The ghouls and geists of Innistrad can be found on more than cards. Innistrad Remastered contains all the tokens, emblems, and more that you'll need to enjoy Limited and Constructed formats, bringing together the very best of this Gothic horror plane.

Human Cleric Token
Full Art | Traditional Foil
Available in
Play Boosters Play Boosters
Collector Boosters Collector Boosters
Wrenn and Seven (Emblem)
Full Art | Traditional Foil
Available in
Play Boosters Play Boosters
Collector Boosters Collector Boosters

Innistrad Remastered contains 22 different full-art tokens, 5 emblems created by the planeswalker cards in the set, and 1 helper card for playing with the double-faced cards in the set. These can appear in Innistrad Remastered Play Boosters.

DFC Helper Card

We can't let the cards in the set have all the double-faced fun! Every Innistrad Remastered Collector Booster contains a traditional foil double-faced token featuring a token or emblem on each side. Please note that the DFC helper card does not appear in Collector Boosters.

You can explore all the tokens and the cards that create them in the Innistrad Remastered Card Image Gallery. (Click here to see tokens and here to see emblems.) If you're looking for more ways to appreciate the artwork in the set, you can learn more about its art cards and view them in the card image gallery

Innistrad Remastered releases everywhere on January 24, 2025, and you can preorder Play Boosters and Collector Boosters now at your local game store, online at retailers like Amazon, and elsewhere Magic: The Gathering products are sold. Happy hauntings!