Many years ago, I finished my 100th week of writing Making Magic and came up with an idea. What if I went back and reviewed every column I'd ever written and graded them? That article was "One Hundred and Counting." It went over well, so now, every hundred weeks, I write a new one. Today, I hit my 1,000th week, so it's time for another look back.

The reason I do this recap column is twofold. First, it serves to keep a record of all my articles for people who want to go back and find a particular one. Second, it acts as a resource for newer readers who want some idea where to start when diving into the ever-growing pool of Making Magic articles.

This is the tenth in the series. Here are the first nine:

As always, here's my five-star scale:

This is as good as it gets. The crème de la crème. If you're going to catch up on any old articles, these are the ones to read.

While not my absolute best, this article is one of my better pieces.

One of my bread-and-butter articles. Nothing spectacular, but nothing too shabby either.

At best, a ho-hum read. At worst, a failed experiment.

The only reason to read this is to say you've read every article. Not my finest hour.

Whenever I write one of these columns, I get questions about why there are so few low-rated columns. There are three reasons. One, I'm keeping a constant grade across all the "Hundred and Counting" articles. In the early years, I published some low-rated articles, so I can't just get rid of the lower ratings and readjust the scale. Two, if I feel I've written an article that falls lower than a three-star column, I rewrite it. I'm always aiming for five-star columns, so my three-star columns are me "hitting low." Three, I've been doing this for 1,000 weeks (over nineteen years). I believe I'm, on average, writing stronger material than I was back in 2002.

With that out of the way, let's talk about some columns.

Week #901 (April 8, 2019) – "Waging War of the Spark, Part 2"

This is the second week of War of the Spark previews. I introduce the Vision Design team and tell an entertaining story about the many failed attempts to try and bring back the proliferate mechanic before it successfully returned in War of the Spark.

Week #902 (April 15, 2019) – "Waging War of the Spark, Part 3"

This is the third week of War of the Spark previews. I explain how the mechanic amass got designed and talk about a crazy mechanic called skirmish that never saw the light of day.

Week #903 (April 22, 2019) – "War Games"

This is the first (of three) columns dedicated to War of the Spark card-by-card design stories. I talk about numerous cards, but between the three columns, I hit all 36 planeswalkers in the set.

Week #904 (April 29, 2019) – "More War Games"

This is the second of three columns dedicated to War of the Spark card-by-card design stories. In this column, I talk about more planeswalkers and the cycle of Gods in the set.

Week #905 (May 6, 2019) – "Even More War Games"

This is the third of three columns dedicated to War of the Spark card-by-card design stories. In this column, I talk about even more planeswalkers and the Vehicles in the set.

Week #906 (May 13, 2019) – "Odds & Ends: War of the Spark"

This is my mailbag column for War of the Spark. I answer many questions from the fans, including the most frequently asked question, "Where is Garruk?"

Week #907 (May 20, 2019) – "Modern Sensibilities"

This was the first week of Modern Horizon previews. In it, I tell the story of how the set came to be. (It involves something known as an R&D Hackathon.) I also introduce the Vision Design team.

Week #908 (May 27, 2019) – "Modern Life"

I talk more about the design of Modern Horizons focusing on how many of the set's themes came to be. (Changelings and Slivers and Ninjas. Oh My!)

Week #909 (June 3, 2019) – "Nine Hundred and Counting"

This was my last "__________ and Counting" article. Check it out after this article if you don't know my previous one hundred weeks of content. It got delayed because I had War of the Spark and Modern Horizons articles I had to do.

Week #910 (June 10, 2019) – "Modern Times"

This was my card-by-card design story column for Modern Horizons. In it, I talk about a cycle that took 21 years to complete.

Week #911 (June 17, 2019) – "Core to the Point"

This was my first preview column for Core Set 2020. I explain how the set got designed, talk about the Draft archetypes the set was built around, and explain how three Chandras ended up in the set.

Week #912 (June 24, 2019) – "Core Than Meets the Eye"

In my second article on Core Set 2020. I walk through all the cycles in the set and discuss how and why they were created.

Week #913 (July 1, 2019) – "What Core Can I Say, Part 1"

This is part one of two columns of card-by-card design stories from Core Set 2020. Among other things, I talk about how each of the three Chandra planeswalker cards got created.

Week #914 (July 8, 2019) – "What Core Can I Say, Part 2"

This is part two of two columns of card-by-card design stories from Core Set 2020. I talk about the design of numerous cards from the set, including Omnath, which picked up his third color in Core Set 2020.

Week #915 (July 15, 2019) – "Constraints and Defaults"

In this article, I talk about when and how it's okay to break the rules you've set up for your game as a game designer. The short version concerns understanding a constraint, a rule you shouldn't break, from a default, a rule you can break but serves as the starting point whenever you make new content.

Week #916 (July 21, 2019) – "Project Booster Fun"

From time to time, R&D makes a big change for how we do things. When this happens, I write an article walking everyone through the changes. This is one of those articles. We were introducing numerous things to Magic, the biggest being Project Booster Fun (special themed alternate frames and art) and Collector Boosters, and I wanted to let you all in on the cool stuff coming your way. It's fun looking back seeing how we introduced something that's now a staple part of the game. For those confused by the date, this article came out on a Sunday because it went along a live announcement introducing upcoming product.

Week #917 (July 29, 2019) – "Return of Colorful Replies"

"Colorful Replies" is a column I do from time to time where I let the audience ask questions of the five colors who then answer them. This is the second "Colorful Replies" column. I did the first one back in July of 2018. The "Colorful Replies" columns are a good way to get a better sense of the colors and are a bit more comical than most Making Magic articles.

Week #918 (August 5, 2019) – "Need I Say Morph"

This was my preview column for Commander (2019 Edition). It allowed me to tell the in-depth story of the creation of the morph mechanic.

Week #919 (August 12, 2019) – "Themes Like Old Times"

In this column, I talk about a hobby that my wife and I enjoy—throwing parties. I explain how to properly theme a party and then apply those lessons to game design. The article will give you a glimpse into my private life as you'll hear about a number of the parties we've thrown. There's even a bonus puzzle from our annual Fourth of July party at the end.

Week #920 (August 19, 2019) – "Why Diversity Matters in Game Design"

In this column, I take a number of lessons from my GDC talk ("Twenty Years, Twenty Lessons"—here's the video, and Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of my column on it) and demonstrate how diversity helps you better apply them. If you've never thought about this topic, I urge you to read this column.

Week #921 (August 26, 2019) – "State of Design 2019"

Every year, I write an article called "State of Design" where I examine the design lessons of the last year's worth of content. This was my talk for 2019 that examined Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance, War of the Spark, Modern Horizons, and Core Set 2020.

Week #922 (September 2, 2019) – "Patience"

In this article, I examine designs that took a while coming to fruition, starting with cards that took 6 years and ending with a set theme, poison, which took 16 years.

Week #923 (September 9, 2019) – "Eldraine or Shine"

This was the first week of Throne of Eldraine previews, and I spent my column introducing the Vision Design team and talking about the set's long road to print. I also believe this is my preview column that sets the record for the most preview cards in an article (that weren't part of a ten-card cycle) at eight.

Week #924 (September 16, 2019) – "Singing in the Eldraine"

Week one, I talked about the fairy-tale theme of Throne of Eldraine. Week two, I discuss the Camelot-inspired theme.

Week #925 (September 23, 2019) – "Eldraine Check, Part 1"

This is the first column of three columns of card-by-card design stories from Throne of Eldraine. Because this was a top-down set, a lot more printed cards started life in vision design, so this column's stories are a little more personal. I do show a number of cards as they existed in their original version.

Week #926 (September 30, 2019) – "Eldraine Check, Part 2"

This is the second column of three columns of card-by-card design stories from Throne of Eldraine. In it, you'll hear how the Faerie Godmother, the Golden Goose, Goldilocks, the Gingerbread Man, and Pinocchio all made it into the set.

Week #927 (October 7, 2019) – "Eldraine Check, Part 3"

This is the third column of three columns of card-by-card design stories from Throne of Eldraine. This column examines how the Pied Piper, the Seven Dwarves , The Evil Stepmother, the Big Bad Wolf, and the Little Mermaid made it into the set.

Week #928 (October 14, 2019) – "Odds & Ends: Throne of Eldraine"

This is the first of two mailbag columns for Throne of Eldraine. I talk a bit about how doing a top-down fairy-tale design was different than other top-down designs.

Week #929 (October 21, 2019) – "More Odds & Ends: Throne of Eldraine"

This is the second of two mailbag columns for Throne of Eldraine. In it, I talk about how much top-down stuff is left for a return.

Week #930 (October 28, 2019) – "The Bolas Arc, Part 1"

This is the first of two columns talking about the creation of the Nicol Bolas story arc and the three years of sets that went along with it (Kaladesh to War of the Spark). This two-part story helps explain how we plan larger story arcs.

Week #931 (November 4, 2019) – "The Bolas Arc, Part 2"

And this is the second part of that story. Learn which two sets got swapped in the middle of exploratory design.

Week #932 (November 11, 2019) – "Throne of Eldraine Vision Design Handoff, Part 1"

This is the first part of the actual document I handed off from Vision Design to Set Design for Throne of Eldraine. Along with the document, I make notes explaining the larger context of what you're reading. If you enjoy getting knee-deep in behind-the-scenes material, this is it.

Week #933 (November 18, 2019) – "Throne of Eldraine Vision Design Handoff, Part 2"

This is the second part of the handoff. In it, you can see every trope we designed a top-down card for during vision design. (While most made it to print, some did not.)

Week #934 (November 25, 2019) – "The Blank Page, A Different Take"

I wrote an article about some techniques for facing a blank page in design. I'd forgotten that I'd written on that topic four years earlier ("A Blank Page"), but it turns out I tackled the topic very differently, so I went ahead and published it. If you find yourself intimidated by the blank page, this column gives some very practical advice to help you.

Week #935 (December 2, 2019) – "More Maro on Maro"

From time to time, I like to interview myself. I ask some pretty hard questions, including ones that ask to explain the downsides of the color pie, the hardest part of my job, and where I see the greatest potential for Magic's future design.

Week #936 (December 9, 2019) – "Even More Maro on Maro"

I didn't let up on myself in the second part of the interview. Among other things, I asked if it was time that I step down as head designer, how I handle people being so mean to me on the internet, why I'm sometimes so stubborn and other times so flexible about Magic design, and how I'd add a sixth color to Magic.

Week #937 (December 16, 2019) – "Variance, Part 1"

I'm very proud of this column (and the second part—in week #949) that discusses the importance of variance in game design and the proper way to use it. I'm embarrassed by the gap between the two parts. I had planned this to be my last two articles of the year before the winter break, but I miscounted and there wasn't time to print part two. When I got back, I had to write about Theros Beyond Death and Unsanctioned, and it took eleven (!) weeks to finally print part two. If you read part one, I don't recommend waiting eleven weeks before reading part two.

Week #938 (December 23, 2019) – Vacation Week

I was on winter break, so no new column this week.

Week #939 (January 2, 2020) – "At Death's Door, Part 1"

This was the first week of Theros Beyond Death previews. I introduce the design team and talk about the design of the set, including the stygian mechanic that didn't make it. Note that this article appeared on a Thursday rather than my normal Monday slot as that's the day the previews for Theros Beyond Death started.

Week #940 (January 6, 2020) – "At Death's Door, Part 2"

This was the second week of Theros Beyond Death previews. I talk about how we decided what mechanics to bring back from the original Theros block.

Week #941 (January 13, 2020) – "To the Death"

This was the first of two columns of card-by-card design stories from Theros Beyond Death. I talk about the design of numerous cards, including Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis .

Week #942 (January 20, 2020) – "More To The Death"

This was the second of two columns of card-by-card design stories from Theros Beyond Death. Among other things, I explain how heroic made an unlabeled return.

Week #943 (January 27, 2020) – "Odds & Ends: Theros Beyond Death"

This was the first of two Theros Beyond Death mailbag columns. There are a lot of questions about why we did or didn't include certain things in the set.

Week #944 (February 3, 2020) – "More Odds & Ends: Theros Beyond Death"

This was the second of two Theros Beyond Death mailbag columns. Among other things, I talk about how Achilles finally made it into a Theros set.

Week #945 (February 10, 2020) – "Un-Boxing, Part 1"

This was part one of a three-part series on all the making of the Unsanctioned box set, including card-by-card design stories of each of the fifteen new cards in the product. Among other cards, we learn how Magic got its first legendary Squirrel and first Clamfolk Rebel.

Week #946 (February 17, 2020) – "Un-Boxing, Part 2"

This was part two of a three-part series on all the making of the Unsanctioned box set. In this column, we learn the origin of a planeswalker made up of a collective of Beebles and the first piece of art featuring three generations of Demons/Beasts.

Week #947 (February 24, 2020) – "Un-Boxing, Part 3"

This was part three of a three-part series on all the making of the Unsanctioned box set. This column explains how silver border got its first Dragon and its first five-color Commander.

Week #948 (March 2, 2020) – "Variance, Part 2"

Remember how I wrote the first part of an article about variance many articles earlier? Don't worry, I won't blame you if you forgot. I finally got around to printing the second part. The saddest part is I really like this article. I'm hoping more people will get to read the two together after this column comes out.

Week #949 (March 9, 2020) – "Nuts & Bolts, Part 1: Limited (Mechanics)"

Every year in the first quarter of the year, I write a series called "Nuts & Bolts" aimed at players who enjoy designing their own sets. This year, I turned the "Nuts & Bolts" article into a two-parter talking about how to design your set to work in Limited. Part 1 is about how to craft your mechanics so that they help create the best Limited environment.

Week #950 (March 16, 2020) – "Nuts & Bolts, Part 2: Limited (Themes)"

Part two was about how to craft your themes to help maximize your Limited environment.

Week #951 (March 23, 2020) – "A Trivial Pursuit"

This column is a 30-question trivia test based on various products I led or co-led. Warning: it's hard.

Week #952 (March 30, 2020) – "Human History"

The most common creature type in the game is Human. In this column, I explore the history of the Human creature type, a story I personally play a big role in.

Week #953 (April 6, 2020) – "More Than Meets the Ikoria"

It's the first week of Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths previews. I introduce the Vision Design team and explain how we designed a set focused on monsters. I also walk through how we came up with the mutate mechanic.

Week #954 (April 13, 2020) – "A Twinkle in Someone's Ikoria"

It's the second week of Ikoria previews, so I talk about all the mechanics other than mutate (keyword counters, companion, cycling, Human and non-Human tribal, and the three-color theme).

Week #955 (April 20, 2020) – "Ikoria of the Beholder, Part 1"

This is the first of two columns on Ikoria card-by-card design stories. Among other things, I talk about Squirrel's return to black border and the history of caring about things being odd or even.

Week #956 (April 27, 2020) – "Ikoria of the Beholder, Part 2"

This is the second of two columns on Ikoria card-by-card design stories. I talk about the Mythos and Ultimatum cycles.

Week #957 (May 4, 2020) – "Ikoria Vision Design Handoff"

The "Throne of Eldraine Vision Design Handoff" article was so successful, I decided to do another one, this time sharing the vision design handoff for Ikoria. Again, it's the exact document I handed off, annotated to explain the stuff that might not be obvious.

Week #958 (May 11, 2020) – "Odds & Ends: Ikoria"

This is the first of two Ikoria mailbag columns. I get asked many things, including "Why can't humans mutate?" and "Are you worried about companion?"

Week #959 (May 18, 2020) – "More Odds & Ends: Ikoria"

This is the second of two Ikoria mailbag columns. I answer many questions, including why soulbond wasn't in the set and if I thought the set was too complex.

Week #960 (May 25, 2020) – "The Grand Experiment"

In this column, I talk about complexity in games and the experiment we tried in Ikoria to see if a set could handle a higher complexity threshold.

Week #961 (June 1, 2020) – "My Favorite Things"

A designer needs to understand their bias, so I used this article to explore the many things of Magic that I enjoy (as well as a look at things I've made in those categories).

Week #962 (June 8, 2020) – "Need I Say Core?"

It's the first week of Core Set 2021 previews, so I talk about the design of the set as well as how Jumpstart got created.

Week #963 (June 15, 2020) – "But Wait, There's Core"

It's the second week of Core Set 2021 previews. I explain how Hounds became Dogs and what got us to make a new cycle of Shrines.

Week #964 (June 22, 2020) – "Some Day My Reprints Will Come"

This is a card-by-card design article where I talk about the design of numerous reprints found in Core Set 2021.

Week #965 (June 29, 2020) – "Odds & Ends: Core Set 2021"

This is my Core Set 2021 mailbag column. In it, I explain what the card Oubliette from Arabian Nights has to do with the Planeswalker Teferi.

Week #966 (July 6, 2020) – "The Future of Magic"

In this article, I explore where the greatest potential for new Magic design space lies. If you want to know what's ahead for Magic, this column is the biggest clue.

Week #967 (July 13, 2020) – "Connect the Dots" [REPEAT]

I had to write two columns for the following week (one followed my San Diego Comic-Con online panel), so I ended up reprinting one of my favorite columns from the past. "Connect the Dots" consists of my thoughts on one of my favorite subject matters: creativity.

Week #968 (July 20, 2020) – "Double Deal"

It was the first week of Double Masters, so I explained how Masters was back (we had said it was going away for a while) and talked about how the double theme came about.

Week #969 (July 25, 2020) – "Set Boosters"

Magic was introducing a brand-new thing, so, of course, I wrote a whole column explaining what it was about. This column is a follow-up to my 2020 San Diego Comic-Con online panel where I formally introduced Set Boosters for the first time (as well as gave a first look at some art from Zendikar Rising). It's why it came out on a Saturday.

Week #970 (July 27, 2020) – "On the Double"

This was another article on Double Masters. I share some card-by-card design stories of reprints in the set.

Week #971 (August 3, 2020) – "Back to the Future Sight, Part 1"

Back in 2007, we released a set called Future Sight that had within it "futureshifted" cards hinting at possible futures for Magic. The idea was that some of these cards were pre-prints that would later show up in the game. This article is part one of a three-part series looking at all the futureshifted cards and discussing how the ones that returned managed to do so and predicting the chances of the ones that haven't yet returned coming back.

Week #972 (August 10, 2020) – "Back to the Future Sight, Part 2"

This is part two of the look back at the futureshifted cards of Future Sight. Among other stories, I talk about how many future creative elements were inspired by the card Ghostfire.

Week #973 (August 17, 2020) – "State of Design 2020"

This was 2020's "State of Design" column looking back at Throne of Eldraine, Theros Beyond Death, Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths, Core Set 2021, and Jumpstart.

Week #974 (August 24, 2020) – "Back to the Future Sight, Part 3"

After a week's break for 2020's "State of Design" article, I write the third and final column in my futureshifted series. There are many stories, including how Future Sight was the precursor to both devotion and the contraption mechanics.

Week #975 (September 1, 2020) – "Zendikar Rising to the Challenge, Part 1"

It's the first week of Zendikar Rising previews, so I introduce the Vision Design team and tell the story of how the party mechanic was designed. My article came out on a Tuesday this week because that's when the Zendikar Rising previews began.

Week #976 (September 7, 2020) – "Zendikar Rising to the Challenge, Part 2"

It's the second week of Zendikar Rising previews. I talk about how modal double-faced cards (MDFCs) got designed and walk through how we decided what mechanics to use from the previous Zendikar blocks.

Week #977 (September 14, 2020) – "Zendikar Rising Stars"

It's the first of two columns of Zendikar Rising card-by-card design stories. Among other things, I talk about how the Pathways got made and why black's getting a bit better at enchantment removal.

Week #978 (September 21, 2020) – "More Zendikar Rising Stars"

It's the second of two columns of Zendikar Rising card-by-card design stories. I discuss Lotus Cobra 's return and how the snap-on equipment came to be.

Week #979 (September 28, 2020) – "Zendikar Rising Vision Design Handoff"

I've started making a habit of sharing every vision design handoff document I've created, and I led Zendikar Rising, so it's another official document with notes from me about what it all means.

Week #980 (October 5, 2020) – "Odds & Ends: Zendikar Rising"

This is my Zendikar Rising mailbag column. I explain what happened to Allies and whether there's any design space left in Zendikar.

Week #981 (October 12, 2020) – "Original Zendikar Design Handoff Document, Part 1"

The vision design handoff articles have been so popular, I decided to go back in time and show off a design handoff (it predates Vision Design) from original Zendikar. It was long enough that I broke it into two parts (like I had with Throne of Eldraine's handoff document).

Week #982 (October 19, 2020) – "Original Zendikar Design Handoff Document, Part 2"

Here's part two. One of the things that's fun about showing older documents is that you can see how things have evolved over time.

Week #983 (October 26, 2020) – "Your Wish Is My Commander Legends, Part 1"

It's the first week of Commander Legends previews. I tell the story of how the set came to be and the many challenges of making a draftable Commander product. This column tells the story through vision design, and I have Gavin, the lead vision designer, introduce his team. Moving forward, I plan to have the leads of the team introduce their team members.

Week #984 (November 2, 2020) – "Your Wish Is My Commander Legends, Part 2"

For the second week of Commander Legends previews, I tell the story of Commander Legends set design. Also, Jules Robins, the set's lead designer, introduces his Set Design team. Another change moving forward is that I'm going to be having the Set Design team introduced each set along with the Vision Design team. Once upon a time, there was a development column that introduced the people that worked later on the design, but as that's infrequent these days, I'm going to now introduce the Set Design team in Making Magic.

Week #985 (November 9, 2020) – "Quite Some Characters"

I share the stories of some of the characters that get legendary creature or planeswalker cards in Commander Legends.

Week #986 (November 16, 2020) – "Casual Play"

In this column, I explore what exactly "casual play" means (I talk about how it actually means three different things) and how we design for it.

Week #987 (November 23, 2020) – "How Trivial – Legendary Creatures"

It's another trivia column, this time about legendary creatures in honor of Commander Legends. As with all my trivia columns, they're difficult (but at least they're multiple choice).

Week #988 (November 30, 2020) – "Odds & Ends: Commander Legends"

It's my Commander Legends mailbag column. Among questions I answer are, "How do we chose which characters with cards get a new design?" and "Where's Ashnod and Gix?"

Week #989 (December 7, 2020) – "Storm Scale: Theros & Theros Beyond Death"

The Storm Scale is an item that started on my blog where I rate the chances of something returning to a premier set. A rating of 1 means it's very likely and 10 means it's highly unlikely. In this column, I examine all the mechanics from expansions set on Theros (Theros, Born of the Gods, Journey into Nyx, and Theros Beyond Death).

Week #990 (December 14, 2020) – Vacation Week

Due to numerous factors, 2020's winter break was a little longer than normal.

Week #991 (December 21, 2020) – Vacation Week

Week #992 (December 28, 2020) – Vacation Week

Week #993 (January 4, 2020) – Vacation Week

Week #994 (January 11, 2020) – "Norsing Around, Part 1"

It was the first preview week of Kaldheim. I talk about how we figured out what needed to be in a top-down world inspired by Norse mythology and historical Vikings. I explain how the Gods ended up as MDFCs and how we made the ten realms.

Week #995 (January 18, 2020) – "Norsing Around, Part 2"

It was the second preview week of Kaldheim. I had Ethan Fleischer introduce his Vision Design team and Dave Humpherys introduce his Set Design team. I also talk about how we created the foretell and boast mechanics and how snow and changelings ended up in the set.

Week #996 (January 25, 2020) – "Kaldheim Storytime, Part 1"

This was the first of two columns of card-by-card design stories. Among other things, I explain how we turned Odin and Hel(a) into cards, including showing off their early card designs.

Week #997 (February 1, 2020) – "Kaldheim Storytime, Part 2"

This was the second of two columns of card-by-card design stories. I explain how Thor and Loki became cards in the set.

Week #998 (February 8, 2020) – "Odds & Ends: Kaldheim, Part 1"

This was the first of two Kaldheim mailbag columns. I answer many questions, including "How much more design space do Sagas and MDFCs have?" and "Why twelve Gods and not ten or fifteen?"

Week #999 (February 15, 2020) – "Odds & Ends: Kaldheim, Part 2"

This was the second of two Kaldheim mailbag columns. Among the questions I answer are, "Was snow always part of the set?" and "Why is Phyrexian now a creature type?"

Week #1000 (February 22, 2020) – "One Thousand & Counting"

And we end on today's column. You were here, so hopefully you get what it's about.

A Picture Is Work a Thousand Weeks

And that is one hundred more weeks of Making Magic. I hope you had as much fun looking back (or seeing things for the first time) as I did. As always in these columns, I want to thank all my editors and all the other people responsible for making this column happen week after week.

As always, I'm eager to hear your thoughts on this column or any of the articles I talked about today. You can email me or contact me through any of my social media accounts (Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and TikTok) to give me feedback.

Join me next week when Time Spiral Remastered previews begin.

Until then, may you get to spend a thousand weeks doing something you love.

#809: Arabian Nights with Richard Garfield, Part 1
#809: Arabian Nights with Richard Garfield, Part 1

This is part one of a two-part podcast where I interview Richard Garfield about the design of Arabian Nights, Magic's very first expansion.

#810: Arabian Nights with Richard Garfield, Part 2
#810: Arabian Nights with Richard Garfield, Part 2


This is part two of a two-part podcast where I interview Richard Garfield about the design of Arabian Nights, Magic's very first expansion.