You can find all sorts of loot on the Streets of New Capenna. Whether you're a draft aficionado or foil collector, here's a breakdown of what you can expect on your next booster heist.

Box Toppers

There are region-specific Box Topper cards in Streets of New Capenna. Set Booster displays containing 30 Set Boosters, as well as Draft and Collector Booster displays, each contain a traditional foil Box Topper card. The card is always Gala Greeters, but the art and language of the Gala Greeters always matches the language of the display.

Each Box Topper version of the card depicts art celebrating the regional culture of that language. Internally, our international marketing teams were very helpful in working on the concepts for each version.

Gala Greeters (EN)
Gala Greeters (SP)
Gala Greeters (RU)
Gala Greeters (PT)
Brazilian Portuguese
Gala Greeters (KR)
Gala Greeters (IT)
Gala Greeters (JP)
Gala Greeters (DE)
Gala Greeters (FR)
Gala Greeters (CT)
Chinese Traditional
Gala Greeters (CS)
Chinese Simplified

Note that the Gala Greeters card in Streets of New Capenna boosters has different art entirely, and that art appears in boosters of all languages.

Main set Gala Greeters

Metropolis Lands

You can see the sights in New Capenna on the full-art metropolis basic lands, showing art and architecture from across the city. There are ten metropolis lands, two for each basic land type.

Metropolis Plains 1Metropolis Plains 2

Metropolis Island 1Metropolis Island 2

Metropolis Swamp 1Metropolis Swamp 2

Metropolis Mountain 1Metropolis Mountain 2

Metropolis Forest 1Metropolis Forest 2

You can find the metropolis lands in traditional foil and non-foil in Set and Draft Boosters. One-third of Streets of New Capenna Set and Draft Boosters contain a metropolis land.

In Set Boosters, a third of the traditional foil basic lands you'll open will be metropolis lands as well. You'll always open a traditional foil metropolis land in Streets of New Capenna Collector Boosters.

Golden Age

You'll want to join one of the families in New Capenna if you want the fast track to easy riches, and the golden age cards are proof. Each of the 45 three-color gold cards in Streets of New Capenna appears in the golden age treatment: 5 commons, 15 uncommons, 20 rares, and 5 mythic rares.

Golden age Falco Spara, PactweaverGolden age Jetmir, Nexus of RevelsGolden age Lord Xander, the Collector

Golden age Raffine, Scheming SeerGolden age Ziatora, the Incinerator

You can find these golden age cards in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters, in both traditional foil and non-foil.

Gilded Cards

You know you've hit the big time in New Capenna when you find a gilded version of the golden age cards. Gilded cards are the next level of foil golden age cards: on gilded cards, the golden frame elements are three-dimensionally embossed in gold atop a traditional foil card.

Gilded card gif

(The Obscura swindled us at the printers—the embossing isn't real gold.)

All 45 golden age cards have a gilded version. Every gilded card features the frame embossing atop a traditional foil card. As with other treatments, this embossing is smooth and legal for play in sanctioned Magic tournaments.

Gilded cards appear in Set and Collector Boosters. Gilded cards are always in English, though they can be opened in boosters of any language. 3% of Set Boosters contain a gilded common or uncommon, and 1% of Set Boosters contain a gilded rare or mythic rare. 25% of Collector Boosters contain a gilded common or uncommon, and 13% of Collector Boosters contain a gilded rare or mythic rare.

Art Deco

Whether you're doing business with friend or foe, it's important to dress for success in New Capenna. Nine different Streets of New Capenna cards have alternate art deco treatments reimagining those cards as if they were on the cover of a fashion magazine. Four rares and five mythic rares—including the three mythic rare planeswalkers—appear in the art deco treatment.

Art deco Elspeth ResplendentArt deco Vivien on the HuntArt deco Ob Nixilis, the Adversary

You can open the art deco cards in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters, in both traditional foil and non-foil.

Foil Etching

When Ob Nixilis heard that the golden age cards had the ultra-cool gilded versions, he wanted to know where the ultra-cool version of his art deco card was. Lucky for us, he was pleased to hear that foil-etched versions of all nine art deco cards can be found exclusively in Streets of New Capenna Collector Boosters.

Foil-etched card gif


The family leaders of New Capenna live in true opulence. Ten of the nonbasic lands in Streets of New Capenna appear in the skyscraper treatment, including these fantastic locales:

Skyscraper Jetmir's GardenSkyscraper Raffine's TowerSkyscraper Spara's Headquarters

Skyscraper Xander's LoungeSkyscraper Ziatora's Proving Ground

Five rares and five commons appear with the skyscraper treatment. You can find them in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters, in both foil and non-foil.


You can always find a few borderless alternate-art cards in every Magic set, including Streets of New Capenna. Seven rares and seven mythic rares—including the three mythic planeswalkers—appear in borderless versions with alternate art.

Borderless Elspeth ResplendentBorderless Ob Nixilis, the AdversaryBorderless Spara's Headquarters

You can find these borderless cards in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters, in both traditional foil and non-foil.


Urabrask is also in New Capenna. Probably nothing to worry about there.

Phyrexian Urabrask, Heretic Praetor

Urabrask can appear in Phyrexian-language text with the Phyrexian treatment, regardless of the language of the booster you open him in. When you open Phyrexian treatment Urabrask, he appears with his regular art. You can open Phyrexian Urabrask in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters, in both non-foil and traditional foil.

Note that Urabrask's art deco version is never in Phyrexian-language text and appears in all languages of boosters—and the foil-etched art deco version appears in Streets of New Capenna Collector Boosters.

Art deco Urabrask, Heretic PraetorFoil-etched Urabrask, Heretic Praetor

Extended Art

You've seen all of the other alternate card treatments in Streets of New Capenna. It's important to us to make cool alternate versions of every rare and mythic rare—they're all someone's favorite—so rares and mythic rares that don't appear in any of the above treatments will appear in extended art.

Cards with extended art from Streets of New Capenna can be found in both foil and in non-foil in Collector Boosters. There are 29 extended-art rares and six extended-art mythic rares in Streets of New Capenna.

You can also open cards from the Streets of New Capenna Commander set in extended art in Collector Boosters. There are 80 such rares and twelve mythic rares in the Streets of New Capenna Commander set. Most of the cards in the Streets of New Capenna Commander set appear in extended art exclusively in non-foil. However, all ten new mythic rare legendary creatures from the Streets of New Capenna Commander decks, as well as the six rare and two mythic rare Streets of New Capenna Commander cards that can be found in Set Boosters, can be found in traditional foil extended-art versions in Collector Boosters.

The List

The List for Streets of New Capenna is different from the usual. Normally, The List contains hundreds of cards from throughout Magic's history that can drop in Set Boosters as a little cherry on top. In Streets of New Capenna, The List is shorter than normal to make room for Magic-themed versions of the Secret Lair x Stranger Things cards. The Secret Lair art remains unique to that drop, but 1 in 8 Streets of New Capenna Set Boosters will contain a card mechanically identical to the Secret Lair cards. Each of those nine cards drops at the same relative rate.

Arvinox, the Mind FlailBjorna, Nightfall AlchemistCecily, Haunted Mage

Elmar, Ulvenwald InformantHargilde, Kindly RunechanterOthelm, Sigardian Outcast

Sophina, Spearsage DeserterWernog, Rider's Chaplain



Another 1 in 8 Streets of New Capenna Set Boosters contains a card from The List as you're familiar with it—but we've pared it down to 58 cards to make room for the Secret Lair cards.

A Brief Look at the Ledgers

Streets of New Capenna contains 101 commons, 80 uncommons, 60 rares, and 20 mythic rares—with many of those cards appearing in alternate treatments as outlined above.

You can find all of the cards in golden age, art deco, skyscraper, Phyrexian, and borderless treatments in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters, in both traditional foil and non-foil. Gilded cards can be opened in Set and Collector Boosters. The foil-etched versions of the art deco cards are exclusive to Collector Boosters. Gilded cards are always in English, though they can be opened in boosters of any language. The metropolis lands can be found in both traditional foil and non-foil in Set and Draft boosters. Each Collector Booster contains one traditional foil metropolis land.

SNC Set Booster display

Set Boosters are the most fun Streets of New Capenna boosters to open: the commons and uncommons tell little stories, there's a guaranteed foil and art card in every booster, and 30% of Set Boosters contain at least two rares or mythic rares.

SNC Draft Booster display

And, if you're drafting, you'll want Draft Boosters.

SNC Collector Booster display

Collector Boosters are the best way to collect variant rares and mythic rares, as well as traditional foil cards, and they're the only place to collect foil-etched and extended-art cards.

There is no fixed ratio between the appearance rate of the regular version of a card and its alternate versions. Instead, about 13% of Set Boosters contain a non-foil rare or mythic rare with an alternate treatment, and about 10% of Streets of New Capenna Draft Boosters contain a non-foil rare or mythic rare with an alternate treatment. Many cards appear with multiple treatments—for such cards, each treatment appears proportionally less often to the number of treatments. This is true of Collector Boosters as well.

Here's a recap of where to find all these treatments:

For a full rundown of the contents in each booster type from Streets of New Capenna, you'll still want to check out the Streets of New Capenna Product Overview. You can also learn more about the art and design of these beautiful treatments with our deep dive all about them.

Whichever your Streets of New Capenna booster of choice, you'll love the loot you find inside.