A Secret Lair Test Is Coming to Your Local WPN Game Store
Most Secret Lair cards are reprints, but sometimes, we create mechanically unique cards. We've heard from fans that they would like more ways to access those cards beyond the Secret Lair website. Historically we've addresssed this through the "SLX" program, landing on in-Multiverse reskins in The List.
However, The List is gone, so we're trying a different approach—letting Wizards Play Networks sell them directly to you.
This means that the next time we have a drop that has mechanically unique cards in it, we're going to make a limited quantity of those non-foil drops available for WPN stores to sell directly to you. Those drops will be on sale in stores while supplies last after they go on sale on the Secret Lair website, but they'll be the exact same non-foil drops you could buy on MagicSecretLair.com. Just from the person who runs your Friday Night Magic.
It's a bit of a test, but it's one we're excited about. Finding the best ways to get mechanically unique drops into the hands of players who want them is something that's important to us, and we're excited to try this new approach. We're going to be watching this test closely and talking to fans and WPN stores to make sure we're doing this right, but we're pretty excited to give it a go regardless. Keep an eye out for more details on when and how this will roll out coming up.