Free Association
One of the cool parts of Magic is how much personal history the game has. That is, for each player, there is an evolution of how they started. The following questions are meant as a way to see how much you remember of your own history. I ask ten questions. My answers are below.
- What was the first Magic set you ever bought?
- What cards do you remember in your first pack?
- What colors was your first deck?
- What is the earliest card you remember misunderstanding?
- How many packs did you buy the first time you purchased Magic packs?
- What is the first trade you remember making?
- Where did you play your first game of Magic?
- Who did you play your first game of Magic with?
- How many packs did you buy of the first expansion to come out after you started playing?
- What was the first card you really fell in love with?
My answers:
- Alpha
Darkpact ,Stasis ,Craw Wurm - Primarily green with some blue and some red.
Stasis . I thought it was really powerful because my opponent never got to untap. It took me a month to realize that I didn't untap either.- I bought a starter and five booster packs. It was around $25 and they seemed like enough for a single game.
- I traded my father (who I taught to play) a
Fungusaur for aMox Emerald . And I swear to god at the time I felt I was being nice. I traded for the Mox only because I didn't own it and I had twoFungusaur s and I thought my dad would have fun with it. - I played at a game convention in Los Angeles. Orc Con or something like that.
- I don't remember his name. I do remember that he taught me to spread out my cards because he had heard about a card that players could toss that would destroy anything it landed on.
- I was working in a game store part time, so I ended up buying two boxes of Arabian Nights. I later learned that the state of Montana got a single box.
Vesuvan Doppelganger . I thought that card was the coolest card ever created. I played mostly blue decks so I could play it (I honestly didn't know how good blue was at the time).