Updated Daily: WPN's Response to COVID-19

In response to COVID-19, Wizards has made a number of announcements and policy changes to enable WPN members to best serve their communities, navigate the disruption, and, above all, remain safe. Today, we are announcing that in-store play is suspended in North America, Europe, and Latin America until at least May 10.

If you represent a WPN store, please check here to see what this means for you.

This includes all Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths events, except for At-Home Prerelease. Existing events scheduled in those regions will be cancelled, and event scheduling has been removed from Wizards Event Reporter.

We strongly recommend that stores and players take measures to stay connected and set up remote play opportunities. We've partnered with Discord to create a template that stores can use to create a community hub with one click. Find more information on that initiative here.

This policy goes into effect Tuesday, March 24. We'll continue monitoring the situation and make adjustments where necessary, including potentially rescheduling Ikoria launch, which many WPN members have asked about. Expect final word on that decision in the coming days.

Promo Packs can be used as sales incentives

Under normal circumstances, Promo Packs are to support in-store play. However, in-store play is not a possibility in many parts of the world. Effective immediately and through Ikoria season, Promo Packs may be used as a sales incentive.

Buy-a-Box promos may ship with online orders

Likewise, Buy-a-Box promo cards are usually reserved for in-store pickups. That, too, is impossible in some parts of the world. Effective with Ikoria launch and through Ikoria season, WPN members may ship Buy-a-Box cards along with orders of full displays. (Note that those shipments may also include Promo Packs.)