The Astrotorium has rules, and it's important to follow them (except when it isn't). Eternal-legal cards in Unfinity have brought quite a few rules changes with them, especially for stickers and Attraction cards. This page is a summary of the rules changes that came with Unfinity's release. The complete rules document can be found on our rules page. If there is a discrepancy between this summary and the official rules, the official rules take precedence.

New and Updated rules


123 (and its subrules)

Stickers are as easy as 1, 2, 3! Or at least, the new section 123 is all about stickers. Twenty-six new rules and subrules make up this section, explaining what a sticker is, how to place it, and what each kind of sticker (name, ability, power and toughness, and art) means. Notably, the first few rules have a lot of complex language about what a sticker sheet is and how stickers are discrete; most of that is there so that a player can use a pen and paper to represent their sticker sheets and stickers if they've lost them.


This is the rule that allows stickers to continue to apply to objects that change zones.


This is the rule that explains the timestamps for the effects created by stickers. Obviously, the timestamp order is the order they are placed on the permanent or card, and that order is maintained as the object changes zones.

Sticker Kicker


This kicker subrule explains how sticker kicker (found on Wicker Picker ) works. Notably, the ability granted by Wicker Picker never interacts with another kicker ability of the permanent spell that gains it. For example, if the spell has its own kicker ability, paying the cost of that ability doesn't allow you to put a sticker on it, and paying the cost for the sticker kicker ability doesn't cause any abilities of that spell that care about whether it was kicked to work.



Most of the new rules about Attractions are listed in this new section. Several other rules, listed below, handle various aspects of what you do with Attraction cards. Additionally, many rules are updated to reference either Attraction cards or the Attraction deck, as appropriate.


This is the rule for opening Attractions, which allows them to move from the Attraction deck to the battlefield.


This is the rule for rolling to visit your Attractions, which tells you how their visit abilities trigger.


This explains the new turn-based action that instructs you to roll to visit your attractions. It happens right after lore counters are placed on Sagas during the active player's precombat main phase.


This is the rule for the visit keyword ability, which is what you want to have happen when you roll to visit them. It also explains what it means to "claim the prize" for attractions that have prizes.

Rolling a Die


Several new rules have been added to this section to cover new ways to modify the results of die rolls or otherwise interact with them.

Space Sculptor


This is the rule for Space Beleren 's static ability. Technically, dividing the battlefield into sectors means giving each creature a sector designation that Mr. Beleren's other abilities can refer to. A new state-based action has also been added to go along with it.



While Shahrazad is still the only card supported by these rules that creates subgames, the addition of Attraction decks to Magic required a few updates to this section. References to the Archenemy scheme deck and the Planechase planar deck were combined with Attraction decks to simplify these rules to handle "supplemental decks" more broadly. We also added a rule to clarify what happens to cards that represented phased-out permanents at the end of a subgame (they go back to the main game).



This is the new rule for the ravenous keyword ability.



This is the new rule for the squad keyword ability. While reviewing this rule, it was noted that something similar to its second subrule really should be included in the rules for blitz as well to clarify some corner cases, so a similar subrule has been added there, too.

Other rules changes


With the introduction of the Attraction deck, we now have three different kinds of supplementary decks that can be used in a game. (The others are the planar deck in Planechase and the scheme deck in Archenemy). The new rule 100.2d now defines those a little more firmly, and a slew of rules throughout the document have been updated to refer to them as a group instead of individually.


These are some of the rules for starting the game. Previously, 103.2 instructed players to shuffle their deck and then had a list of subrules that all said "do this before shuffling" or similar. These have been reformatted into an ordered list of instructions that are performed before the deck is shuffled (including a new subrule for choosing sticker sheets). A new 103.3 and its subrule then instruct you to shuffle your deck (and supplementary decks, if any) afterward. Instructions to shuffle these supplementary decks have been removed from the Planechase and Archenemy rules.


This new rule explains {TK}, the ticket symbol.

400.7b, 400.7i, and 611.3d

Serra Paragon has a new kind of ability has been the subject of much discussion among rules-oriented fans. It has an effect that falls into the category of being very obvious when you read the card but not being entirely supported in the rules. It wasn't that it did something crazy or different based on the rules; rather, it needed the rules to create a three-way handshake between the spell or land, the permanent it becomes on the battlefield, and the static ability printed on Serra Paragon . That wasn't included in the last rules update, but these new subrules create that handshake now.

601.2a and 611.2f

Two new cards have an ability that gives the next spell you cast cascade. Normally, a resolving spell or ability (as opposed to a static ability) that adds an ability to a spell, permanent, or card not on the battlefield "locks in" what object it's applying to as it resolves. This ability obviously can't do that, so a new 611.2f, along with a correlated change to 601.2a, now allows this to work.

607.1d and 707.14

New rule 707.14 explains how Magar of the Magic Strings works, and a small change to 607.1d allows it to be a linked ability. Notably, this means that if another permanent becomes a copy of the face-down permanent that Magar puts onto the battlefield, the original card isn't remembered for the copy.

612.5 and 701.10h

Exchange of Words has a new kind of exchange and a new kind of text-changing effect. Basically, it does what it says on the tin and causes words to be exchanged. These new rules accommodate that.

New Subtypes

  • Attraction
  • Comet
  • Alien
  • Astartes
  • Balloon
  • Child
  • Clown
  • C'tan
  • Custodes
  • Employee
  • Gamer
  • Guest
  • Inquisitor
  • Necron
  • Performer
  • Primarch
  • Robot
  • Tyranid

New Glossary Entries

  • Attraction
  • Attraction Deck
  • Prize
  • Ravenous
  • Scheme Deck
  • Space Sculptor
  • Squad
  • Sticker
  • Sticker Kicker
  • Sticker Sheet
  • Ticket Symbol
  • Visit

Comprehensive Rules Changes
Oracle Changes