Hi! Today, I'll be sharing all the in-depth information around where you can find the Booster Fun treatments in Modern Horizons 2 products. I'll be showing you each treatment that can be found within Modern Horizons 2 and in which products you can find those particular cards. Before we get into all the fabulous offerings of Modern Horizons 2, I wanted to introduce myself and talk about a new structure for the articles around Modern Horizons 2 cards and products. I'm Mike Turian, principal product designer for Magic and Modern Horizons 2.

For Modern Horizons 2, we have created three articles talking about the products and cards in Modern Horizons 2. In this article, I provide the most complete look at where you can get each of the treatments in Modern Horizons 2. Clayton Kroh has interviewed the Creative team and graphic designers who created the Modern Horizons 2 card treatments and offers a behind-the-scenes look at each treatment. Lastly, we have an overview of the products available in Modern Horizons 2 with a high-level look at their contents.

Modern Horizons 2 has showcase sketch cards, showcase retro frames (including select cards from both Modern Horizons and Modern Horizons 2), borderless alternate-art cards, and extended-art cards. The set also offers traditional foil and foil-etched cards.

Now, not every card is available in every treatment, so I'll start with a look at the various booster products and how they are structured, then do a style-by-style breakdown of where everything can be found! Let's get to it!

Set Boosters

Set Booster packaging

Here is a complete look at the contents of a Set Booster.

  • 1 Art card – There are 81 total possible borderless art cards. 95% of those opened will be regular and 5% will be foil stamped with an artist signature or Planeswalker symbol.
  • 1 Basic land – There are 10 total possible basic lands. 85% of those opened will be regular and 15% will be traditional foil.
  • 6 Common or uncommon cards, of which at least one is uncommon (in any combination of regular cards) – Common cards will tell a story and be thematically connected to other commons. Uncommon cards will be connected to other uncommons.
  • 1 Wildcard – This could be an additional regular common or uncommon. 30% of the time in Modern Horizons 2 Set Boosters, you will instead get a rare or mythic rare—maybe even with a showcase sketch treatment, showcase retro frame, or borderless treatment.
  • 1 Rare or mythic rare, including possible showcase sketch or retro frame rares or mythic rares and borderless mythic rares – You can get either regular enemy fetch lands or retro frame enemy fetch lands in this slot and the wildcard slot, too.
  • 1 New-to-Modern reprint – There are 42 cards in Modern Horizons 2 being introduced to Modern. This slot guarantees that you get one of these new-to-Modern reprints in each booster. There are four of these new-to-Modern reprints with the showcase retro frame treatment (1 U, 2 R, 1 M) and eight cards with a borderless alternate-art treatment (4 R, 4 M). All of these are possible to get within this slot of the Set Booster.
  • 1 Head-turner showcase common or uncommon – The head-turner slot offers a look at the two showcase treatments featured in Modern Horizons 2, sketch and retro frame. This slot lets us guarantee that in every Set Booster you will find at least one of the showcase cards.
  • 1 Traditional foil card – This slot will always have a traditional foil card in it. It can be a main set card of any rarity; a new-to-Modern uncommon, rare, or mythic rare; a showcase treatment card of any rarity; or a borderless rare or mythic rare.
  • 1 Token/ad card (75%), or a card from The List (25%) – The List is a collection of 300 cards from Magic's history that we have brought together for this special slot. We have rotated in 50 new reprints that we feel help capture the feel of Modern Horizons 2. Inclusion of cards from The List doesn't impact what formats the card is legal in.

Of note, the best Modern Horizons 2 Set Booster will have any combination of four rares and/or mythic rares! While this will happen incredibly infrequently, you are always guaranteed at least one rare or mythic rare, and 58% of the time, you will get a combination of two or more rares or mythic rares! And then you still have a chance at a sweet card from The List on top of all this!

Draft Boosters

Draft Booster packaging

Next up, let's look at the Draft Booster. We build the structure of the Draft Booster around the best possible Draft experience and include chances to find the exciting Booster Fun cards. The Modern Horizons 2 Draft Booster, on average, will have more than one Booster Fun variant per pack.

Here's the breakdown of its contents.

  • 10 Commons – There are 101 different commons in main set Modern Horizons 2 that will show up in these ten slots. In addition, there are ten commons that have a showcase sketch treatment and thirteen commons that have a showcase retro frame treatment. Of these 23 cards, for every two times you get a regular version, odds are you will get one of the showcase treatments. This means that even though there are some cards with showcase treatments, they show up as often in the pack as the cards that don't have a special treatment. This helps us create a fair Draft environment while showing off these exciting treatments.
  • 3 Uncommons – There are 80 different uncommons in the main Modern Horizons 2 set that will show up in these three slots. Uncommons have fifteen cards with the showcase sketch treatment and nine with showcase retro frame treatments. The 2-to-1 ratio for regular to showcase cards works just the same as it does for commons and for the same reasons.
  • 1 New-to-Modern Reprint card – There are 42 cards in Modern Horizons 2 that are being introduced to Modern. This slot guarantees you get one of these new-to-Modern reprints in each booster. There are four of these new-to-Modern reprints with the showcase retro frame treatment (1 U, 2 R, 1 M) and eight cards with a borderless alternate-art treatment (4 R, 4 M). All of these are possible to get in this slot of the Draft Booster.
  • 1 Rare or mythic rare – There are 60 rares and 20 mythic rares in the main set of Modern Horizons 2 that come in this slot. Additionally, 9% of the time, a regular rare or mythic rare here will be replaced by a showcase sketch rare or mythic rare, retro frame rare or mythic rare, or borderless mythic rare. For those players looking for the enemy fetch lands, this is the slot where you will find either regular enemy fetch lands or the showcase retro frame version.
  • 1 in 3 packs will include a traditional foil card that replaces one of the ten commons in the pack. This traditional foil card can be a main set card of any rarity; a new-to-Modern uncommon, rare, or mythic rare; a showcase treatment card of any rarity; or a borderless rare or mythic rare.
  • 1 Token/ad card – Modern Horizons 2 is filled with cards that make cool tokens! This slot ensures you find the right token during your games.

Of note, while each Draft Booster will have at least one rare or mythic rare, the best Modern Horizons 2 Draft Booster could have a combination of up to three rares or mythic rares: one coming in the rare/mythic rare slot, one in the new-to-Modern slot, and a traditional foil rare or mythic rare.

Collector Boosters

Collector Booster packaging

Now, let's look at the Collector Booster! The Collector Booster for Modern Horizons 2 comes with a guaranteed combination of four rare or mythic rares and is filled with all the coolest treatments! The Collector Booster is the only place that you can find foil-etched cards in Modern Horizons 2 products as well as the only place that extended-art cards are offered.

Here is a visual showing the breakdown of a Modern Horizons 2 Collector Booster:

MH2 Collector Booster breakdown

Foil Etched

The Modern Horizons 2 Collector Booster features three foil-etched cards (one basic land, one common or uncommon, and one rare or mythic rare)! As the foil-etched treatment varies between Magic sets, you can anticipate some differences with those you'll find in Modern Horizons 2 than those you've seen in the past. We'll show these off in a variety of ways throughout preview season.

There are ten basic lands with unique art (two of each) available in the foil-etched treatment. There are thirteen foil-etched retro frame commons from the main set of Modern Horizons 2, ten foil-etched retro frame uncommons from the main set of Modern Horizons 2, 20 foil-etched new-to-Modern uncommons from Modern Horizons 2, and 23 foil-etched retro frame uncommons from the original Modern Horizons set.

For the rares and mythic rares, there are 31 foil-etched retro frame rares and seven mythic rares from the main set of Modern Horizons 2. There are eighteen foil-etched new-to-Modern rares and four mythic rares from Modern Horizons 2. We have included twelve rares and five mythic rares from the original Modern Horizons set and given them a foil-etched retro frame treatment. By giving a selection of the first Modern Horizons cards a foil-etched treatment, we were able to bring back fan favorites (such as Force of Negation and Giver of Runes ) with both a retro frame and the foil-etched treatment!

Extended-art Profane Tutor

In addition to the foil-etched treatment being exclusive to Modern Horizons 2 Collector Boosters, the only place you can find extended-art rares in Modern Horizons 2 is in the Collector Booster. There are 39 extended-art rares in Modern Horizons 2, and you get one in each Collector Booster with a chance at getting an additional extended-art rare in traditional foil.

Extended-art Misty Rainforest

Typically, we reserve the extended-art treatment for rares and mythic rares that didn't get another of the Booster Fun treatments in the set. While there aren't any extended-art mythic rares in Modern Horizons 2, having so much goodness packed into the set meant that, in addition to including all the rares that didn't have an alternate Booster Fun treatment, we made an exception so that some of these cards, such as the enemy fetch lands, have the extended-art treatment and additional Booster Fun treatments.

Showcase sketch Dakkon

One of the coolest parts of working on Magic is seeing the cards come together throughout the process. Over the years, Mark Rosewater's articles have done a great job of offering a behind-the-scenes look at how cards evolve during the design process, and with Modern Horizons 2, we wanted to offer that same behind-the-scenes look at how cards evolve throughout the creative process. The showcase sketch treatment features a look at the in-progress artwork, alternate flavor text that highlights the art director's vision (space permitting), and a custom card frame.

There are ten commons, fifteen uncommons, 21 rares, and eight mythic rares in Modern Horizons 2 with the showcase sketch treatments. Both non-foil and traditional foil showcase sketch cards appear in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters.

Showcase Retro Frame Cards

Retro frame Giver of Runes

A big piece of Modern Horizons 2 is how it taps into the nostalgia of Magic from across the years. In addition to bringing back beloved characters and cool art, we wanted to continue the trend that was started with Time Spiral Remastered by giving even more classic Magic cards the retro frame. There are thirteen retro frame commons, 33 retro frame uncommons (including 23 Modern Horizons retro frame uncommons), 43 retro frame rares (including twelve Modern Horizons retro frame rares), and twelve retro frame mythic rares (including five Modern Horizons retro frame mythic rares).

Modern Horizons 2 Set and Draft Boosters can both contain traditional foil and non-foil retro frame cards. The only place you will find the returning Modern Horizons cards with retro frame treatment is in the Collector Booster. Additionally, the Collector Booster can contain traditional foils and foil-etched retro frame cards but won't include non-foil retro frame cards. For example, you can open a foil retro frame Timeless Dragon in a Collector Booster, but you won't find a non-foil copy there.

Sanctum Prelate BAB

While supplies last, participating stores will have a traditional foil retro frame Sanctum Prelate as the promo card for the Buy-a-Box program. The new artwork by Michael C. Hayes in this retro frame treatment belies that Sanctum Prelate was introduced to Magic in Conspiracy: Take the Crown just five years ago. Now, with the release of Modern Horizons 2, you can add Sanctum Prelate to your Modern decks.

Alternate-Art Borderless Cards

Borderless DakkonBorderless Counterspell

For each Magic set, we have been taking each of our planeswalkers and giving them an alternate-art borderless version. In addition, we have been taking a selection of our favorite cards from the set and giving them an alternate-art borderless version as well.

In Modern Horizons 2, there are four borderless rares and nineteen borderless mythic rares (including the three planeswalkers of the set). Of note, a couple of these borderless cards have a different rarity than their regular version. This rarity shift reflects how frequently you will get one from a booster. You will get each of the borderless rares as often as each other borderless rare, and you will get the borderless mythic rares as often as each of the other borderless mythic rares.

You can find these alternate-art borderless cards in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters, in both traditional foil and non-foil versions. For all these special treatments, the Set, Draft, and Collector Booster breakout section of the article above talks about which slots you can find these cool treatments in the respective booster product.

Here's a recap for where to find all these treatments:

And there you have it: the ins and outs of both the Modern Horizons 2 booster products and the Booster Fun cards found within. I'd encourage you to check out The Booster Fun of Modern Horizons 2 interview with the Creative team, which does a great job of showing off and talking about all of the cool treatments within the set. Until next time, thank you again for reading!