You've had a long adventure. You've earned your rewards.

Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (AFR) is where you'll find Magic's newest treasures. Adventures in the Forgotten Realms booster packs are filled to bursting with the legendary heroes, epic monsters, and wondrous items you expect from any Magic set or Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Your loot might even contain some special card treatments from the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Booster Fun article.

Rulebook Cards

You can find creatures with art inspired by early Monster Manual art in the rulebook treatment:

 Drizzt Do'Urden rulebook art cardDrizzt Do'Urden main set card

51 Adventures in the Forgotten Realms cards appear with this treatment: 16 commons, 18 uncommons, 15 rares, and 2 mythic rares. Every rulebook card can be found in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters in non-foil as well as traditional foil.

(In fact, do you see the splash of color behind the art? That's to indicate the card's color, but in foil, that splash highlights the line art to gorgeous effect.)

Module Cards

You can also open borderless module lands with art and design reminiscent of cover art from classic D&D adventure modules:

Evolving Wilds main set cardEvolving Wilds card with classic module treatment

Every module card is a land. There are 9 total in Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: 1 common, 1 uncommon, and 7 rares. You can collect every module land from Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters in both non-foil and traditional foil.

Borderless Cards

As with every Magic set, Adventures in the Forgotten Realms features other borderless cards sporting alternate art. Besides the module lands, the borderless Adventures in the Forgotten Realms cards are all planeswalkers:

Lloth, Spider Queen main set cardLolth, Spider Queen card with borderless art treatment

. . .or Dragons:

Tiamat main set cardTiamat card with borderless art treatment

You'll find a total of 5 mythic rare planeswalkers in Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, and 5 uncommon, 1 rare, and 6 mythic rare Dragons. All of those planeswalkers and Dragons appear in a borderless version with alternate art. You can open traditional foil or non-foil versions in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters.

Extended-art Cards

In Collector Boosters, you'll find extended-art cards:

Tasha's Hideous Laughter main set cardTasha's Hideous Laughter card with extended-art treatment

Extended art is generally a treatment for rares and mythic rares that don't have other Booster Fun treatments or that are from the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander set. However, Adventures in the Forgotten Realms has a cycle of cards that pay homage to the twelve D&D Classes. Seven of those cards are rares, and none of those seven appear in extended art.

In the main Adventures in the Forgotten Realms set, there are 30 extended-art rares and 7 mythic rares. In the Commander set, there are 48 rares and 8 mythic rares. You can open the 37 cards from the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms main set in traditional foil or non-foil. The 56 extended-art cards from the Commander set are only found in non-foil.

You'll only be opening extended-art cards in Collector Boosters; each Collector Booster contains one non-foil extended-art rare or mythic rare from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and one non-foil extended-art rare or mythic rare from the Commander set. You might also open a foil extended-art rare from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms.

Art Cards

You can also find art cards in Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Set Boosters. Each art card depicts art from an Adventures in the Forgotten Realms card, blown up to the size of a full Magic card. Plus, one card in twenty features the special signature you can see in the corner of the Beholder. You've perhaps seen art cards from other Magic sets, but you'll get a special treat on some Adventures in the Forgotten Realms art cards:

27 of the art cards featuring creatures from Dungeons & Dragons have modified versions of those creatures' D&D stat blocks on the back side. You can use these cards as quick references for your next campaign instead of hauling out the entire Monster Manual to show your players what creature they've encountered.

(Plus, they're just nifty, you know?)

Which Boosters Have These?

You can find all the rulebook, module, and borderless cards in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters, in both non-foil and traditional foil.

Set Boosters are the most fun Adventures in the Forgotten Realms packs to open: the commons and uncommons tell little stories, there's an art card in every pack, and 30% of Set Boosters contain at least two rares or mythic rares.

If you're drafting, then you'll want Draft Boosters. Collector Boosters are the best way to collect Booster Fun rares and mythic rares as well as foil cards, and they're the only place to collect extended-art cards.

AFR Collector Booster Graphic

About 10% of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Set and Draft Boosters contain a rare or mythic rare with an alternate treatment.

For a full rundown of the contents in each booster type from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, you'll want to check out the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms product overview. Whatever your Adventures in the Forgotten Realms booster of choice, you'll love the treasures found inside.

Collecting Adventures in the Forgotten Realms on MTG Arena

You can also find most of these treatments as MTG Arena styles. Styles are acquired separately from the cards themselves. Acquiring its style unlocks a new visual option in-game for that card. You can acquire these styles in a few ways:

Borderless card styles A bundle containing the card styles for each borderless planeswalkers will be available in a bundle in the MTG Arena store. The borderless Dragons will have a bundle as well.

Rulebook card styles – The rulebook card styles are divided into two groups. Roughly half are available in one of four bundles which will be available in the MTG Arena Store. The other half will be available in an upcoming MTG Arena event at the end of July. More information on this event will be available in the future, so keep an eye on the weekly MTG Arena Announcements.

Module land card styles – These module land card styles will be available as a single bundle in the MTG Arena Store.

Vorpal Sword Buy-A-Box extended art – This extended-art card style of Vorpal Sword will be provided when players purchase the 45-count pack of Adventures of the Forgotten Realms packs (which includes a copy of the card itself), as well as the 90-count pack (which includes two copies of the card).

Beholder pet – This pet will be in bundles with the Xanathar sleeve as the Beholder Bundle, which can be purchased from the MTG Arena Store.

Dragon pets – There will be five dragons, one for each of Magic's colors. The black dragon will be available through the Adventures of the Forgotten Realms preorder, while the other four will be available through the Set Mastery.

Dragon Pets from MTG Arena