How to Build with Zombies
This seems like a strange topic to be assigned by my editor, but with all the Zombies about in Shadows over Innistrad, I guess it makes sense.
Building with zombies can be difficult. By their very nature, zombies are constantly moving and generally trying to eat you. The key is to find a way to make those things work for you. This will be dependent on what you are trying to build. When building roads, you are generally not looking for the zombies to be moving. Roads that constantly shift startle your horses and make heavy cart loads wobble dangerously. You are going to want to keep your zombies still. I've found the best thing to do is to cut the zombies into smaller parts. A whole zombie—
[Uh, Bruce, when I said "How to Build with Zombies," I didn't mean using zombies as building material.—Editor]
Huh. Okay.
When building with zombies, I tend to go to

Jobs that don't require any thought are generally the best zombie jobs. Zombies raise a barn like nobody's business.
[No. Zombie decks. You know, Magic decks, with Zombies. In the decks.—Editor]
Since the cards below aren’t in Gatherer just yet, I recommend you have the Card Image Gallery open in another window to follow along.
Perpetual Motion Machine
When building Magic: the Gathering decks with Zombies (better?), you need to keep the tendencies of Zombies in mind. And no, I'm not thinking of "braaains." Zombie decks tend to build slowly, growing to an eventual win. Most Zombie decks also tend to go wide. The term "go wide" implies many creatures, often on the small side, all attacking at once. You tend to lose the creatures that get blocked, but you win by overwhelming the blockers. Attacking with thirteen Zombies against three Angels is the definition of "going wide."
Zombies tend to be 2/2 or 3/3 creatures with the occasional larger specimen, but when your creatures are small to midsized at best, going wide is usually the best option. That is why I found this deck so interesting.
The deck goes wide, relying on Zombie tokens from the instants and sorceries in the deck as opposed to the usual Zombie creature cards. Rather than add a bunch of Zombie creature cards, I opted to try and maximize the spells a bit more.
When Jace gets all grown up as
The deck stretches the go wide concept with Rise from the Tides. Six mana isn't cheap, but by the time you cast this, I expect five or more instants and sorceries in your graveyard. Five new Zombies is a whole army by itself! When rebuilding is so easy, suddenly that
With everything about your deck designed to go wide, Geralf's Masterpiece comes in and gums up the works for your opponent. They have been trying to defend against you going wide. Whether it is
The card fits perfectly in the deck too. You can discard Geralf's Masterpiece early on with Jace. Once you get to four mana, you discard three cards at the end of your opponent's turn, and Geralf's Masterpiece is in play and ready to attack on your turn. This will also likely cause you to flip Jace on your turn, since you'll have so many more cards in your graveyard. Attack with G.M., defend with Zombie tokens.
Zombie Work Crew
While the last deck we looked at tended to go wide then surprise an opponent with a Masterpiece, this deck is definitely trying to do both right away and isn't trying to hide it at all.
Diregraf Colossus is the reason why this deck can do both. When the Colossus comes down early, it ups your Zombie count a little more for every Zombie spell you cast, emphasizing the "wide" stance. When the Colossus shows up late, it hoards +1/+1 counters for itself, giving you a very large Zombie with which to pound your opponent. Diregraf Colossus offers up this spectacular flexibility for only three mana; this lets you do everything you want and more. I can't wait to load him up in all sorts of decks!

Forgotten Creation is going to be a powerhouse, and not just in this deck. You can discard your hand and draw a new hand the same size as the last one, every turn! And it is optional, so if you have found the card(s) you were looking for, you don't have to toss them away. The card is going to set up delirium for you without even trying! Graveyard recursion and madness costs will be easily activated. The only danger lies in opponents using milling strategies, but with power like this, that is a risk you should be willing to take.
Forgotten Creation is also a great way to search out your combo pieces. Running one or two cards in your casual deck that let you recycle your graveyard back into your library will ensure that getting milled out is a minor risk. I can't wait to pick up multiples of this card for a couple of decks I have in mind!
In this particular deck, with Forgotten Creation loading the graveyard, you have a variety of other ways to recur your favorite Zombies from the graveyard and get them fighting for you on the battlefield!
And to make sure your hand never runs low,
Forgotten Stairwell
If you've been reading my writing for a while, you'll know I have a special place in my heart for a particular black enchantment from Mirage:
Then I saw Forgotten Creation and fell in love all over again. Forgotten Creation lets me churn through my library for exactly what I need, all the while filling my graveyard with more creatures. When the Stairwell hits, things will end so much faster than before!
Traitor Zombies
One of my latest zombie braaainstorming sessions led me to consider altering my Kalitas deck. It is currently a Vampire-themed deck, but Zombies offer so much more. I was recently a guest on the Commanderin' podcast with Nate Burgess and Phil DeLuca. Nate mentioned he had a Kalitas Zombie deck that he was about ready to update. He graciously provided me with the list. I made a few updates from Shadows over Innistrad, and here it is in all its glory!
I added three Shadows over Innistrad cards to the list: Diregraf Colossus, From Under the Floorboards, and Relentless Dead. Relentless Dead is a great early play and provides a sacrifice outlet that keeps on giving. It can always be relied on as a way to get Kalitas just a little bigger. From Under the Floorboards is a small lifegain bump and a nice surge of Zombies when you get the chance to use the madness cost. Diregraf Colossus is good to play early on, bumping up your Zombie numbers after it hits the battlefield. Kalitas will love an extra 2/2 Zombie with every other Zombie spell you play.
The deck keeps Zombies jumping in and out of the graveyard pretty easily. Recursion and repeated use of your cards is key in multiplayer games, and this deck has that in spades.
I hope I've given you some ideas and warnings about building with Zombies. While there are dangers when dealing with the undead, I think you'll find the rewards are well worth the risks!
Bruce Richard