Today, we revealed the full Card Image Gallery for Commander (2017 Edition), and all week I was getting the same question:

"When do we get to see the decklists?"

Well, typically we wait until the Wednesday following the full reveal of the set, because Gatherer updates then, and you can see all the cards in the decklists in under their proper type and in a way where you can hover over them or click on them to see what the card does. It's far more useful at that point.

But since these are preconstructed decks, and since people are already calling which ones they want to buy or claiming which one they get to take over in their playgroup (I call Wizards!), we're posting them a touch earlier. So please mind the mess in the decklists in exchange for getting to see them early. The reprints will all show up normally, but will not look like their C17 version (set symbol, etc.).

And if you wonder what a card is on one of these lists, keep the full Card Image Gallery open in another tab or window and check back and forth!

feline ferocity

vampiric bloodlust

draconic domination

arcane wizardry