Commander Anthology Volume II, like its older sibling Commander Anthology, is a collection of four previously released Commander decks from years past. This year, though, there's a slight twist.

The legends got the new frame treatment.

Let's look at what that means. First, the decks. The four decks coming back are "Devour for Power" (helmed by The Mimeoplasm ), "Built from Scratch" (the Daretti, Scrap Savant deck that I turned into one of my most complicated and broken Commander decks), "Wade into Battle" (with Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas leading the charge), and "Breed Lethality" (with everyone's favorite proliferator, Atraxa, Praetors' Voice ).

All of these will be available when Commander Anthology Vol. II releases June 8.

Now let's look at the legends getting the new frame treatment for the first time. The following got the new frame and are in foil:

The MimeoplasmDamia, Sage of StoneVorosh, the Hunter

Bosh, Iron GolemFeldon of the Third Path

Kalemne, Disciple of IroasAnya, Merciless AngelGisela, Blade of Goldnight

Atraxa, Praetors' VoiceIkra Shidiqi, the Usurper

Ishai, Ojutai DragonspeakerReyhan, Last of the Abzan

Then there are a number of legends who aren't in foil in this set, but did get the new frame treatment:

Jareth, Leonine TitanFumiko the LowbloodTuktuk the Explorer

Ghave, Guru of SporesSkullbriar, the Walking GraveSzadek, Lord of Secrets

Vorel of the Hull CladeWrexial, the Risen Deep

And if you're not familiar with the full decklists from previous printings, we can help you out with that as well!

devour for power

built from scratch

wade into battle

breed lethality