Battle for Zendikar Event Deck and Intro Packs
The end is coming, and the Ultimate Sacrifice Event Deck is poised to hasten that end. Mostly for your opponent.
Combining the ready-made-to-sacrifice Eldrazi Scions with several powerful cards from Tarkir Block and Magic Origins, this deck can create a horde of token creatures capable of burying the opponent in combat, fueling powerful spells, or feeding larger creatures.
Built as a ready-to-play deck for your local Standard tournament, or something you can customize to your liking, the Ultimate Sacrifice deck is ready to play right out of the box—and ready to run over anyone who dares to challenge the Eldrazi horde.
ultimate sacrifice
Intro Packs will also be available soon, and here's what you can expect in each one!
rallying cry
swarming instinct
call of blood
eldrazi assault
zendikars rage