May 20, 2019, Banned and Restricted Announcement
Announcement Date: May 20, 2019
Effective Date: May 24, 2019
Magic Online Effective Date: May 20, 2019 at 12 p.m. PT (read more here)
The list of all banned and restricted cards, by format, is here.
Next B&R Announcement: July 8, 2019
Over the past several months, we've observed a rise in both play rate and win rate of blue-based decks in Pauper, with Blue-Black Delver sustaining a +55% win rate on Magic Online. In the past, we'd seen aggressive decks keeping blue tempo strategies in check to some degree, but with the recent additions of
Blue has long owed its strengths in Pauper to efficient cantrips like
One approach was to ban one or more of the recent additions introduced by Masters sets—
We discussed taking action against one or more of the one-mana cantrips,
Many decks mix and match a combined total of about eight copies of these three cards, so banning just one of them would cause decks to converge on eight total copies of the other two—a fairly minimal effect on the strength of those decks. We wanted to determine whether we could address core issues with blue's power level without removing multiple cantrips that have come to define the format and give it a unique feel.
The third category of cards we considered were free spells,
Therefore, in order to weaken blue tempo decks without impacting the core cantrip-plus-
A second topic that's been on our radar is the monarch mechanic in Pauper. Our data, at present, doesn't show decks using the monarch mechanic as having problematic win rates or a problematic role in the metagame. While some feel that monarch is too high-impact, especially against midrange and control strategies, it also enables archetypes that may not otherwise exist, like red-white and white-black midrange decks.
We understand the possibility that weakening blue tempo decks may cause a rise in the popularity of Tron decks. However, we believe that this combination of bans will result in a healthier mix of aggro, tempo, control, combo, and midrange that can adjust to balance out each other's populations. We'll continue to monitor the metagame as it evolves in practice, but need to allow time for it to readjust rather than making assumptions about what the results will be. And as always, we'll continue to listen to community feedback.
No Changes to Other Formats
Other competitive formats are generally looking healthy at this time, and we've determined no need for changes. We were happy with the outcome of the Modern portion of Mythic Championship II, and will continue to research and debate whether the London mulligan is the right change for all Magic formats. If we do move forward with the London mulligan, our approach will be to observe changes in each format's metagame first, rather than making predictive or precautionary changes to the banned and restricted lists.
We're aware of some concern about combos in Modern based around War of the Spark cards, such as