One for All
Okay, here we go. This exercise has a very odd deck construction:
All decks must be exactly sixty cards.
All decks may only use one card. That is it must have exactly sixty copies of the same card.
Hey, I said it was odd. The goal is to design as many decks as you can that can beat the control deck. The control deck is made up of sixty-five
Why sixty-five cards? When I first started this puzzle, I made the control deck sixty cards. When I asked Richard Garfield if he could add any decks I didn't think of, he said, "All of them. If you play." So I changed the control deck to sixty-five cards. Decking is allowed but it has to be a result of your deck doing something to deck them.
Why sixty-five
So, with the above restrictions, how many decks (aka cards) can you come up with? The answer is below. (Scroll down. Don't worry - this isn't a repeat of the goblin column.)
The answer is… okay, the answer that I got (I'm very open to the fact that I missed a deck or two) was 17. (And it jumps to 19 once Darksteel comes out.) In addition I had one deck that can draw. And 10 decks that can beat one of the 17 decks that can win.
I'll give you a little more space and then I'll walk you through them. For each card I list what turn the deck wins on (for both playing and drawing) and I walk you through how the deck wins. (Scroll down for the decks.)
I could find only one white card. And in true white fashion, it wins by not losing.
Serra Avatar (Urza's Saga)
Play – Win on Their Turn 57.
Draw – Win on Their Turn 58.
There are no blue cards. That I could find at least.
Black had three cards. It and green tied for the most colored cards.
Ichorid (Torment)
Play – Win Turn 10
Draw – Win Turn 9
Nether Shadow (Alpha)
Play – Win Turn 11
Draw – Win Turn 10
Nether Spirit (Mercadian Masques)
Play – Win Turn 7
Draw – Win Turn 6
No red cards either. There was one red card that could force a draw though. (See below.)
Green has the distinction of having the most variety of wins among the colored cards.
Basking Rootwalla (Torment)
Play – Win Turn 8
Draw – Win Turn 7
Elvish Spirit Guide (Alliances)
Play – Win Turn 7
Draw – Win Turn 6
Vine Dryad (Mercadian Masques)
Play – Win Turn 6
Draw – Win Turn 5
Artifacts had one representative. It did have a few spoil sport decks. (See below.)
Legacy Weapon (Apocalypse)
Play – Win on Their Turn 57.
Draw – Win on Their Turn 58.
Land is the king of this format. Over half of the decks are comprised of land.
Barbarian Ring (Odyssey)
Play – Win Turn 19
Draw – Win Turn 18
Cephalid Coliseum (Odyssey)
Play – Win on Turn 23
Draw – Win on their Turn 23
Faerie Conclave (Urza's Legacy)
Play – Win Turn 10
Draw – Win Turn 10
Forbidding Watchtower (Urza's Legacy)
Play – Win Turn 13
Draw – Win Turn 13
Ghitu Encampment (Urza's Legacy)
Play – Win Turn 10
Draw – Win Turn 10
Mishra's Factory (Antiquities)
Play – Win Turn 6
Draw – Win Turn 6
Spawning Pool (Urza's Legacy)
Play – Win Turn 13
Draw – Win Turn 13
Stalking Stones (Tempest / Mirrodin)
Play – Win Turn 10
Draw – Win Turn 10
Treetop Village (Urza's Legacy)
Play – Win Turn 8
Draw – Win Turn 8
While 17 cards can win outright, there was only one card that could "not lose" aka draw.
Cave-In (Mercadian Masques)
Play – Draw Turn 14
Win – Draw Turn 13
The Spoil Sports
Okay, seventeen decks could win. Ten decks, though, could stop at least one of them.
Contagion (Alliances)
This deck can stop
Force of Will (Alliances)
This deck can stop
Maze of Ith (The Dark)
This deck can stop
Ornithopter (Antiquities)
This deck can stop
Phyrexian Walker (Visions)
This deck can stop
Pyrokinesis (Alliances)
This deck can stop
Rishadan Port (Mercadian Masques)
This deck can stop
Strip Mine (Antiquities)
This deck can stop
Unmask (Mercadian Masques)
This deck stops
Wasteland (Tempest)
This deck can stop
Here are a few decks that seem like they can win but don't:
Here are a few decks that seem like they might stop one of the decks but don't:
Let The Games Begin
Now that I have the field for this strange format, I felt it only proper (in fine Inquest tradition) to run a tournament. After all, this is one of the few formats where each match-up has a definitive answer.
So, here's how it's going to work. I put seeded the 28 decks (17 winning decks, 1 drawing deck, and the 10 spoil sport decks) by putting them in the order the cards were published. If multiple cards appeared in the same expansion, I ordered them alphabetically. As I wanted to run this tournament single elimination, I added four byes in the final four slots.
Whenever two decks meet, the lower seeded deck will play. If the two decks draw game one, the higher seeded deck will play game two. I made all play decisions for the decks, but I believe each match-up has a "correct" answer as this format removes all randomness.
Enough with the rules, let's get on with the tournament. First, the twenty eight decks as seeded:
1) Nether Shadow (Alpha)
2) Mishra's Factory (Antiquities)
3) Ornithopter (Antiquities)
4) Strip Mine (Antiquities)
5) Maze of Ith (The Dark)
6) Contagion (Alliances)
7) Elvish Spirit Guide (Alliances)
8) Force of Will (Alliances)
9) Pyrokinesis (Alliances)
10) Phyrexian Walker (Visions)
11) Stalking Stones (Tempest / Mirrodin)
12) Wasteland (Tempest)
13) Serra Avtar (Urza's Saga)
14) Faerie Conclave (Urza's Legacy)
15) Forbidding Watchtower (Urza's Legacy)
16) Ghitu Encampment (Urza's Legacy)
17) Spawning Pool (Urza's Legacy)
18) Treetop Village (Urza's Legacy)
19) Cave-In (Mercadian Masques)
20) Nether Spirit (Mercadian Masques)
21) Rishadan Port (Mercadian Masques)
22) Unmask (Mercadian Masques)
23) Vine Dryad (Mercadian Masques)
24) Legacy Weapon (Apocalypse)
25) Barbarian Ring (Odyssey)
26) Cephalid Coliseum (Odyssey)
27) Basking Rootwalla (Torment)
28) Ichorid (Torment)
29) BYE
30) BYE
31) BYE
32) BYE
Here's how the overall brackets look:
Round One – Top 32
Even though BYE got to play four matches, he continued his lifetime losing streak.
The Elvish Spirit deck wins before the
This was one of the more snooze-inducing matches. Neither deck did anything, but
In one of the odder match-ups, the
The match-up of the land hosers came down to decking as neither deck has a win condition. Since
Here's the Crux of the match:
Turn 4: The
Turn 5: The
Turn 6: Same thing.
Turn 7: Same thing.
Turn 8: Same thing.
Turn 9: The
Winner: Forbidding Watchtower (#15)
This is probably the most interesting match-up in the first round as two of the "man-lands" face off against each other. The
This match plays out very similarly to the last one, but with one twist. The 2/1 first strikers of the
Round 2 – Top 16
Here's the top 16 brackets:
The key to this match-up is two-fold. First, the
This is another case of two creature decks coming face to face and the faster one overrunning the slower one. In this case, it isn't close. The
This is a match-up of a master and its disciple. And as we all know, the master always wins. This is another one of those matches where seeding matters. Thus, it seems only apropos that
Round 3 – Top 8 (Quarter Finals)
Here's the bracket for the Quarter Finals:
This match-up has a lovely early game as both sides spend their beginning turns discarding cards. The
This match-up boils down to two factors. Which deck creates creatures faster? And which deck has the fastest goldfish kill? The answer in both cases is the
Round Four – Top 4 (Semi-Finals)
Here's the bracket for the Semi Finals:
Round Five – Top 2 (Finals)
Ironically, the top two decks were actually seeded #1 and #2. But are they in the correct order? This is by far the most interesting match-up of the tournament.
Let me walk you through this one before I announce the winner: (Note I'm abbreviate NS for
NS Turn 1: Do nothing. [NS 20 Life, MF 20 Life]
MF Turn 1: Play MF.
NS Turn 2: At end of turn, discard NS.
MF Turn 2: Play a second MF. Use it to activate first MF and attack for 2. [NS 18, MF 20]
NS Turn 3: At end of turn, discard NS.
MF Turn 3: Play a third MF. Use it to activate a MF, pump it with the other MF and then attack for 3. [NS 15, MF 20]
NS Turn 4: At end of turn, discard NS.
MF Turn 4: Play a fourth MF. Use it and another MF to activate the other two and then attack for 4. [NS 11, MF 20]
NS Turn 5: At end of turn, discard NS.
MF Turn 5: Play a fifth MF. Use two of them to activate two other MF. Pump one of them with the fifth MF. Attack with a 2/2 and a 3/3 to deal 5 damage. [NS 6, MF 20]
NS Turn 6: At the beginning of the turn, put a 1/1 NS into play from the bottom of the graveyard. At end of turn, discard a NS.
MF Turn 6: Play a sixth MF. Use three MF to activate the other three MF. Attack with three 2/2s. One is blocked by a NS. Your MF deal 4 damage. [NS 2, MF 20]
NS Turn 7: At the beginning of the turn, put two 1/1 NS into play from the bottom of the graveyard. At end of turn, discard a NS.
MF Turn 7: Play a seventh MF. Use three MF to activate three other MF. Attack with three 2/2s. Pump up the one not blocked by a NS. Your MF deals 3 damage. [NS –1, MF 20] MF deck wins.
In the end, the deck with the fastest goldfish kill does indeed prove to be the strongest deck.
I hope you enjoyed my little detour this week into a slightly different area of R&D-think. Let me know if you enjoyed this type of column so I'll have some idea whether I should do others like it in the future.
Join me next week when I share with you the personal Mirrodin design diary that I never kept.
Until then, may your
Mark Rosewater
Mark may be reached at