend | Giant | Legends | |
The Wretched | Wretched | Wretched | Demon | Legends |
Tobias Andrion | Legend | Human | Legends | |
Tor Wauki | Legend | Human Archer | Legends | |
Torsten Von Ursus | Legend | Human Soldier | Legends | |
Tuknir Deathlock | Legend | Human Wizard | Legends | |
Ur-Drago | Legend | Demon | Legends | |
Walking Dead | Walking Dead | Walking-Dead | Skeleton | Legends |
Wolverine Pack | Wolverine Pack | Wolverine-Pack | Wolverine | Legends |
Xira Arien | Legend | Insect Wizard | Legends | |
Banshee | Banshee | Banshee | Spirit | The Dark |
Cave People | Cave People | Cave-People | Human | The Dark |
Diabolic Machine | Construct | The Dark | ||
Electric Eel | Eel | Eel | Fish | The Dark |
Exorcist | Exorcist | Exorcist | Human Cleric | The Dark |
Frankenstein's Monster | Monster | Monster | Zombie | The Dark |
Giant Shark | Shark | Shark | Fish | The Dark |
Goblin Rock Sled | Rock Sled | Rock-Sled | Goblin | The Dark |
Grave Robbers | Robbers | Robber | Human Rogue | The Dark |
Lurker | Lurker | Lurker | Beast | The Dark |
Marsh Viper | Viper | Viper | Snake | The Dark |
Miracle Worker | Miracle Worker | Miracle-Worker | Human Cleric | The Dark |
Murk Dwellers | Murk Dwellers | Murk-Dwellers | Zombie | The Dark |
Nameless Race | Nameless Race | Nameless-Race | [nothing] | The Dark |
Niall Silvain | Niall Silvain | Niall-Silvain | Elemental | The Dark |
Orc General | General | General | Orc Warrior | The Dark |
People of the Woods | People of the Woods | People-of-the-Woods | Human | The Dark |
Pikemen | Pikemen | Pikemen | Human Soldier | The Dark |
Rag Man | Rag Man | Minion | Human Minion | The Dark |
Scarecrow | Scarecrow | The Dark | ||
Scarwood Bandits | Bandits | Bandit | Human Rogue | The Dark |
Scavenger Folk | Scavenger Folk | Scavenger | Human | The Dark |
Sisters of the Flame | Sisters | Sister | Human Shaman | The Dark |
Tracker | Tracker | Tracker | Human | The Dark |
Whippoorwill | Whippoorwill | Whippoorwill | Bird | The Dark |
Combat Medic | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Cleric | Fallen Empires |
Dwarven Lieutenant | Dwarf | Dwarf | Dwarf Soldier | Fallen Empires |
Elvish Hunter | Elf | Elf | Elf Archer | Fallen Empires |
Elvish Scout | Elf | Elf | Elf Scout | Fallen Empires |
Farrel's Zealot | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human | Fallen Empires |
Farrelite Priest | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Fallen Empires |
Homarid Shaman | Homarid | Homarid | Homarid Shaman | Fallen Empires |
Homarid Warrior | Homarid | Homarid | Homarid Warrior | Fallen Empires |
Icatian Infantry | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Fallen Empires |
Icatian Moneychanger | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human | Fallen Empires |
Icatian Phalanx | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Fallen Empires |
Icatian Scout | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Scout | Fallen Empires |
Icatian Skirmishers | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Fallen Empires |
Orcish Captain | Orc | Orc | Orc Warrior | Fallen Empires |
Svyelunite Priest | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Cleric | Fallen Empires |
Thelonite Druid | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric Druid | Fallen Empires |
Thelonite Monk | Cleric | Cleric | Insect Monk Cleric | Fallen Empires |
Thrull Wizard | Thrull | Thrull | Thrull Wizard | Fallen Empires |
Vodalian Mage | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Wizard | Fallen Empires |
Vodalian Soldiers | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Soldier | Fallen Empires |
Adarkar Sentinel | Soldier | Ice Age | ||
Balduvian Conjurer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Ice Age |
Balduvian Shaman | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric Shaman | Ice Age |
Barbarian Guides | Barbarians | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Ice Age |
Bone Shaman | Giant | Giant | Giant Shaman | Ice Age |
Brine Shaman | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric Shaman | Ice Age |
Chaos Lord | Lord | Lord | Human | Ice Age |
Dread Wight | Wight | Wight | Zombie | Ice Age |
Elder Druid | Cleric | Cleric | Elf Cleric Druid | Ice Age |
Elvish Healer | Cleric | Cleric | Elf Cleric | Ice Age |
Flame Spirit | Spirit | Spirit | Elemental Spirit | Ice Age |
Freyalise Supplicant | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Ice Age |
Fyndhorn Brownie | Brownie | Brownie | Ouphe | Ice Age |
Fyndhorn Elder | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Ice Age |
General Jarkeld | Legend | Human Soldier | Ice Age | |
Hipparion | Hipparion | Hipparion | Horse | Ice Age |
Infernal Denizen | Infernal Denizen | Infernal-Denizen | Demon | Ice Age |
Juniper Order Druid | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric Druid | Ice Age |
Kelsinko Ranger | Ranger | Ranger | Human | Ice Age |
Kjeldoran Frostbeast | Frostbeast | Frostbeast | Elemental Beast | Ice Age |
Kjeldoran Guard | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Ice Age |
Kjeldoran Knight | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Ice Age |
Kjeldoran Phalanx | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Ice Age |
Kjeldoran Skycaptain | Soldier | Soldier | Human Knight | Ice Age |
Kjeldoran Skyknight | Soldier | Soldier | Human Knight | Ice Age |
Kjeldoran Warrior | Hero | Hero | Human Warrior | Ice Age |
Knight of Stromgald | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Ice Age |
Krovikan Elementalist | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Ice Age |
Krovikan Sorcerer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Ice Age |
Lost Order of Jarkeld | Knights | Knight | Human Knight | Ice Age |
Magus of the Unseen | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Ice Age |
Mercenaries | Mercenaries | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Ice Age |
Minion of Leshrac | Demon | Demon | Demon Minion | Ice Age |
Minion of Tevesh Szat | Demon | Demon | Demon Minion | Ice Age |
Moor Fiend | Fiend | Fiend | Horror | Ice Age |
Mountain Titan | Titan | Titan | Giant | Ice Age |
Musician | Mage | Mage | Human Wizard | Ice Age |
Order of the Sacred Torch | Paladin | Paladin | Human Knight | Ice Age |
Order of the White Shield | Knights | Knight | Human Knight | Ice Age |
Phantasmal Mount | Phantasm | Phantasm | Illusion Horse | Ice Age |
Pygmy Allosaurus | Dinosaur | Dinosaur | Lizard | Ice Age |
Pyknite | Pyknite | Pyknite | Ouphe | Ice Age |
Sea Spirit | Spirit | Spirit | Elemental Spirit | Ice Age |
Shield Bearer | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Ice Age |
Shyft | Shyft | Shyft | Shapeshifter | Ice Age |
Silver Erne | Erne | Erne | Bird | Ice Age |
Skeleton Ship | Legend | Skeleton | Ice Age | |
Soldevi Machinist | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard Artificer | Ice Age |
Soldevi Simulacrum | Soldier | Ice Age | ||
Stone Spirit | Spirit | Spirit | Elemental Spirit | Ice Age |
Storm Spirit | Spirit | Spirit | Elemental Spirit | Ice Age |
Stromgald Cabal | Knights | Knight | Human Knight | Ice Age |
Tarpan | Tarpan | Tarpan | Horse | Ice Age |
Wiitigo | Wiitigo | Wiitigo | Yeti | Ice Age |
Wind Spirit | Spirit | Spirit | Elemental Spirit | Ice Age |
Zuran Enchanter | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Ice Age |
Abbey Matron | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Homelands |
Ambush Party | Ambush Party | Ambush-Party | Human Rogue | Homelands |
Anaba Ancestor | Ghost | Ghost | Minotaur Spirit | Homelands |
An-Havva Constable | Constable | Constable | Human | Homelands |
Aysen Bureaucrats | Bureaucrats | Bureaucrat | Human Advisor | Homelands |
Aysen Crusader | Crusader | Crusader | Human Knight | Homelands |
Beast Walkers | Heroes | Hero | Human Soldier | Homelands |
Black Carriage | Carriage | Carriage | Horse | Homelands |
Chandler | Legend | Human Rogue | Homelands | |
Clockwork Steed | Horse | Homelands | ||
Clockwork Swarm | Insect | Homelands | ||
Daughter of Autumn | Legend | Avatar | Homelands | |
Dwarven Pony | Pony | Pony | Horse | Homelands |
Ebony Rhino | Rhino | Homelands | ||
Faerie Noble | Noble | Noble | Faerie | Homelands |
Folk of An-Havva | Folk of An-Havva | Townsfolk | Human | Homelands |
Ghost Hounds | Hounds | Hound | Hound Spirit | Homelands |
Giant Albatross | Albatross | Albatross | Bird | Homelands |
Grandmother Sengir | Legend | Vampire | Homelands | |
Greater Werewolf | Lycanthrope | Lycanthrope | Human Wolf | Homelands |
Hazduhr the Abbot | Legend | Human Cleric | Homelands | |
Ihsan's Shade | Legend | Shade | Homelands | |
Irini Sengir | Legend | Dwarf Wizard | Homelands | |
Joven | Legend | Human Rogue | Homelands | |
Marjhan | Serpent | Serpent | Leviathan | Homelands |
Narwhal | Narwhal | Narwhal | Whale | Homelands |
Rashka the Slayer | Legend | Human Archer | Homelands | |
Reef Pirates | Ships | Ship | Zombie Pirate | Homelands |
Reveka, Wizard Savant | Legend | Human Wizard | Homelands | |
Roterothopter | Thopter | Homelands | ||
Samite Alchemist | Alchemist | Alchemist | Human Cleric | Homelands |
Serra Inquisitors | Inquisitors | Inquisitor | Human | Homelands |
Serra Paladin | Paladin | Paladin | Human Knight | Homelands |
Soraya the Falconer | Legend | Human | Homelands | |
Timmerian Fiends | Fiends | Fiend | Horror | Homelands |
Trade Caravan | Caravan | Caravan | Human | Homelands |
Veldrane of Sengir | Legend | Human Rogue | Homelands | |
Wall of Kelp | Wall | Wall | Plant Wall | Homelands |
Wall of Kelp | Kelp | Kelp Wall | Plant Wall named Kelp | Homelands |
Willow Priestess | Faerie | Faerie | Faerie Druid | Homelands |
Aesthir Glider | Bird | Alliances | ||
Agent of Stromgald | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Alliances |
Balduvian War-Makers | Barbarians | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Alliances |
Benthic Explorers | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Scout | Alliances |
Chaos Harlequin | Harlequin | Harlequin | Human | Alliances |
Elvish Spirit Guide | Spirit | Spirit | Elf Spirit | Alliances |
Enslaved Scout | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin Scout | Alliances |
Fyndhorn Druid | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Alliances |
Gorilla Berserkers | Gorillas | Ape | Ape Berserker | Alliances |
Juniper Order Advocate | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Alliances |
Kaysa | Legend | Human Druid | Alliances | |
Keeper of Tresserhorn | Keeper | Keeper | Avatar | Alliances |
Kjeldoran Escort | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Alliances |
Krovikan Horror | Horror | Horror | Horror Spirit | Alliances |
Lim-Dûl's Paladin | Paladin | Paladin | Human Knight | Alliances |
Phantasmal Sphere | Phantasm | Phantasm | Illusion | Alliances |
Phyrexian Devourer | Construct | Alliances | ||
Rogue Skycaptain | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Rogue Mercenary | Alliances |
Royal Herbalist | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Alliances |
Seasoned Tactician | Tactician | Tactician | Human Advisor | Alliances |
Soldevi Adnate | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Alliances |
Soldevi Heretic | Heretic | Heretic | Human Cleric | Alliances |
Soldevi Sage | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Alliances |
Soldevi Sentry | Soldier | Alliances | ||
Soldevi Steam Beast | Beast | Alliances | ||
Soldier of Fortune | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Alliances |
Storm Shaman | Cleric | Cleric | Human Shaman | Alliances |
Stromgald Spy | Spy | Spy | Human Rogue | Alliances |
Sustaining Spirit | Guardian | Guardian | Angel Spirit | Alliances |
Sworn Defender | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Alliances |
Urza's Engine | Juggernaut | Alliances | ||
Varchild's Crusader | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Alliances |
Wandering Mage | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric Wizard | Alliances |
Whip Vine | Wall | Wall | Plant Wall | Alliances |
Dwarven Nomad | Dwarf | Dwarf | Dwarf Nomad | Mirage |
Ekundu Cyclops | Cyclops | Giant | Cyclops | Mirage |
Fetid Horror | Shade | Shade | Shade Horror | Mirage |
Gibbering Hyenas | Hyenas | Hyena | Hound | Mirage |
Melesse Spirit | Angel | Spirit | Angel Spirit | Mirage |
Pyric Salamander | Salamander | Lizard | Salamander | Mirage |
Stampeding Wildebeests | Wildebeests | Beast | Antelope Beast | Visions |
Warthog | Warthog | Beast | Boar | Visions |
Goblin Vandal | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin Rogue | Weatherlight |
Thundermare | Thundermare | Elemental | Elemental Horse | Weatherlight |
Veteran Explorer | Soldier | Human Soldier | Human Soldier Scout | Weatherlight |
Advance Scout | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Scout | Tempest |
Bounty Hunter | Minion | Minion | Human Archer Minion | Tempest |
Clergy en-Vec | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Tempest |
Coffin Queen | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Tempest |
Coiled Tinviper | Snake | Tempest | ||
Commander Greven il-Vec | Legend | Human Warrior | Tempest | |
Dauthi Ghoul | Zombie | Zombie | Dauthi Zombie | Tempest |
Dauthi Horror | Beast | Beast | Dauthi Horror | Tempest |
Dauthi Marauder | Minion | Minion | Dauthi Minion | Tempest |
Dauthi Mercenary | Knight | Knight | Dauthi Knight Mercenary | Tempest |
Dauthi Mindripper | Minion | Minion | Dauthi Minion | Tempest |
Eladamri, Lord of Leaves | Legend | Elf Warrior | Tempest | |
Elite Javelineer | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Tempest |
Energizer | Juggernaut | Tempest | ||
Field of Souls | Essence | Essence | Spirit | Tempest |
Fireslinger | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Tempest |
Flowstone Sculpture | Shapeshifter | Tempest | ||
Fugitive Druid | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Tempest |
Fylamarid | Beast | Beast | Squid Beast | Tempest |
Knight of Dawn | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Tempest |
Manakin | Construct | Tempest | ||
Mounted Archers | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier Archer | Tempest |
Opportunist | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Tempest |
Oracle en-Vec | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Tempest |
Orim, Samite Healer | Legend | Cleric | Human Cleric | Tempest |
Ranger en-Vec | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Archer | Tempest |
Renegade Warlord | Soldier | Soldier | Human Warrior | Tempest |
Rootwater Shaman | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Shaman | Tempest |
Sacred Guide | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Tempest |
Screeching Harpy | Beast | Beast | Harpy Beast | Tempest |
Skyshroud Elf | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Tempest |
Skyshroud Troll | Giant | Troll | Troll Giant | Tempest |
Soltari Crusader | Knight | Knight | Soltari Knight | Tempest |
Soltari Emissary | Soldier | Soldier | Soltari Soldier | Tempest |
Soltari Foot Soldier | Soldier | Soldier | Soltari Soldier | Tempest |
Soltari Guerrillas | Soldiers | Soldier | Soltari Soldier | Tempest |
Soltari Lancer | Knight | Knight | Soltari Knight | Tempest |
Soltari Monk | Cleric | Cleric | Soltari Monk Cleric | Tempest |
Soltari Trooper | Soldier | Soldier | Soltari Soldier | Tempest |
Spike Drone | Spike | Spike | Spike Drone | Tempest |
Stalking Stones | Elemental | Tempest | ||
Starke of Rath | Legend | Human Rogue | Tempest | |
Staunch Defenders | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Tempest |
Telethopter | Thopter | Tempest | ||
Thalakos Dreamsower | Wizard | Wizard | Thalakos Wizard | Tempest |
Thalakos Mistfolk | Illusion | Illusion | Thalakos Illusion | Tempest |
Thalakos Seer | Wizard | Wizard | Thalakos Wizard | Tempest |
Thalakos Sentry | Soldier | Soldier | Thalakos Soldier | Tempest |
Tooth and Claw | Carnivore | Carnivore | Beast named Carnivore | Tempest |
Watchdog | Hound | Tempest | ||
Wood Sage | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Tempest |
Dauthi Trapper | Minion | Minion | Dauthi Minion | Stronghold |
Dungeon Shade | Spirit | Spirit | Shade Spirit | Stronghold |
Flowstone Hellion | Beast | Beast | Hellion Beast | Stronghold |
Hermit Druid | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Stronghold |
Hornet Cannon | Hornet | Hornet | Insect named Hornet | Stronghold |
Lancers en-Kor | Soldiers | Soldier | Kor Soldier | Stronghold |
Nomads en-Kor | Soldiers | Soldier | Kor Nomad Soldier | Stronghold |
Shaman en-Kor | Cleric | Cleric | Kor Shaman Cleric | Stronghold |
Skyshroud Archer | Elf | Elf | Elf Archer | Stronghold |
Skyshroud Troopers | Elves | Elf | Elf Druid Warrior | Stronghold |
Soltari Champion | Soldier | Soldier | Soltari Soldier | Stronghold |
Spirit en-Kor | Spirit | Spirit | Kor Spirit | Stronghold |
Stronghold Assassin | Assassin | Assassin | Zombie Assassin | Stronghold |
Stronghold Taskmaster | Minion | Minion | Giant Minion | Stronghold |
Thalakos Deceiver | Wizard | Wizard | Thalakos Wizard | Stronghold |
Tidal Warrior | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Warrior | Stronghold |
Wall of Blossoms | Wall | Wall | Plant Wall | Stronghold |
Warrior en-Kor | Knight | Knight | Kor Warrior Knight | Stronghold |
Warrior Angel | Angel | Angel | Angel Warrior | Stronghold |
Avenging Druid | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Exodus |
Cartographer | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human | Exodus |
Cat Burglar | Minion | Minion | Kor Rogue Minion | Exodus |
Charging Paladin | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Exodus |
Dauthi Cutthroat | Minion | Minion | Dauthi Minion | Exodus |
Dauthi Jackal | Hound | Hound | Dauthi Hound | Exodus |
Dauthi Warlord | Soldier | Soldier | Dauthi Soldier | Exodus |
Entropic Specter | Spirit | Spirit | Specter Spirit | Exodus |
Ertai, Wizard Adept | Legend | Wizard | Human Wizard | Exodus |
Keeper of the Beasts | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Exodus |
Keeper of the Dead | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Exodus |
Keeper of the Flame | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Exodus |
Keeper of the Light | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Exodus |
Keeper of the Mind | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Exodus |
Mage il-Vec | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Exodus |
Mogg Assassin | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin Assassin | Exodus |
Ogre Shaman | Ogre | Ogre | Ogre Shaman | Exodus |
Pit Spawn | Beast | Beast | Demon | Exodus |
Rootwater Alligator | Alligator | Alligator | Crocodile | Exodus |
Rootwater Mystic | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Wizard | Exodus |
Scrivener | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human Wizard | Exodus |
Shield Mate | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Exodus |
Soltari Visionary | Cleric | Cleric | Soltari Cleric | Exodus |
Standing Troops | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Exodus |
Thalakos Drifters | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Thalakos | Exodus |
Thalakos Scout | Soldier | Soldier | Thalakos Soldier Scout | Exodus |
Thopter Squadron | Thopter | Exodus | ||
Workhorse | Horse | Exodus | ||
Zealots en-Dal | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Exodus |
Angelic Page | Spirit | Spirit | Angel Spirit | Urza's Saga |
Argothian Elder | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Urza's Saga |
Argothian Enchantress | Enchantress | Enchantress | Human Druid | Urza's Saga |
Barrin, Master Wizard | Legend | Wizard | Human Wizard | Urza's Saga |
Cathodion | Construct | Urza's Saga | ||
Citanul Hierophants | Druids | Druid | Human Druid | Urza's Saga |
Crater Hellion | Beast | Beast | Hellion Beast | Urza's Saga |
Disciple of Grace | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Urza's Saga |
Disciple of Law | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Urza's Saga |
Disruptive Student | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Urza's Saga |
Eastern Paladin | Knight | Knight | Zombie Knight | Urza's Saga |
Elite Archers | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier Archer | Urza's Saga |
Faith Healer | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Urza's Saga |
Gorilla Warrior | Ape | Ape | Ape Warrior | Urza's Saga |
Hidden Stag | Beast | Beast | Elk Beast | Urza's Saga |
Hollow Dogs | Hounds | Hound | Zombie Hound | Urza's Saga |
Hopping Automaton | Construct | Urza's Saga | ||
Intrepid Hero | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Urza's Saga |
Mana Leech | Worm | Worm | Leech | Urza's Saga |
Monk Idealist | Cleric | Cleric | Human Monk Cleric | Urza's Saga |
Monk Realist | Cleric | Cleric | Human Monk Cleric | Urza's Saga |
Opal Acrolith | Guardian | Guardian | Soldier | Urza's Saga |
Order of Yawgmoth | Knight | Knight | Zombie Knight | Urza's Saga |
Phyrexian Colossus | Golem | Urza's Saga | ||
Priest of Gix | Minion | Minion | Human Cleric Minion | Urza's Saga |
Priest of Titania | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Urza's Saga |
Reclusive Wight | Minion | Minion | Zombie Minion | Urza's Saga |
Retromancer | Viashino | Viashino | Viashino Shaman | Urza's Saga |
Sanctum Custodian | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Urza's Saga |
Sanguine Guard | Knight | Knight | Zombie Knight | Urza's Saga |
Serra Zealot | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Urza's Saga |
Silent Attendant | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Urza's Saga |
Songstitcher | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Urza's Saga |
Soul Sculptor | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human | Urza's Saga |
Spined Fluke | Horror | Horror | Worm Horror | Urza's Saga |
Stern Proctor | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Urza's Saga |
Titania's Chosen | Elf | Elf | Elf Archer | Urza's Saga |
Western Paladin | Knight | Knight | Zombie Knight | Urza's Saga |
Wirecat | Cat | Urza's Saga | ||
Wizard Mentor | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Urza's Saga |
Angelic Curator | Spirit | Spirit | Angel Spirit | Urza's Legacy |
Bloated Toad | Toad | Toad | Frog | Urza's Legacy |
Defender of Chaos | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Urza's Legacy |
Defender of Law | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Urza's Legacy |
Devout Harpist | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human | Urza's Legacy |
Expendable Troops | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Urza's Legacy |
Gang of Elk | Beasts | Beast | Elk Beast | Urza's Legacy |
Ghitu Fire-Eater | Nomad | Nomad | Human Nomad | Urza's Legacy |
Ghitu Slinger | Nomad | Nomad | Human Nomad | Urza's Legacy |
Goblin Medics | Goblins | Goblin | Goblin Shaman | Urza's Legacy |
Goblin Welder | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin Artificer | Urza's Legacy |
Jhoira's Toolbox | Insect | Urza's Legacy | ||
Karmic Guide | Spirit | Spirit | Angel Spirit | Urza's Legacy |
Mother of Runes | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Urza's Legacy |
Multani, Maro-Sorcerer | Legend | Elemental | Urza's Legacy | |
Opal Avenger | Guardian | Guardian | Soldier | Urza's Legacy |
Radiant's Dragoons | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Urza's Legacy |
Thran War Machine | Construct | Urza's Legacy | ||
Tragic Poet | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human | Urza's Legacy |
Academy Rector | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Urza's Destiny |
Apprentice Necromancer | Wizard | Wizard | Zombie Wizard | Urza's Destiny |
Bloodshot Cyclops | Giant | Giant | Cyclops Giant | Urza's Destiny |
Brass Secretary | Construct | Urza's Destiny | ||
Brine Seer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Urza's Destiny |
Capashen Knight | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Urza's Destiny |
Capashen Templar | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Urza's Destiny |
Cinder Seer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Urza's Destiny |
Colos Yearling | Beast | Beast | Goat Beast | Urza's Destiny |
Extruder | Juggernaut | Urza's Destiny | ||
False Prophet | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Urza's Destiny |
Field Surgeon | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Urza's Destiny |
Goblin Berserker | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin Berserker | Urza's Destiny |
Goblin Marshal | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin Warrior | Urza's Destiny |
Heart Warden | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Urza's Destiny |
Hunting Moa | Beast | Bird | Bird Beast | Urza's Destiny |
Ivy Seer | Wizard | Wizard | Elf Wizard | Urza's Destiny |
Jasmine Seer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Urza's Destiny |
Junk Diver | Bird | Urza's Destiny | ||
Keldon Champion | Barbarian | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Urza's Destiny |
Keldon Vandals | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human Rogue | Urza's Destiny |
Masticore | Masticore | Urza's Destiny | ||
Metalworker | Construct | Urza's Destiny | ||
Metathran Elite | Soldier | Soldier | Metathran Soldier | Urza's Destiny |
Metathran Soldier | Soldier | Soldier | Metathran Soldier | Urza's Destiny |
Nightshade Seer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Urza's Destiny |
Plague Dogs | Hound | Hound | Zombie Hound | Urza's Destiny |
Rayne, Academy Chancellor | Wizard Legend | Wizard | Human Wizard | Urza's Destiny |
Reliquary Monk | Cleric | Cleric | Human Monk Cleric | Urza's Destiny |
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary | Elf Legend | Elf | Elf Druid | Urza's Destiny |
Telepathic Spies | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Urza's Destiny |
Wild Colos | Beast | Beast | Goat Beast | Urza's Destiny |
Yavimaya Elder | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Urza's Destiny |
Aerial Caravan | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Mercadian Masques |
Alley Grifters | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Arms Dealer | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin Rogue | Mercadian Masques |
Balloon Peddler | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Battle Squadron | Ship | Ship | Goblin | Mercadian Masques |
Blaster Mage | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Bog Smugglers | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Bog Witch | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Cackling Witch | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Caller of the Hunt | Lord | Lord | Human | Mercadian Masques |
Cateran Brute | Mercenary | Mercenary | Horror Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Cateran Enforcer | Mercenary | Mercenary | Horror Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Cateran Kidnappers | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Cateran Overlord | Mercenary | Mercenary | Horror Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Cateran Persuader | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Cateran Slaver | Mercenary | Mercenary | Horror Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Ceremonial Guard | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Mercadian Masques |
Chambered Nautilus | Beast | Beast | Nautilus Beast | Mercadian Masques |
Chameleon Spirit | Illusion | Illusion | Illusion Spirit | Mercadian Masques |
Charm Peddler | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Cho-Arrim Alchemist | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Cho-Arrim Bruiser | Rebel | Rebel | Ogre Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Cho-Arrim Legate | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Mercadian Masques |
Corrupt Official | Minion | Minion | Human Minion | Mercadian Masques |
Dawnstrider | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Dryad Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Deepwood Drummer | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Deepwood Elder | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Dryad Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Devout Witness | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Diplomatic Escort | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Flailing Manticore | Monster | Monster | Manticore | Mercadian Masques |
Flailing Soldier | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Mercadian Masques |
Fountain Watch | Guardian | Guardian | Human Cleric | Mercadian Masques |
Fresh Volunteers | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Gerrard's Irregulars | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Mercadian Masques |
Glowing Anemone | Beast | Beast | Anemone Beast | Mercadian Masques |
Hammer Mage | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Henge Guardian | Dragon | Mercadian Masques | ||
Highway Robber | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Human Rogue Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Ignoble Soldier | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Mercadian Masques |
Instigator | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Jhovall Queen | Rebel | Rebel | Cat Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Jhovall Rider | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Kris Mage | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Lumbering Satyr | Beast | Beast | Satyr Beast | Mercadian Masques |
Misshapen Fiend | Mercenary | Mercenary | Horror Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Molting Harpy | Mercenary | Mercenary | Harpy Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Nightwind Glider | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Notorious Assassin | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper Assassin | Mercadian Masques |
Overtaker | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Pious Warrior | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel Warrior | Mercadian Masques |
Port Inspector | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human | Mercadian Masques |
Primeval Shambler | Mercenary | Mercenary | Horror Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Ramosian Captain | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Ramosian Commander | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Ramosian Lieutenant | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Ramosian Sergeant | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Ramosian Sky Marshal | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Rampart Crawler | Mercenary | Mercenary | Lizard Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Rappelling Scouts | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel Scout | Mercadian Masques |
Revered Elder | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Mercadian Masques |
Rishadan Airship | Pirate | Pirate | Human Pirate | Mercadian Masques |
Rishadan Brigand | Pirate | Pirate | Human Pirate | Mercadian Masques |
Rishadan Cutpurse | Pirate | Pirate | Human Pirate | Mercadian Masques |
Rishadan Footpad | Pirate | Pirate | Human Pirate | Mercadian Masques |
Rock Badger | Beast | Beast | Badger Beast | Mercadian Masques |
Rushwood Herbalist | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Sacred Prey | Beast | Beast | Horse | Mercadian Masques |
Sailmonger | Monger | Monger | Human Monger | Mercadian Masques |
Sand Squid | Beast | Beast | Squid Beast | Mercadian Masques |
Saprazzan Legate | Soldier | Soldier | Merfolk Soldier | Mercadian Masques |
Saprazzan Outrigger | Ship | Ship | Merfolk | Mercadian Masques |
Scandalmonger | Monger | Monger | Boar Monger | Mercadian Masques |
Seismic Mage | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Shock Troops | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Mercadian Masques |
Silent Assassin | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary Assassin | Mercadian Masques |
Silverglade Pathfinder | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Dryad Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Skulking Fugitive | Mercenary | Mercenary | Horror Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Snorting Gahr | Beast | Beast | Rhino Beast | Mercadian Masques |
Strongarm Thug | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Mercadian Masques |
Task Force | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Thermal Glider | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Mercadian Masques |
Tonic Peddler | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Toymaker | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Trap Runner | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Mercadian Masques |
Vine Trellis | Wall | Wall | Plant Wall | Mercadian Masques |
Warmonger | Monger | Monger | Ox Monger | Mercadian Masques |
Waterfront Bouncer | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Merfolk Spellshaper | Mercadian Masques |
Wishmonger | Monger | Monger | Unicorn Monger | Mercadian Masques |
Arc Mage | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Avenger en-Dal | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Bola Warrior | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Chieftain en-Dal | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Nemesis |
Coiling Woodworm | Insect | Insect | Worm | Nemesis |
Defender en-Vec | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Nemesis |
Divining Witch | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Flowstone Thopter | Thopter | Nemesis | ||
Harvest Mage | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Laccolith Warrior | Beast | Beast | Beast Warrior | Nemesis |
Lawbringer | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Nemesis |
Lightbringer | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Nemesis |
Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero | Rebel Legend | Rebel | Human Rebel | Nemesis |
Moggcatcher | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Nemesis |
Mossdog | Hound | Hound | Fungus Hound | Nemesis |
Netter en-Dal | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Oraxid | Beast | Beast | Crab Beast | Nemesis |
Phyrexian Driver | Mercenary | Mercenary | Zombie Mercenary | Nemesis |
Phyrexian Prowler | Mercenary | Mercenary | Zombie Mercenary | Nemesis |
Plague Witch | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Rackling | Construct | Nemesis | ||
Rathi Assassin | Mercenary | Mercenary | Zombie Mercenary Assassin | Nemesis |
Rathi Fiend | Mercenary | Mercenary | Horror Mercenary | Nemesis |
Rathi Intimidator | Mercenary | Mercenary | Horror Mercenary | Nemesis |
Rhox | Beast | Beast | Rhino Beast | Nemesis |
Rootwater Thief | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Rogue | Nemesis |
Seahunter | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Nemesis |
Silkenfist Fighter | Soldier | Soldier | Kor Soldier | Nemesis |
Silkenfist Order | Soldier | Soldier | Kor Soldier | Nemesis |
Skyshroud Poacher | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Nemesis |
Sneaky Homunculus | Illusion | Illusion | Homunculus Illusion | Nemesis |
Spiteful Bully | Mercenary | Mercenary | Zombie Mercenary | Nemesis |
Stampede Driver | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Stronghold Biologist | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Stronghold Machinist | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Stronghold Zeppelin | Ship | Ship | Human | Nemesis |
Trickster Mage | Spellshaper | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Nemesis |
Viseling | Construct | Nemesis | ||
Volrath the Fallen | Legend | Shapeshifter | Nemesis | |
Agent of Shauku | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Prophecy |
Alexi, Zephyr Mage | Spellshaper Legend | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Prophecy |
Bog Glider | Mercenary | Mercenary | Human Mercenary | Prophecy |
Branded Brawlers | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Prophecy |
Chilling Apparition | Ghost | Ghost | Spirit | Prophecy |
Chimeric Idol | Turtle | Prophecy | ||
Darba | Beast | Beast | Bird Beast | Prophecy |
Death Charmer | Mercenary | Mercenary | Worm Mercenary | Prophecy |
Fault Riders | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Prophecy |
Greel, Mind Raker | Spellshaper Legend | Spellshaper | Horror Spellshaper | Prophecy |
Gulf Squid | Beast | Beast | Squid Beast | Prophecy |
Hazy Homunculus | Illusion | Illusion | Homunculus Illusion | Prophecy |
Hollow Warrior | Golem | Golem | Golem Warrior | Prophecy |
Keldon Arsonist | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Prophecy |
Keldon Battlewagon | Juggernaut | Prophecy | ||
Keldon Berserker | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Prophecy |
Keldon Firebombers | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Prophecy |
Latulla, Keldon Overseer | Spellshaper Legend | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Prophecy |
Mageta the Lion | Spellshaper Legend | Spellshaper | Human Spellshaper | Prophecy |
Mercenary Informer | Rebel Mercenary | Rebel Mercenary | Human Rebel Mercenary | Prophecy |
Mine Bearer | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Prophecy |
Pit Raptor | Mercenary | Mercenary | Bird Mercenary | Prophecy |
Rebel Informer | Mercenary Rebel | Mercenary Rebel | Human Mercenary Rebel | Prophecy |
Reveille Squad | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Prophecy |
Shield Dancer | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Prophecy |
Soul Charmer | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Prophecy |
Squirrel Wrangler | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Prophecy |
Sword Dancer | Rebel | Rebel | Human Rebel | Prophecy |
Trenching Steed | Rebel | Rebel | Horse Rebel | Prophecy |
Troubled Healer | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Prophecy |
Veteran Brawlers | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Prophecy |
Wall of Vipers | Wall | Wall | Snake Wall | Prophecy |
Windscouter | Ship | Ship | Human Scout | Prophecy |
Ardent Soldier | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Invasion |
Armored Guardian | Guardian | Guardian | Cat Warrior | Invasion |
Atalya, Samite Master | Cleric Legend | Cleric | Human Cleric | Invasion |
Benalish Emissary | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Benalish Heralds | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Invasion |
Benalish Lancer | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Invasion |
Benalish Trapper | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Invasion |
Blind Seer | Legend | Human Wizard | Invasion | |
Bog Initiate | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Captain Sisay | Legend | Human Warrior | Invasion | |
Crimson Acolyte | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Invasion |
Crusading Knight | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Invasion |
Duskwalker | Minion | Minion | Human Minion | Invasion |
Empress Galina | Legend | Merfolk | Invasion | |
Firebrand Ranger | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Invasion |
Hanna, Ship's Navigator | Legend | Human Artificer | Invasion | |
Kangee, Aerie Keeper | Legend | Bird Soldier | Invasion | |
Kavu Scout | Kavu | Kavu | Kavu Scout | Invasion |
Llanowar Cavalry | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Invasion |
Lotus Guardian | Dragon | Invasion | ||
Marauding Knight | Knight | Knight | Zombie Knight | Invasion |
Metathran Aerostat | Ship | Ship | Metathran | Invasion |
Metathran Transport | Ship | Ship | Metathran | Invasion |
Metathran Zombie | Zombie | Zombie | Metathran Zombie | Invasion |
Nightscape Apprentice | Wizard | Wizard | Zombie Wizard | Invasion |
Nightscape Master | Wizard | Wizard | Zombie Wizard | Invasion |
Nomadic Elf | Elf | Elf | Elf Nomad | Invasion |
Obsidian Acolyte | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Invasion |
Quirion Sentinel | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Invasion |
Quirion Trailblazer | Elf | Elf | Elf Scout | Invasion |
Sabertooth Nishoba | Beast | Beast | Cat Beast Warrior | Invasion |
Samite Archer | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric Archer | Invasion |
Shivan Emissary | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Stalking Assassin | Assassin | Assassin | Human Assassin | Invasion |
Stormscape Apprentice | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Stormscape Master | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Sunscape Apprentice | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Sunscape Master | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Thornscape Apprentice | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Thornscape Master | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Thunderscape Apprentice | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Thunderscape Master | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Tidal Visionary | Wizard | Wizard | Merfolk Wizard | Invasion |
Tolarian Emissary | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Treefolk Healer | Treefolk | Treefolk | Treefolk Cleric | Invasion |
Tsabo Tavoc | Legend | Zombie | Invasion | |
Tsabo's Assassin | Assassin | Assassin | Zombie Assassin | Invasion |
Urborg Emissary | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Urborg Phantom | Minion | Minion | Spirit Minion | Invasion |
Verduran Emissary | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Invasion |
Vodalian Hypnotist | Wizard | Wizard | Merfolk Wizard | Invasion |
Yavimaya Barbarian | Barbarian Elf | Barbarian Elf | Elf Barbarian | Invasion |
Cavern Harpy | Beast | Beast | Harpy Beast | Planeshift |
Disciple of Kangee | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Planeshift |
Ertai, the Corrupted | Wizard Legend | Wizard | Human Mutant Wizard | Planeshift |
Honorable Scout | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Scout | Planeshift |
Meddling Mage | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Planeshift |
Morgue Toad | Toad | Toad | Frog | Planeshift |
Nightscape Battlemage | Wizard | Wizard | Zombie Wizard | Planeshift |
Quirion Explorer | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid Scout | Planeshift |
Samite Elder | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Planeshift |
Samite Pilgrim | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Planeshift |
Steel Leaf Paladin | Knight | Knight | Elf Knight | Planeshift |
Stormscape Battlemage | Wizard | Wizard | Metathran Wizard | Planeshift |
Stratadon | Beast | Planeshift | ||
Sunscape Battlemage | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Planeshift |
Tahngarth, Talruum Hero | Minotaur Legend | Minotaur | Minotaur Warrior | Planeshift |
Thunderscape Battlemage | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Planeshift |
Ana Disciple | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Apocalypse |
Angelfire Crusader | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Knight | Apocalypse |
Ceta Disciple | Wizard | Wizard | Merfolk Wizard | Apocalypse |
Coalition Honor Guard | Flagbearer | Flagbearer | Human Flagbearer | Apocalypse |
Cromat | Legend | Illusion | Apocalypse | |
Dega Disciple | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Apocalypse |
Enlistment Officer | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Apocalypse |
Fungal Shambler | Beast | Beast | Fungus Beast | Apocalypse |
Gerrard Capashen | Legend | Human Soldier | Apocalypse | |
Helionaut | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Apocalypse |
Jungle Barrier | Wall | Wall | Plant Wall | Apocalypse |
Living Airship | Ship | Ship | Metathran | Apocalypse |
Minotaur Illusionist | Minotaur | Minotaur | Minotaur Wizard | Apocalypse |
Necra Disciple | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Apocalypse |
Raka Disciple | Wizard | Wizard | Minotaur Wizard | Apocalypse |
Reef Shaman | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Shaman | Apocalypse |
Standard Bearer | Flagbearer | Flagbearer | Human Flagbearer | Apocalypse |
Urborg Elf | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Apocalypse |
Vodalian Mystic | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Wizard | Apocalypse |
Whirlpool Warrior | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk Warrior | Apocalypse |
Ashen Firebeast | Beast | Beast | Elemental Beast | Odyssey |
Auramancer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Odyssey |
Aven Archer | Bird Soldier | Bird Soldier | Bird Soldier Archer | Odyssey |
Balshan Beguiler | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Odyssey |
Barbarian Lunatic | Barbarian | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Odyssey |
Beloved Chaplain | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Odyssey |
Braids, Cabal Minion | Minion Legend | Minion | Human Minion | Odyssey |
Cabal Inquisitor | Minion | Minion | Human Minion | Odyssey |
Cabal Patriarch | Wizard Legend | Wizard | Human Wizard | Odyssey |
Cartographer | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human | Odyssey |
Cephalid Looter | Cephalid | Cephalid | Cephalid Rogue | Odyssey |
Cephalid Scout | Cephalid Wizard | Cephalid Wizard | Cephalid Wizard Scout | Odyssey |
Confessor | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Odyssey |
Dedicated Martyr | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Odyssey |
Devoted Caretaker | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Odyssey |
Diligent Farmhand | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Odyssey |
Dirty Wererat | Minion Rat | Minion Rat | Human Rat Minion | Odyssey |
Dogged Hunter | Nomad | Nomad | Human Nomad | Odyssey |
Druid Lyrist | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Odyssey |
Dwarven Strike Force | Dwarf | Dwarf | Dwarf Berserker | Odyssey |
Escape Artist | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Odyssey |
Halberdier | Barbarian | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Odyssey |
Hallowed Healer | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Odyssey |
Krosan Archer | Centaur | Centaur | Centaur Archer | Odyssey |
Krosan Avenger | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Odyssey |
Luminous Guardian | Guardian | Guardian | Human Nomad | Odyssey |
Master Apothecary | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Odyssey |
Millikin | Construct | Odyssey | ||
Minotaur Explorer | Minotaur | Minotaur | Minotaur Scout | Odyssey |
Mystic Crusader | Nomad Mystic | Nomad Mystic | Human Nomad Mystic | Odyssey |
Mystic Penitent | Nomad Mystic | Nomad Mystic | Human Nomad Mystic | Odyssey |
Mystic Visionary | Nomad Mystic | Nomad Mystic | Human Nomad Mystic | Odyssey |
Mystic Zealot | Nomad Mystic | Nomad Mystic | Human Nomad Mystic | Odyssey |
Nomad Decoy | Nomad | Nomad | Human Nomad | Odyssey |
Nut Collector | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Odyssey |
Otarian Juggernaut | Juggernaut | Odyssey | ||
Overeager Apprentice | Minion | Minion | Human Minion | Odyssey |
Painbringer | Minion | Minion | Human Minion | Odyssey |
Pardic Firecat | Cat | Cat | Elemental Cat | Odyssey |
Patron Wizard | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Odyssey |
Phantom Whelp | Hound | Hound | Illusion Hound | Odyssey |
Pianna, Nomad Captain | Nomad Legend | Nomad | Human Nomad Soldier | Odyssey |
Pilgrim of Justice | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Odyssey |
Pilgrim of Virtue | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Odyssey |
Resilient Wanderer | Nomad | Nomad | Human Nomad | Odyssey |
Sadistic Hypnotist | Minion | Minion | Human Minion | Odyssey |
Savage Firecat | Cat | Cat | Elemental Cat | Odyssey |
Scrivener | Townsfolk | Townsfolk | Human Wizard | Odyssey |
Skyshooter | Centaur | Centaur | Centaur Archer | Odyssey |
Tireless Tribe | Nomad | Nomad | Human Nomad | Odyssey |
Werebear | Druid Bear | Druid Bear | Human Bear Druid | Odyssey |
Woodland Druid | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Odyssey |
Zoologist | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Odyssey |
Anurid Scavenger | Beast | Beast | Frog Beast | Torment |
Balthor the Stout | Dwarf Legend | Dwarf | Dwarf Warrior | Torment |
Barbarian Outcast | Barbarian Beast | Barbarian Beast | Human Barbarian Beast | Torment |
Cabal Surgeon | Minion | Minion | Human Minion | Torment |
Cabal Torturer | Minion | Minion | Human Minion | Torment |
Cephalid Vandal | Cephalid | Cephalid | Cephalid Rogue | Torment |
Chainer, Dementia Master | Minion Legend | Minion | Human Minion | Torment |
Crazed Firecat | Cat | Cat | Elemental Cat | Torment |
Gloomdrifter | Minion | Minion | Zombie Minion | Torment |
Grim Lavamancer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Torment |
Hell-Bent Raider | Barbarian | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Torment |
Hydromorph Guardian | Guardian | Guardian | Elemental | Torment |
Hydromorph Gull | Bird Guardian | Bird Guardian | Elemental Bird | Torment |
Krosan Restorer | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Torment |
Longhorn Firebeast | Beast | Beast | Elemental Ox Beast | Torment |
Militant Monk | Cleric | Cleric | Human Monk Cleric | Torment |
Pardic Arsonist | Barbarian | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Torment |
Pardic Collaborator | Barbarian | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Torment |
Pardic Lancer | Barbarian | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Torment |
Possessed Barbarian | Barbarian Horror | Barbarian Horror | Human Barbarian Horror | Torment |
Possessed Nomad | Nomad Horror | Nomad Horror | Human Nomad Horror | Torment |
Reborn Hero | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Torment |
Seton's Scout | Centaur Druid | Centaur Druid | Centaur Druid Scout Archer | Torment |
Stern Judge | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Torment |
Teroh's Faithful | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Torment |
Teroh's Vanguard | Nomad | Nomad | Human Nomad | Torment |
Zombie Trailblazer | Zombie | Zombie | Zombie Scout | Torment |
Anurid Barkripper | Beast | Beast | Frog Beast | Judgment |
Anurid Brushhopper | Beast | Beast | Frog Beast | Judgment |
Anurid Swarmsnapper | Beast | Beast | Frog Beast | Judgment |
Barbarian Bully | Barbarian | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Judgment |
Benevolent Bodyguard | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Judgment |
Border Patrol | Nomad | Nomad | Human Nomad | Judgment |
Cabal Trainee | Minion | Minion | Human Minion | Judgment |
Firecat Blitz | Cat | Cat | Elemental Cat | Judgment |
Giant Warthog | Beast | Beast | Boar Beast | Judgment |
Goretusk Firebeast | Beast | Beast | Elemental Boar Beast | Judgment |
Hapless Researcher | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Judgment |
Harvester Druid | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Judgment |
Jeska, Warrior Adept | Barbarian Legend | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Judgment |
Krosan Wayfarer | Druid | Druid | Human Druid | Judgment |
Nantuko Monastery | Insect Monk | Judgment | ||
Phantom Nishoba | Beast Spirit | Beast Spirit | Cat Beast Spirit | Judgment |
Phantom Nomad | Nomad Spirit | Nomad Spirit | Spirit Nomad | Judgment |
Pulsemage Advocate | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Judgment |
Selfless Exorcist | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Judgment |
Shieldmage Advocate | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Judgment |
Spellgorger Barbarian | Nightmare Barbarian | Nightmare Barbarian | Human Nightmare Barbarian | Judgment |
Spurnmage Advocate | Nomad | Nomad | Human Nomad | Judgment |
Sylvan Safekeeper | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Judgment |
Treacherous Werewolf | Minion Wolf | Minion Wolf | Human Wolf Minion | Judgment |
Vigilant Sentry | Nomad | Nomad | Human Nomad | Judgment |
Wormfang Behemoth | Nightmare Beast | Nightmare Beast | Nightmare Fish Beast | Judgment |
Wormfang Manta | Nightmare Beast | Nightmare Beast | Nightmare Fish Beast | Judgment |
Wormfang Newt | Nightmare Beast | Nightmare Beast | Nightmare Lizard Beast | Judgment |
Wormfang Turtle | Nightmare Beast | Nightmare Beast | Nightmare Turtle Beast | Judgment |
Ancestor's Prophet | Cleric Lord | Cleric Lord | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Anurid Murkdiver | Zombie Beast | Zombie Beast | Zombie Frog Beast | Onslaught |
Aphetto Alchemist | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Aphetto Grifter | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Battering Craghorn | Beast | Beast | Goat Beast | Onslaught |
Battlefield Medic | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Birchlore Rangers | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Onslaught |
Blistering Firecat | Cat | Cat | Elemental Cat | Onslaught |
Cabal Archon | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Cabal Executioner | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Cabal Slaver | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Catapult Master | Soldier Lord | Soldier Lord | Human Soldier | Onslaught |
Catapult Squad | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Onslaught |
Crowd Favorites | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Onslaught |
Daru Cavalier | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Onslaught |
Daru Healer | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Daru Lancer | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Onslaught |
Daunting Defender | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Dawning Purist | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Disciple of Grace | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Disciple of Malice | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Disruptive Pitmage | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Ebonblade Reaper | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Elvish Pathcutter | Elf | Elf | Elf Scout | Onslaught |
Elvish Vanguard | Elf | Elf | Elf Warrior | Onslaught |
Foothill Guide | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Ghosthelm Courier | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Goblin Piledriver | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin Warrior | Onslaught |
Grassland Crusader | Cleric Soldier | Cleric Soldier | Human Cleric Soldier | Onslaught |
Gravel Slinger | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Onslaught |
Gravespawn Sovereign | Zombie Lord | Zombie Lord | Zombie | Onslaught |
Gustcloak Runner | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Onslaught |
Gustcloak Sentinel | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Onslaught |
Headhunter | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Imagecrafter | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Information Dealer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Ironfist Crusher | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Onslaught |
Ixidor, Reality Sculptor | Wizard Legend | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Kamahl, Fist of Krosa | Druid Legend | Druid | Human Druid | Onslaught |
Krosan Tusker | Beast | Beast | Boar Beast | Onslaught |
Nova Cleric | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Onslaught |
Pearlspear Courier | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Onslaught |
Prowling Pangolin | Beast | Beast | Anteater Beast | Onslaught |
Riptide Biologist | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Riptide Chronologist | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Riptide Entrancer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Rummaging Wizard | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Shieldmage Elder | Cleric Wizard | Cleric Wizard | Human Cleric Wizard | Onslaught |
Skirk Fire Marshal | Goblin Lord | Goblin Lord | Goblin | Onslaught |
Slipstream Eel | Beast | Beast | Fish Beast | Onslaught |
Spurred Wolverine | Beast | Beast | Wolverine Beast | Onslaught |
Supreme Inquisitor | Wizard Lord | Wizard Lord | Human Wizard | Onslaught |
Symbiotic Beast | Beast | Beast | Insect Beast | Onslaught |
Voice of the Woods | Elf Lord | Elf Lord | Elf | Onslaught |
Whipcorder | Soldier Rebel | Soldier Rebel | Human Soldier Rebel | Onslaught |
Wirewood Elf | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Onslaught |
Wretched Anurid | Zombie Beast | Zombie Beast | Zombie Frog Beast | Onslaught |
Akroma's Devoted | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Aphetto Exterminator | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Legions |
Beacon of Destiny | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Blood Celebrant | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Chromeshell Crab | Beast | Beast | Crab Beast | Legions |
Cloudreach Cavalry | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Legions |
Covert Operative | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Legions |
Crested Craghorn | Beast | Beast | Goat Beast | Legions |
Dark Supplicant | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Daru Mender | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Daru Sanctifier | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Daru Stinger | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Legions |
Deathmark Prelate | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Defender of the Order | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Deftblade Elite | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Legions |
Earthblighter | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Echo Tracer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Legions |
Frenetic Raptor | Beast | Beast | Lizard Beast | Legions |
Gempalm Avenger | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Legions |
Gempalm Sorcerer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Legions |
Glintwing Invoker | Wizard Mutant | Wizard Mutant | Human Wizard Mutant | Legions |
Glowrider | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Infernal Caretaker | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Liege of the Axe | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Legions |
Lowland Tracker | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Legions |
Master of the Veil | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Legions |
Merchant of Secrets | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Legions |
Planar Guide | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Ridgetop Raptor | Beast | Beast | Lizard Beast | Legions |
Riptide Director | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Legions |
Skirk Alarmist | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Legions |
Spectral Sliver | Sliver | Sliver | Sliver Spirit | Legions |
Stoic Champion | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Legions |
Sunstrike Legionnaire | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Legions |
Vile Deacon | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
Voidmage Apprentice | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Legions |
Warped Researcher | Wizard Mutant | Wizard Mutant | Human Wizard Mutant | Legions |
Whipgrass Entangler | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Legions |
White Knight | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Legions |
Wirewood Channeler | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Legions |
Aphetto Runecaster | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Scourge |
Bladewing the Risen | Dragon Legend | Dragon | Zombie Dragon | Scourge |
Daru Spiritualist | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Scourge |
Daru Warchief | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Scourge |
Dragonspeaker Shaman | Barbarian | Barbarian | Human Barbarian Shaman | Scourge |
Edgewalker | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Scourge |
Exiled Doomsayer | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Scourge |
Frontline Strategist | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Scourge |
Hunting Pack | Beast | Beast | Cat Beast | Scourge |
Karona, False God | Legend | Avatar | Scourge | |
Karona's Zealot | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Scourge |
Noble Templar | Cleric Soldier | Cleric Soldier | Human Cleric Soldier | Scourge |
Proteus Machine | Shapeshifter | Scourge | ||
Putrid Raptor | Zombie Beast | Zombie Beast | Zombie Lizard Beast | Scourge |
Raven Guild Initiate | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Scourge |
Raven Guild Master | Wizard Mutant | Wizard Mutant | Human Wizard Mutant | Scourge |
Riptide Survivor | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Scourge |
Scornful Egotist | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Scourge |
Silver Knight | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Scourge |
Trap Digger | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Scourge |
Treetop Scout | Elf | Elf | Elf Scout | Scourge |
Cathodion | Construct | Mirrodin | ||
Clockwork Vorrac | Beast | Beast | Boar Beast | Mirrodin |
Copperhoof Vorrac | Beast | Beast | Boar Beast | Mirrodin |
Dross Scorpion | Scorpion | Mirrodin | ||
Duskworker | Construct | Mirrodin | ||
Frogmite | Frog | Mirrodin | ||
Goblin Dirigible | Construct | Mirrodin | ||
Goblin War Wagon | Juggernaut | Mirrodin | ||
Grid Monitor | Construct | Mirrodin | ||
Leveler | Juggernaut | Mirrodin | ||
Molder Slug | Beast | Beast | Slug Beast | Mirrodin |
Pentavus | Construct | Mirrodin | ||
Rustspore Ram | Sheep | Mirrodin | ||
Solemn Simulacrum | Golem | Mirrodin | ||
Stalking Stones | Elemental | Mirrodin | ||
Triskelion | Construct | Mirrodin | ||
Arcbound Bruiser | Golem | Darksteel | ||
Arcbound Crusher | Juggernaut | Darksteel | ||
Arcbound Fiend | Horror | Darksteel | ||
Arcbound Hybrid | Beast | Darksteel | ||
Arcbound Lancer | Beast | Darksteel | ||
Arcbound Ravager | Beast | Darksteel | ||
Arcbound Stinger | Insect | Darksteel | ||
Arcbound Worker | Construct | Darksteel | ||
Auriok Siege Sled | Juggernaut | Darksteel | ||
Chimeric Egg | Construct | Darksteel | ||
Darksteel Brute | Beast | Darksteel | ||
Darksteel Colossus | Golem | Darksteel | ||
Drill-Skimmer | Thopter | Darksteel | ||
Gemini Engine | Construct | Darksteel | ||
Gemini Engine | Twin | Twin | Construct named Twin | Darksteel |
Spincrusher | Construct | Darksteel | ||
Sundering Titan | Golem | Darksteel | ||
Vulshok War Boar | Beast | Beast | Boar Beast | Darksteel |
Wirefly Hive | Wirefly | Wirefly | Insect named Wirefly | Darksteel |
Anodet Lurker | Construct | Fifth Dawn | ||
Arcbound Wanderer | Golem | Fifth Dawn | ||
Chimeric Coils | Construct | Fifth Dawn | ||
Ensouled Scimitar | Spirit | Fifth Dawn | ||
Etched Oracle | Wizard | Fifth Dawn | ||
Guardian Idol | Golem | Fifth Dawn | ||
Iron-Barb Hellion | Beast | Beast | Hellion Beast | Fifth Dawn |
Moriok Rigger | Human Rogue | Human Rogue | Human Rogue Rigger | Fifth Dawn |
Ouphe Vandals | Ouphe | Ouphe | Ouphe Rogue | Fifth Dawn |
Sawtooth Thresher | Construct | Fifth Dawn | ||
Silent Arbiter | Golem | Fifth Dawn | ||
Skyreach Manta | Fish | Fifth Dawn | ||
Solarion | Construct | Fifth Dawn | ||
Summoner's Egg | Egg | Fifth Dawn | ||
Suncrusher | Construct | Fifth Dawn | ||
Sylvok Explorer | Human Druid | Human Druid | Human Druid Scout | Fifth Dawn |
Synod Centurion | Construct | Fifth Dawn | ||
Thermal Navigator | Construct | Fifth Dawn | ||
Viridian Scout | Elf Warrior | Elf Warrior | Elf Warrior Scout | Fifth Dawn |
Slumbering Tora | Cat | Betrayers of Kamigawa | ||
Stampeding Serow | Beast | Beast | Antelope Beast | Saviors of Kamigawa |
Chorus of the Conclave | Dryad Lord | Dryad Lord | Dryad | Ravnica |
Coalhauler Swine | Beast | Beast | Boar Beast | Ravnica |
Dromad Purebred | Beast | Beast | Camel Beast | Ravnica |
Greater Mossdog | Hound | Hound | Fungus Hound | Ravnica |
Leashling | Golem | Golem | Hound | Ravnica |
Tidewater Minion | Elemental | Elemental | Elemental Minion | Ravnica |
Ghost Council of Orzhova | Spirit Lord | Spirit Lord | Spirit | Guildpact |
Gristleback | Beast | Beast | Boar Beast | Guildpact |
Ulasht, the Hate Seed | Hydra | Hydra | Hellion Hydra | Guildpact |
Darien, King of Kjeldor | Human Lord | Human Lord | Human Soldier | Coldsnap |
Karplusan Wolverine | Beast | Beast | Wolverine Beast | Coldsnap |
Lovisa Coldeyes | Human Lord | Human Lord | Human Barbarian | Coldsnap |
Woolly Razorback | Beast | Beast | Boar Beast | Coldsnap |
Dralnu, Lich Lord | Zombie Lord | Zombie Lord | Zombie | Time Spiral |
Tivadar of Thorn | Human Lord | Human Lord | Human Knight | Time Spiral |
Benalish Commander | Human Soldier Lord | Human Soldier Lord | Human Soldier | Planar Chaos |
Crovax, Ascendant Hero | Human Lord | Human Lord | Human | Planar Chaos |
Jedit Ojanen of Efrava | Cat Warrior Lord | Cat Warrior Lord | Cat Warrior | Planar Chaos |
Timbermare | Elemental | Elemental | Elemental Horse | Planar Chaos |
Border Guard | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal | |
Capricious Sorcerer | Wizard | Human Wizard | Portal | |
Charging Bandits | Bandit | Human Rogue | Portal | |
Charging Paladin | Knight | Human Knight | Portal | |
Cloud Pirates | Pirate | Human Pirate | Portal | |
Coral Eel | Eel | Fish | Portal | |
Craven Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Portal | |
Devoted Hero | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal | |
Fleet-Footed Monk | Cleric | Human Monk Cleric | Portal | |
Gorilla Warrior | Ape | Ape Warrior | Portal | |
Ingenious Thief | Thief | Human Rogue | Portal | |
Keen-Eyed Archers | Soldier | Human Soldier Archer | Portal | |
King's Assassin | Assassin | Human Assassin | Portal | |
Knight Errant | Knight | Human Knight | Portal | |
Mercenary Knight | Mercenary Knight | Human Mercenary Knight | Portal | |
Noxious Toad | Toad | Frog | Portal | |
Pillaging Horde | Barbarian | Human Barbarian | Portal | |
Raging Minotaur | Minotaur | Minotaur Berserker | Portal | |
Sacred Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Portal | |
Serpent Assassin | Assassin | Snake Assassin | Portal | |
Spiritual Guardian | Guardian | Spirit | Portal | |
Stern Marshal | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal | |
Thing from the Deep | Beast | Leviathan | Portal | |
Alaborn Cavalier | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Portal Second Age |
Alaborn Grenadier | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal Second Age |
Alaborn Musketeer | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal Second Age |
Alaborn Trooper | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal Second Age |
Alaborn Veteran | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Portal Second Age |
Alaborn Zealot | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal Second Age |
Apprentice Sorcerer | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Portal Second Age |
Armored Galleon | Ship | Ship | Human Pirate | Portal Second Age |
Coastal Wizard | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Portal Second Age |
Dakmor Sorceress | Wizard | Wizard | Human Wizard | Portal Second Age |
Goblin General | Goblin | Goblin | Goblin Warrior | Portal Second Age |
Norwood Archers | Elves | Elf | Elf Archer | Portal Second Age |
Norwood Priestess | Elf | Elf | Elf Druid | Portal Second Age |
Norwood Warrior | Elf | Elf | Elf Warrior | Portal Second Age |
Ogre Berserker | Ogre | Ogre | Ogre Berserker | Portal Second Age |
Ogre Warrior | Ogre | Ogre | Ogre Warrior | Portal Second Age |
Steam Catapult | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal Second Age |
Steam Frigate | Ship | Ship | Human Pirate | Portal Second Age |
Sylvan Yeti | Beast | Elemental | Yeti | Portal Second Age |
Talas Air Ship | Ship | Ship | Human Pirate | Portal Second Age |
Talas Explorer | Merchant | Merchant | Human Pirate Scout | Portal Second Age |
Talas Merchant | Merchant | Merchant | Human Pirate | Portal Second Age |
Talas Researcher | Wizard | Wizard | Human Pirate Wizard | Portal Second Age |
Talas Scout | Pirate | Pirate | Human Pirate Scout | Portal Second Age |
Talas Warrior | Pirate | Pirate | Human Pirate Warrior | Portal Second Age |
Temple Acolyte | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Portal Second Age |
Temple Elder | Cleric | Cleric | Human Cleric | Portal Second Age |
Town Sentry | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal Second Age |
Trokin High Guard | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Portal Second Age |
Volunteer Militia | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal Second Age |
Alert Shu Infantry | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Barbarian General | Soldier | Soldier | Human Barbarian Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Barbarian Horde | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Barbarian Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Cao Cao, Lord of Wei | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Cao Ren, Wei Commander | Legend | Human Soldier Warrior | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Corrupt Court Official | Advisor | Advisor | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Corrupt Eunuchs | Advisor | Advisor | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Council of Advisors | Advisors | Advisor | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Cunning Advisor | Advisor | Advisor | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Diaochan, Artful Beauty | Legend | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Dong Zhou, the Tyrant | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Fire Bowman | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Archer | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Flanking Troops | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Guan Yu, Sainted Warrior | Legend | Human Soldier Warrior | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Hua Tuo, Honored Physician | Legend | Human Shaman | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Huang Zhong, Shu General | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Hunting Cheetah | Cheetah | Cheetah | Cat | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Imperial Recruiter | Advisor | Advisor | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Independent Troops | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" | Legend | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Kongming's Contraptions | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Lady Sun | Legend | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Lady Zhurong, Warrior Queen | Legend | Human Soldier Warrior | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Liu Bei, Lord of Shu | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Loyal Retainers | Advisors | Advisor | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Lu Bu, Master-at-Arms | Legend | Human Soldier Warrior | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Lu Meng, Wu General | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Lu Su, Wu Advisor | Legend | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Lu Xun, Scholar General | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Ma Chao, Western Warrior | Legend | Human Soldier Warrior | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Meng Huo, Barbarian King | Legend | Human Barbarian Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Meng Huo's Horde | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Mountain Bandit | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Rogue | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Pang Tong, "Young Phoenix" | Legend | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Ravaging Horde | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Red Cliffs Armada | Ships | Ship | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Renegade Troops | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Shu Cavalry | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Shu Defender | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Shu Elite Companions | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Shu Elite Infantry | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Shu Farmer | Farmer | Farmer | Human | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Shu Foot Soldiers | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Shu General | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Shu Grain Caravan | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Shu Soldier-Farmers | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Sima Yi, Wei Field Marshal | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Slashing Tiger | Tiger | Tiger | Cat | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Stone Catapult | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Straw Soldiers | Soldiers | Soldier | Scarecrow Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Sun Ce, Young Conquerer | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Sun Quan, Lord of Wu | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Taoist Hermit | Mystic | Mystic | Human Mystic | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Taoist Mystic | Mystic | Mystic | Human Mystic | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Trained Cheetah | Cheetah | Cheetah | Cat | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Trained Jackal | Jackal | Jackal | Hound | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Volunteer Militia | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wei Ambush Force | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wei Assassins | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier Assassin | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wei Elite Companions | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wei Infantry | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wei Night Raiders | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wei Scout | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Scout | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wei Strike Force | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wu Admiral | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wu Elite Cavalry | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wu Infantry | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wu Light Cavalry | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wu Longbowman | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Archer | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wu Scout | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier Scout | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wu Spy | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Wu Warship | Ship | Ship | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Xun Yu, Wei Advisor | Legend | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Yellow Scarves Cavalry | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Yellow Scarves General | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Yellow Scarves Troops | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Young Wei Recruits | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Yuan Shao, the Indecisive | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Yuan Shao's Infantry | Soldiers | Soldier | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Zhang Fei, Fierce Warrior | Legend | Human Soldier Warrior | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Zhang He, Wei General | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Zhang Liao, Hero of Hefei | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Zhao Zilong, Tiger General | Legend | Human Soldier Warrior | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Zhou Yu, Chief Commander | Legend | Human Soldier | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Zhuge Jin, Wu Strategist | Legend | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Zodiac Dog | Dog | Dog | Hound | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Zodiac Pig | Pig | Pig | Boar | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Zodiac Rooster | Rooster | Chicken | Bird | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Zodiac Tiger | Tiger | Tiger | Cat | Portal: Three Kingdoms |
Zuo Ci, the Mocking Sage | Legend | Human Advisor | Portal: Three Kingdoms | |
Champion Lancer | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Starter 1999 |
Dakmor Lancer | Knight | Knight | Human Knight | Starter 1999 |
Devout Monk | Cleric | Cleric | Human Monk Cleric | Starter 1999 |
Royal Trooper | Soldier | Soldier | Human Soldier | Starter 1999 |
Trained Orgg | Beast | Beast | Orgg Beast | Starter 1999 |