Collecting Phyrexia: All Will Be One
When you hold a new Magic card in your hand, there is a special connection that you feel. We have all felt the possibilities of what a brand-new Magic card can do. With Phyrexia: All Will Be One (ONE), we all got to embrace the villainy of Phyrexia and infuse that into Magic cards.

I'm Mike Turian, product architect for ONE. As the architect of a set, I'm responsible for the content structure and promotions within. The surreal horror of Phyrexia: All Will Be One was an especially joyful set to work on, and this article brings with it a breakout of what Phyrexian treatments can be found, and which Magic boosters they are found in.
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Collector Boosters
First, let's look at ONE Collector Boosters. I've listed these in the order they appear within the booster. I'll also note that any listed percentage is rounded to the nearest whole number.

Here are some of the images of the cards you can get inside ONE Collector Boosters for reference.
4 Traditional foil commons – Here, you will get 4 of the 101 commons from ONE's Draft and Set Boosters.
2 Traditional foil uncommons – Here, you will get 2 of the 80 uncommons from ONE's Draft and Set Boosters.
1 Traditional foil basic land – Each of the 5 panorama full-art basic lands and the 5 Phyrexianized full-art basic lands show up at an equal rate to one another.
1 Traditional foil rare or mythic rare – There are 60 rares (86% of boosters) and 20 mythic rares (14% of boosters) from the ONE Draft Boosters appearing here.
1 Extended-art rare – There are 29 rares from ONE Draft Boosters that we have given the extended-art treatment. These cards don't have other variant art or frame treatments in ONE boosters, and the extended-art treatment is only found in Collector Boosters.
By the way, you can receive the Buy-a-Box promotional version of Green Sun's Twilight by purchasing a Set, Draft, Collector, or Jumpstart Booster display at your local game store. These promos are available while supplies last—visit your local store to learn more!
1 Extended-art rare or mythic rare from Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander decks (ONC), or an extended-art card from ONE Jumpstart – There are a total of 28 rares (92%) and 5 mythic rares (8%) that are found in this slot. The cards come from the 20 rares and mythic rares in ONC, the 5 rares from ONE Jumpstart, and the 8 rares and mythic rares that are new-to-Commander cards found in Set Boosters.
1 Common or uncommon with the ichor treatment – Cards with the ichor treatment feature brushstroke horror art. There are 6 commons (63%) and 7 uncommons (37%) that can be found in non-foil in this slot.
1 Foil common or uncommon with the ichor treatment – Fans of traditional foil cards can always look to Collector Boosters for an excellent way to find more of what they like.
1 Step-and-compleat foil – Step-and-compleat cards each feature Phyrexian symbols highlighted by a special foil laminate. There are 6 commons (38%), 7 uncommons (29%), 26 rares (22%), and 28 mythic rares (11%) that feature this stunning brand-new treatment.
1 Booster Fun rare or mythic rare – There is tons of possible goodness in this slot. Here is the list of sweet cards you will possibly get, all in non-foil. There are 5 rare borderless "fast lands" (13%), 16 rare borderless ichor cards (41%), 10 rare borderless manga cards (25%) including 5 Mirran heroes and 5 planeswalkers, 10 mythic rare borderless ichor cards (13%), 5 mythic rare borderless manga planeswalkers (3%), 5 mythic rare Phyrexian-language planeswalkers (3%), and 5 mythic rare borderless concept praetors (less than 2%).
In addition to showing up as one of the five praetors, the mythic rare Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines shows up in this slot in the borderless ichor treatment, borderless manga illustrated by Junji Ito, and Phyrexian language, each less than 1% of the time.
1 Foil Booster Fun rare or mythic rare or extended-art rare or mythic rare – Here, you get everything in the above slot as well as everything in the 29 extended-art rare slot listed above. Additionally, you can get select Commander extended-art rare and mythic rare cards. You get an extended-art rare or mythic rare in foil 49% of the time. The remaining 51% of cards are distributed proportional to the rates described in the previous slot above.
Here is a look at the Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines variations that can be found in ONE Collector Boosters.
Now that we have looked at the Collector Booster, let's look closer at each treatment and where we can find these cards.
Ichor and borderless ichor cards – Sarah Wassell and Tom Jenkot, the Booster Fun art directors for ONE, worked with our artists to use a bold ink wash style to capture the essence of the Phyrexians. Adam Prosak and Grace Fong, the game and creative design team leads, selected the most Phyrexian cards in a set dripping with Phyrexia. There are 6 commons and 7 uncommons that have a bordered ichor treatment, and there are 16 rares and 11 mythic rares with a borderless ichor treatment. You will be able to find these ichor cards in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters as well as select cards in the Collector Booster Sample Packs that come with Commander decks.
Phyrexian-language cards – For those Phyrexian fans out there who are learning to read Phyrexian as they take over the Multiverse, there are five mythic rare planeswalkers in ONE, each with Phyrexian-language text and the Phyrexian frame. These are the five Planeswalkers that have been corrupted and Phyrexianized. In addition, we have Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines available in this style. These six cards can each be found in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters.
Borderless concept praetors – With Phyrexia: All Will Be One celebrating the glory that is all of Phyrexia, we wanted to make sure that the five praetors each appeared within the set. We went back to the start of their creation and have brought to life Richard Whitters's concept illustrations of each praetor with these borderless concept praetors. Each features the card from the set they were most recently in; so Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider is a new illustration for the Kaldheim praetor and is tournament legal where that card already is.
Here is a look at all five that you can find in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters.
Borderless manga cards – To capture the intimidation and fear that the Phyrexians have wrought upon the Multiverse, the art team tapped into a horror manga style that highlights the aggression of the Phyrexians well. We worked with Kogado Studios, our Japanese partner studio, to bring this style to life. You will find each of the five compleated Planeswalkers as well as "what-if?" versions for five Planeswalkers who haven't been Phyrexianized in the borderless manga treatment. In addition, we brought five legendary Mirran creatures into this style to further the speculation as to what those heroes would have looked like if compleated.
Junji Ito's Elesh Norn – In addition to these 15 cards, we had the opportunity to pair the ultimate manga Horror artist, Junji Ito, with the star of Phyrexia: All Will Be One, Elesh Norn. Together, they created this phenomenal Magic card:
All of the borderless manga cards can be opened in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters. Additionally, there are select borderless manga cards available in Collector Booster Sample Packs that come with the Commander decks.
Step-and-compleat foils – As we went to capture the monolithic power and vision of the Phyrexians, we used the step-and-compleat treatment to highlight the Phyrexian symbol with a special laminate. The Phyrexian symbol dances in the light accenting the 67 cards available in this style. The step-and-compleat foil treatment is available on borderless ichor cards, borderless concept praetors, borderless manga cards, and Phyrexian-language cards. The Junji Ito-illustrated Elesh Norn with the step-and-compleat foil treatment is a sight to behold!
These cards can only be found in ONE Collector Boosters, and you get one step-and-compleat foil in each Collector Booster.
And then, we have the new 'Step and Compleat' cards in #MTGPhyrexia!
— Magic: The Gathering (@wizards_magic) December 13, 2022
Extended art – For each set, we want to make sure that each rare and mythic rare gets a special treatment. For those cards that don't have one of the treatments above, we use our extended-art treatment to highlight more of the art. With ONE, there are 29 rares from the main set, 5 new rares from Jumpstart, and the new rare or mythic rare cards from the ONC Commander decks that can be found with the extended-art treatment. You can open all of these cards in Collector Boosters, as well as select extended-art Commander cards in the Collector Booster Sample Packs that come with Commander decks.
Borderless dual lands – Found in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters, borderless dual lands bring the surreal dark beauty of Phyrexian landscapes to life. As lead designer of Scars of Mirrodin, I'm especially pleased to see this cycle of five "fast lands" return to Standard with new beautiful artwork.
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Bundle: Compleat Edition
In addition to the regular Bundle, Phyrexia: All Will Be One features the Bundle: Compleat Edition, which will be released a few weeks later on March 3, 2023.

As part of that product, there are new oil slick raised foils and one more Phyrexian-language card in addition to the six found in Phyrexia: All Will Be One boosters. The promo card in the Bundle: Compleat Edition is a Phyrexian Arena promo card with Phyrexian-language text and a Phyrexian frame. Even long after Phyrexian Arena's debut in Apocalypse, paying 1 life for one card each turn remains a good deal!
Oil slick raised foils – Along with the amazing treatments above, we wanted to come up with one final way to celebrate the glory of Phyrexia. Along with lots of fun goodies and a sleek box, each Bundle: Compleat Edition comes with twelve Phyrexia: All Will Be One Set Boosters and one Compleat Edition Booster.
Inside the Compleat Edition Booster, you will get 10 oil slick raised foil basic lands (two of each basic land type) and two Phyrexia: All Will Be One mythic rares. These two oil slick raised foil mythic rares will be randomized and come out of a possible 20 mythic rares, which are the same 20 mythic rares found in Phyrexia: All Will Be One.
Here's how they look:
Where to Find Phyrexia: All Will Be One Booster Fun Treatments
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Set Boosters

Awesome to open and quickly expand your Magic collection, each ONE Set Booster contains 12 Magic cards, one art card, and one token/ad card or a card from The List (a special card selected from Magic's history or "Universes Within" card—found in 25% of boosters).
A ONE Set Booster includes a combination of 1–4 card(s) with a rarity of rare or higher and 3–7 uncommons, 3–7 commons, and 1 basic land. A traditional foil basic land replaces the basic land in 20% of Set Boosters, and a foil-stamped signature art card replaces the art card in 10% of ONE Set Boosters. (A traditional foil borderless mythic rare planeswalker can be found in less than 1% of ONE Set Boosters.)
In addition to ONE Collector Boosters, both ONE Set Boosters and Draft Boosters will contain either a panorama full-art basic land or Phyrexianized full-art basic land.
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Draft Boosters

If you're going to draft with friends to build a sealed deck for battle, you'll want to look for Draft Boosters. Each ONE Draft Booster contains 15 cards and one token/ad card, including one card with a rarity of rare or higher and 3 uncommons, 10 commons, and 1 basic land. (A traditional foil borderless mythic rare planeswalker can be found in less than 1% of ONE Draft Boosters. A traditional foil card of any rarity replaces a common in 33% of ONE Draft Boosters.)
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Prerelease Pack

Perfect for Phyrexia: All Will Be One in-store Prerelease events beginning February 3, the ONE Prerelease Pack combines six Draft Boosters with a few extras to compleat your gameplay experience, including a foil-stamped rare or mythic rare, an MTG Arena code card (only available in select regions), a deck box, and a spindown life counter.
While the color of the spindown life counters include variations featuring one of the five colors of mana, 1 in 15 Phyrexia: All Will Be One Prerelease Packs feature a special Phyrexian version of the spindown life counter—look for it at a Prerelease event near you!
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Bundle

Need some handy storage for cards and more basic lands? The Phyrexia: All Will Be One Bundle includes that and so much more, containing eight Phyrexia: All Will Be One Set Boosters—the best boosters to open just for fun—plus a traditional foil alternate-art Karumonix, the Rat King promo card, 40 basic lands (20 traditional foil basic lands and 20 non-foil basic lands), an oversized spindown life counter, a card storage box, and two reference cards.
(Note: These basic lands for Phyrexia: All Will Be One are found in the ONE Bundle as well as ONC Commander decks and ONE Jumpstart Boosters.)
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander Decks
Two Commander decks, ready to play out of the box, arrive with Phyrexia: All Will Be One.

These Commander decks let you jump into the action and play with friends, either commanding the forces of the Mirran resistance with Rebellion Rising or compleating the game in style with true Phyrexian prowess using Corrupting Influence.
Each ONE Commander deck includes:
- 1 Ready-to-play deck of 100 Magic cards (2 traditional foil legendary cards, 98 non-foil cards) featuring 10 new-to-Magic cards
- 1 Two-card Collector Booster Sample Pack (contains 1 traditional foil or non-foil alternate-treatment card with a rarity of rare or higher and one traditional foil ichor treatment common or uncommon card)
- 1 Foil-etched display commander (a thicker cardstock representation of the commander card with foil etched into the card's border and art)
- 10 Double-sided tokens
- 1 Deck box (can hold 100 sleeved cards)
- 1 Life wheel
- A Strategy insert and reference card
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Jumpstart Boosters

Just like with Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander decks, you can jump into the action and start playing with Phyrexia: All Will Be One Jumpstart Boosters. Each ONE Jumpstart Booster contains 20 cards, including a rare designed for and found in these boosters, and can be shuffled together with any other Jumpstart Booster (like those from The Brothers' War and Jumpstart 2022) to mix and match amazing games in a flash.
ONE Jumpstart Boosters come in five different themes, with two variations for each theme and 20 Magic cards in each booster, including:
- 1 Phyrexia: All Will Be One rare or mythic rare
- 1 Rare card designed for Phyrexia: All Will be One
- 2 Traditional foil basic lands
(Note: Extended-art versions of rares designed for ONE Jumpstart Boosters are available in ONE Collector Boosters.)

I hope you enjoyed embracing the villainy, learning about the treatments, and seeing the art of Phyrexia: All Will Be One, including all the ways you can find them. Now, you have the compleat knowledge at hand when Phyrexia: All Will Be One releases in stores worldwide on February 10. You can preorder Phyrexia: All Will Be One products at your local game store, online through Amazon, and elsewhere Magic: The Gathering is sold.
As you enjoy the fruits of Phyrexian work, feel free to let me know what you think about the set. All will be one!