The History of Vehicles in Magic
In honor of Aetherdrift, the set with the highest percentage of Vehicles, I thought I would dedicate an article to looking back at the history of vehicles (both in representation and with the Vehicle subtype) in Magic and the evolution of their design. Mounts are creatively connected to Vehicles, as seen by their use in Aetherdrift, but for today's article, I'm focusing solely on inanimate forms of transport.
The first vehicle (not with the subtype Vehicle but a vehicle in flavor) to show up in Magic appeared in Limited Edition (Alpha). It was the card
It didn't take long for Richard to explore the idea of a card representing an object that creatures can travel in and/or ride, as
The very next set, Antiquities, included the card
Interestingly, the flavor text, written by the designers back when they also handled worldbuilding duties, calls it "Urza's first attempt at mechanical life," implying that it functions on its own. This is what I'll call the Ornithopter approach, where we take an object known in the real world as a vehicle (fictional or otherwise) but imply that, through magic, it is no longer an inanimate object.
Legends has another flying carpet,
As this is the fourth vehicle and the fourth different approach on how to address it mechanically, it is clear that there wasn't any consistent thought about how vehicles should be represented. Each designer was free to take their own stab at it.
Ice Age is the first set with two vehicles, and they both use the
The next set, Homelands, doesn't follow any of this consistency. It has
Unhinged also has two vehicles and treats them differently.
From here, we started making less vehicle cards, with new designs appearing about once a year. The success of Equipment prompted players to start asking us for a mechanical answer to vehicles, so we slowed down making them as we started to realize how to best execute on them mechanically. We just didn't know when that would be.
Vehicles really slowed down here, with most years not featuring new cards with vehicles. It's clear that we were setting ourselves up to make them someday, we just didn't know when that day would come.
Finally, we get to Kaladesh. Our first visit to the plane was a couple years earlier in Magic Origins. That set told the sparking stories of the five initial members of the Gatewatch, one of whom was Chandra. We always knew we wanted her from a steampunk-inspired world, so we made her one in Magic Origins. It quickly became clear as we were creating the plane that we wanted to visit it, so we spent extra time on the worldbuilding to set ourselves up for a return a couple of years later. One of the details of the plane was that it had flying ships. Our steampunk-inspired world with an emphasis on artifacts and invention, filled with flying ships, was the right set to finally make cards with the subtype Vehicle.
For those that want the lengthier version of the story on how Vehicles came to be, here's a link to the article that talks about it. In short, we looked back at all the things we'd done with vehicles and knew the importance of a one-to-one relationship between one or more creatures and a vehicle. The
That led us to the idea that Vehicles could be noncreature artifacts that turned into artifact creatures through an interaction with creatures. Looking back again, tapping seemed the best resource. It made the creature feel like it was doing something and was a substantial enough cost that it allowed us to keep the Vehicles cheaper.
We originally called it board (using "board N"), and the number after the word meant how many different creatures you had to tap to turn it into a creature. During development, we found that version problematic as it overemphasized token creatures. The board mechanic had to be costed with tokens in mind. So if you didn't have token creatures, Vehicles were unplayable. The solution to this problem, interestingly, came from the design of another set.
Ixalan was looking for a fun thing to do with double-faced lands. We came up with a mechanic where you would play the front side of a card and transform it by tapping creatures, evoking the feeling of your creatures exploring the land. To differentiate it from the board mechanic, it cared about the power of the creatures being tapped. I really liked how it played.
During a check-in with Erik Lauer and Ian Duke, the co-development leads of Kaladesh, they explained the problem they were having with Vehicles. I offered up our mechanic from Ixalan since caring about power solved the token issue. They accepted, and the change was made to the Vehicles.
Vehicles were very popular out of the gate. A big reason for this was the strong flavor and the pent-up desire for a mechanical representation of the concept. Another big reason for the popularity was Vehicles's power level. They were a brand-new artifact subtype and were one of the exciting things about the set, and we ended up making them a little stronger than we should.
Conqueror's Foothold
The next block, Amonkhet, didn't have a great need for Vehicles, so we didn't use them, but the block after that, Ixalan, had Pirates. All five cards in Ixalan were pirate ships.
During Ixalan, we decided to make Vehicles deciduous, like Equipment, which means we can use them in any set that needs them and in any number. We did give ourselves one restraint, though. After watching the Vehicles in the Kaladesh block get played in various formats, we did make the decision to stop doing Vehicles at common, though there wasn't a strong justification for that being the solution. They were already a bit complex for common, and keeping them out of common lowered their as-fan.
We then returned to Dominaria and Ravnica. We didn't print any new Vehicles in over a year. This was partly because there wasn't a need for them and partly because we were being a little shy due to their over-performance in tournament formats. War of the Spark was an expansion set on Ravnica without a focus on the guilds, so we thought it would be cool to do Ravnica-themed things we normally don't have space for, such as guild-themed Vehicles. To help balance the power level, we made our first non-colorless Vehicles. This was done as part of a larger movement toward artifacts that are one or more colors and because of the impact of Kaladesh's Vehicles on competitive formats.
The Omenkeel
Vehicles laid low for the next three years, with just a small handful appearing from Throne of Eldraine to Innistrad: Crimson Vow. Designers used them judiciously, but when they did, they often experimented with the subtype's capabilities.
Vehicles got kicked into high gear in Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty. The set was playing with tropes from Japanese pop culture, and Vehicles were a perfect fit for the mechs, robots, and high-tech inventions of the plane. The designers started to get a better handle on what made for a good Vehicle design. You can start seeing more secondary purposes built into the Vehicles. We started using a lot more enters effects on Vehicles to make them useful even if you don't have a way to crew them right away.
One of the Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Commander decks introduced
The next set, Streets of New Capenna, also had a more modern vibe, so it got a handful of Vehicles. Several of them were one or more colors and had enters effects, with one,
Starscream, Seeker Leader
Universes Beyond also makes heavy usage of Vehicles. Many properties have flavorful vehicles or characters that are Vehicles, as was the case for Transformers. As such, we use the strong flavor of Vehicles in top-down Universes Beyond designs.
Aetherwing, Golden-Scale Flagship
We used Vehicles quite a bit for the next few years, and they continue be a great resource for capturing key elements of various settings, whether that is a
That brings us to Aetherdrift, where the years of experimentation have paid off, giving us a whole set to explore all the various mechanical tools available for Vehicle designs.
I hope today's jaunt through the history of vehicles on Magic cards and the Vehicle subtype was a fun one. As always, I'm eager for any feedback, be it on today's article, on Vehicles in general, or on Aetherdrift. Feel free to email me or contact me through any of my social media accounts (X, Tumblr, Instagram, Bluesky, and TikTok).
Join me next week for "One Thousand Two Hundred and Counting," a look back at my last 100 Making Magic articles.
Until then, may you find the right Vehicle(s) for your deck.