With the Summer of Legend in full swing, the first big moment for MTG Arena arrives May 27 with Historic Anthology 5! Featuring 25 new-to-Historic cards, this latest addition means your collection won't be compleat without the Phyrexian Praetors, Stifle , Commands from Dragons of Tarkir, and more.

Bundle Cost: 4,000 Gems or 25,000 Gold

Bundle Available: May 27, 2021–August 12, 2021

  • Players will still be able to craft these cards using Wildcards of the appropriate rarity after this date.

Legality: Historic Anthology 5 will be legal to play in Historic formats upon release.

If you're curious to see just what these new cards can do in Historic, you can watch the top Magic players in the world show off the latest Historic decks at the Strixhaven Championship, live June 4–6 on twitch.tv/magic!

Complete Historic Anthology 5 Card List:

Ancient GrudgeAtarkas CommandCourt Homunculus

DragonstormDromokas CommandElesh Norn Grand Cenobite

Grisly SalvageIchor WellspringIntangible Virtue

Into the NorthJin-Gitaxias Core AugurKolaghans Command

Merfolk LooterOjutais CommandRay of Revelation

Relic of ProgenitusReverse EngineerSheoldred Whispering One

Silumgars CommandStifleTrash for Treasure

Urabrask the HiddenVault Skirge

Vorinclex Voice of HungerWhirler Rogue

Compleat Your Phyrexian Praetors

There's one more thing coming soon to compleat your collection: Phyrexian-language card styles for all five Praetors in Historic Anthology 5!

Phyrexian Elesh Norn Grand CenobitePhyrexian Jin-Gitaxias Core AugurPhyrexian Sheoldred Whispering

Phyrexian Urabrask the HiddenPhyrexian Vorinxlex Voice of Hunger

These card styles for Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite ; Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur ; Sheoldred, Whispering One ; Urabrask the Hidden ; and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger will be available through an upcoming Secret Lair drop as well as the MTG Arena in-client store.

Secret Lair logo

We'll share details on each way to acquire these card styles in the future. For now, enjoy all the new cards and get ready to update your Historic decks on May 27!