Planeswalker's Guide to Tarkir: Dragonstorm, Part 1
We recently showed off the first few cards from Tarkir: Dragonstorm, our epic return to a plane filled with dragons, khans, and dragon-riding khans. A lot has changed on Tarkir since we last saw it, with ripples from the Phyrexian invasion altering the landscape of the plane. To help you prepare for the release of Tarkir: Dragonstorm, game designers and Tarkir experts Lauren Bond and DK Billins have compiled the Planeswalker's Guide to Tarkir: Dragonstorm. This will lay the groundwork for the set's story, which kicks off right here on March 3 with audiobooks available on The Magic Story Podcast!
Discover what lies at the heart of this storm when Tarkir: Dragonstorm releases on April 11, 2025. The set is available for preorder now from your local game store, online retailers like Amazon, and elsewhere Magic products are sold. Join your clan and break the storm!
Table of Contents, Part 1
History of Tarkir
Tarkir is a plane teeming with natural draconic energy, where dragons are born from fearsome storms. Over time, the people of Tarkir have adapted to life under this constant threat. For many centuries, they remained locked in a delicate balance of power, the dragons and clans each hoping to gain the upper hand.
The dragons owe their oppressive victory to the Planeswalker Sarkhan Vol. He traveled back in time, roughly 1,200 years from an alternate present where the dragons had been wiped out by the clans, and arrived at a crucial turning point. His actions saved the Planeswalker Ugin, the spirit dragon, from death at the hands of Nicol Bolas. Ugin was instead gravely injured but survived and entered a long hibernation inside a nest of hedrons on Tarkir. As Ugin healed, his draconic essence mingled with the soul of the plane, further empowering the dragonstorms. As a result, the dragons' numbers rapidly grew to an overwhelming force, ensuring that the clans would no longer be able to survive their onslaught.
Led by the powerful dragonlords, the dragons' forces were ultimately able to hunt down and kill the clan leaders and decimate their numbers. The non-dragons who survived the brutal onslaught were allowed to join the dragonlord broods in exchange for renouncing the existence of the clans. Those who refused were, in time, wiped out or driven into hiding.
The dragonlord broods fought with each other for centuries over territory and ideology, each seeking to become the dominant force on the plane. Over time, they became complacent, confident in their power and authority over the humanoids of the plane. Life for the non-dragons in these broods was harsh and unfulfilling—whispers and sparks of rebellion stirred within the people of Tarkir.
Revival of the Clans
Five years ago, Ugin awoke from his hibernation and departed Tarkir. No longer empowered by his essence, the dragonstorms finally lessened. The later invasion by New Phyrexia resulted in substantial casualties for the dragons, which, combined with the reduced dragonstorms, sufficiently weakened the dragonlords' grip on power. The humanoid rebellions were able to gain traction, evolving from scattered militias and guerilla operations to overt and open rebellions under the banners of the old clan names.
The former Planeswalker Narset hoped to find a way to end what she saw as a perpetual battle of attrition that would leave Tarkir as little more than ruins. She believed that humanoids and dragons must each find their own place on this plane and work toward a joined future. In her research, Narset uncovered a spell scroll for the Stormnexus Ritual. Though worn and faded, it appeared to describe a spell that would "call forth the soul of Tarkir." Narset, hesitant to use the ritual due to its potential dangers, was convinced by the other rebellion leaders that this was the best way to ensure a unified Tarkir.
Narset and the other rebellion leaders gathered at the remains of the Crucible of the Spirit Dragon, hoping to finally put an end to the dragonlords' reign. As they began the ritual, none of them could have predicted the true outcome of the spell. The magic called up a massive dragonstorm, and in its swirling energies, five dragon forms emerged, untethered spirits brimming with raw undirected power. Narset was the first to act; she leapt into the air and landed on the back of a spirit, using her willpower to shape the final nature of the dragon as it coalesced into semi-corporeal form. Each of the other rebellion leaders followed in their own manner. In a flash of power, the dragon spirits and what would become the new clan leaders were bound—for better or worse.
As the ritual was enacted, the dragonlords and their remaining broods attempted to stop the rebellion's plans. A fearsome battle ensued between the dragonlords and the newly formed spirit dragons, the storm raging around them. In the end, the dragonlords were defeated and seemingly swallowed up by the massive storm.
After the battle, it became apparent that the spell had also strengthened the dragonstorms, resulting in a new, powerful kind of wild dragon spawning. While a handful of the dragons that emerged would listen to the call of the spirit dragons, most wild dragons refused any form of authority. The storms also rendered places on Tarkir uninhabitable, their scale causing environmental shifts across the plane. Despite these new threats, the people of Tarkir persisted and adapted, each clan developing its own strategies to thrive.
Without the oppression of the dragonlords, the clans have also reformed as new iterations. Though they draw traditions and ideals from their earlier incarnations and the dragon broods they rebelled against, the clans of today's Tarkir are new and distinct. While a fragile peace persists between the clans, maintained through diplomatic arrangements and a delicate balance of power, it is common for ideological disagreements to escalate into full-scale conflicts between clans. Additionally, the environments of Tarkir can be harsh and unyielding; alongside the increasing dragonstorms, the clans are often pitted against each other in battles for territory and resources.
Dragons and Dragonstorms
The dragonstorms of Tarkir have shaped the people, history, and landscape of the plane. These fearsome and terrible storms are the birthplaces of dragons. Born in the crackling and terrifying energy of the storm, the dragons emerge as fully formed adults. When the rebellion leaders enacted the Stormnexus Ritual, they disrupted Ugin's delicate balance of draconic mana that maintained the storms. The mana mixed in unpredictable patterns, spawning new varieties of dragons that were not of one of the five broods' lineages. These storms have also escalated in intensity and frequency, posing an existential threat to life on the plane.
A dragonstorm's formation does not have a discernible cause. Though various clans have been able to predict their occurrence in different ways, they do not seem to be tied to events or weather patterns. The early stage of a dragonstorm can appear like a thunderstorm, with darkening skies and a crackle of energy in the air. Shortly after, a nucleus to the storm will form: a central nexus of draconic energy from which the rest of the storm emanates. From this, the dragons appear. The environment where the dragonstorm forms influences its nature and appearance. A dragonstorm may be composed of giant waterspouts when over a lake, while in the jungles, it could be a massive swirling cyclone.
Regardless, all dragonstorms are dangerous. Being caught unawares in one can mean death, either from the newly formed wild dragons or the dangerous weather. The storms have had a sweeping impact on the plane, disrupting ecosystems and rendering areas uninhabitable. The land itself has also been shaped by the overflowing draconic energies, forming scale-like rock formations and spiny towers across the land.
The nature of each dragonstorm influences the form of its emerging dragons. For example, dragons that are better suited to cold climates are more likely to emerge from blizzard-like dragonstorms. While most dragons are very large, they can vary significantly in size, from giant monstrosities to the size of a house cat. All dragons speak a language unique to their kind. Although many dragons can speak the common tongue, most choose not to except in very rare circumstances. Since the Stormnexus Ritual destabilized the mana of the dragonstorms, two major breeds have formed: clan dragons and wild dragons.
The clan dragons consist of survivors that once followed the dragonlords and new dragons that retain many of the same features of the previous dragon broods. Most notably, these dragons recognize the power and authority of the spirit dragons and have chosen to follow them, living alongside the humanoid clans. Many clan dragons value the freedoms, stability, and protection they gain through clan life. Others stay among the clans out of loyalty and familiarity.
Wild dragons, in contrast, are beholden to no one. Most live independently as apex predators in their territory, though there have been instances of small groups of wild dragons working together. Wild dragons are visually distinct from each other, with no two dragons looking the same. Wild dragons also have a variety of breath weapons. Rarely the same as clan dragons' breath weapons, these can be anything from a hail of thorns to swirling mists.
The Abzan 
"Do What is Necessary"
Loyal and enduring, family obligations and connections are core to the Abzan way of life. The Abzan consider it their responsibility to preserve the world for future generations, a duty that persists even in death. Due to the importance of family, members of the Abzan will often prioritize decisions that benefit their family's standing over individual or community needs. This leads to no small amount of infighting and scheming, with members vying for status and power within their clan.
The Abzan manage a robust network of traders. Adept at traversing the shifting environments of the plane, they help ensure the flow of goods and materials throughout the clans. The Abzan are welcoming, their fortified cities offering respite to travelers and outcasts from other clans. In battle, the Azban are patient combatants who specialize in outlasting their enemies with their impenetrable defensives, whitling down their opponents' will to fight.
Revival of the Abzan
Under Dragonlord Dromoka, necromancy had been outlawed, the Kin-Trees destroyed, and communing with ancestors forbidden. Yet even as Dromoka and her followers tried to wipe out any necromantic practitioners and ancestral callers, there remained those who heard the ancestors' cries. The spirits of the dead spoke of a world where the people were not subjugated by the dragons and individuals retained deep connections with their families and history.
Resistance to Dromoka grew from defectors like Anafenza who challenged the dragonlord and were ultimately killed for their disobedience. The fledgling rebellion gained steam during the Phyrexian invasion when even Dromoka's sturdy defenses proved no match for the invading force. In their desperate time of need, many among Dromoka's brood turned to their ancestors, summoning their spirits in defiance of Dromoka's will. Decreed heretics after the invasion, these rebels took refuge in the rocky caverns of the desert regions where the dragonlord struggled to reach them. This rebellion grew as discontent grew, eventually leading to Dromoka's defeat alongside the other dragonlords.
Family Houses
The Council of Houses leads the reformed Abzan, a group composed of a representative from each of the major family houses and the Abzan khan. The Council of Houses selected Felothar of House Zanhar as khan for her leadership in the rebellions against Dromoka and her ancestral ties to Reyhan, the last Abzan khan before the khanfall.
An Abzan house is a large and extended family, consisting of leading elders and their many descendants, as well as those who have married or been adopted into the house. As such, "family" does not always denote a blood relation but rather shared membership within a particular Abzan house.
The present houses emerged as a combination of revived historical houses, those who could trace a lineage back through their ancestral connections. While other houses were newly formed, comprised of individuals without a clear lineage due to the dissolution of family ties enforced under Dromoka's rule. There are five major ruling houses:
- House Gudal – The House of Wit. They maintain control over much of the infrastructure and distribution of water within Abzan cities. Many minor houses seek favor from House Gudal. Members of the house are known for being adventurous, inquisitive, and devious.
- House Emesh – The House of Courage. They specialize in Abzan weaponry and have revived many traditional weapon-forging techniques from before Dromoka's rule. Emesh members are known for being blunt, powerful, and ambitious.
- House Mevak – The House of Peace. They are master textile workers and smiths, creating much of the Abzan armor and clothing worn across the clan. Mevaks are known for being dependable, organized, and calm.
- House Fenzala – The House of Hospitality. These expert traders maintain an extensive network of connections outside the Abzan. Fenzalas are known for being adaptable, politically savvy, and open-minded.
- House Zanhar – The House of Grit. One of the oldest families of the Abzan, known for their large numbers, giant Kin-Tree, and dragon-hunting prowess. There are several minor houses that are related to them. Zanhars are known for being strict, uniform, and scholarly.
Although there are many more minor Abzan houses, these five powerful and large houses are unrivaled in their political and social influence. To be born, married, or adopted into a major house means a life of political involvement, social relevance, and deference from the other houses.
Soldiers and Military
The Abzan military consists of highly organized soldiers who specialize in defensive approaches to battle and combines long-range support troops with mounted heavy cavalry to divide up the enemy lines and draw them toward archers and mages in defensive fortresses. Troops value bolstering their numbers with field-splitting tactics and summoning their ancestors to battle. Heavily armed and armored, their approach is "slow and steady," preferring to outwit and outlast their opponents.
The Abzan also utilize elaborate defensive nomadic camps designed similarly to their fortresses. Although they are slow moving, they are extremely difficult to penetrate.
Abzan mounts are heavily armored and chosen for battle because of their strength and temperament. Mounts are used for sieges and general transportation and are often combined with the might of earthcarvers.
The Yathan are the best of the best from across the Abzan military. They serve as scouts, assassins, and elite soldiers. The Yathan are a largely self-governing group who operate independently from Felothar and the Council of Houses.
Daily Life
Merchants, farmers, and artisans are common professions for Abzan civilians. Most civilians live in Arashin, Qatros Karst, or one of the other Abzan fortresses. They enjoy enhanced protection from outside forces and turn their attentions to supporting the clan through their excellent craftmanship by improving infrastructure, crafting weaponry, and creating valuable items to trade. They focus on keeping the fortresses a secure paradise for the warriors of the Abzan to return to and supporting a bustling city that is welcoming to non-Abzan traders and those seeking sanctuary.
- Trade – The Abzan export a wide variety of finely crafted goods in exchange for food and materials they do not have access to in their deserts. As frequent traders with heavily protected trade caravans, they are often sought out by other clans to act as trade intermediaries. Because of the insular nature of the Abzan fortresses, many Abzan civilians are naturally very curious and enjoy trading for the chance to experience something new.
- Agriculture – The Abzan are also self-sustaining when it comes to their water resources and most of their food supply. They have taken up agriculture and maintain farmland both in and surrounding their fortresses, specializing in warm-weather crops such as melons, peppers, herbs, and squash. They also care for many herd animals.
- Arts and handcrafts – The Abzan are known for their highly skilled artisans, particularly experts in textile manufacture such as weaving and carpet making. They are also prized for their glass making and carpentry.
- Poetry and music – The Abzan are fervent poets and musicians. They embroider poetry into their clothing, etch verses into their weapons, and recite poetic invocations before battles and as part of ancestral summonings. Abzan poetry is often paired with music. Abzan musicians delight and entertain with uniquely Abzan percussion instruments and high-energy songs.
Clan Perennation
The central belief of the Abzan is perennation. Every member of the clan must ensure the continued existence of the clan by completing the cycle of life and death, ensuring the next generation survives and endures. This obligation extends even into death and is why the Abzan call upon their ancestors for protection and guidance.
A Kin-Tree is a sacred living tree that is home to the ancestral spirits of a family. One must be bonded with the tree to be considered part of that family and therefore part of the Abzan. The present Kin-Trees are composed of spiritual energy combined with a living tree; most no longer bear fruit and are propagated through transplanting cuttings taken from the few Kin-Trees that survived Dromoka's destruction.
Kin-Tree bonding is a ceremony where the individual's blood is fed to the roots of the tree to be introduced and accepted by the spirits. It allows the individual to summon the spirits connected to their house's Kin-Tree regardless of blood relation and is a marker of being part of an Abzan House.
Kin-Tree severance is an extremely rare process of family disownment where an individual's spiritual connection to their Kin-Tree is severed. A fire is started on bark taken from the Kin-Tree, blood from the individual is thrown into it, and their crimes are explained to the spirits.
House Reunion
A new take on an old tradition. What was once a solemn time to converse with the ancestors has now become a lively festival that takes place once per year within each house. To show appreciation to the ancestors, the living put on feasts and performances in their ancestors' names. All those present go before the Kin-Tree to give thanks and gift the fruits of their labor, such as traditional foods, original poems, or dance performances.
Ancestral Entreaties
Since Dromoka's defeat, many wayward Abzan spirits have emerged and made requests of their descendants to soothe their souls and improve their family's Kin-Tree. Fulfilling these requests is often a way for house members to prove themselves or improve their social status. An entreaty might require an Abzan to solve a mystery from generations ago or retrieve a series of items from around Tarkir.
Ancestral Maelstroms
Swirling storms formed from a collision of ancestral spirits that have turned malevolent and dangerous after being abandoned during Dromoka's reign. To ease their souls, many Abzan must band together to free them from their own torment. A maelstrom is typically found near an abandoned Kin-Tree; finding and nourishing the tree is often the quickest way to ease a maelstrom.
Family members who die are buried near one of their house Kin-Trees to be absorbed into its roots. They connect their spirits to the tree, allowing them to be summoned by descendants. When the body cannot be buried, an artifact or other important objects may be buried instead.
Marriages and Adoptions
Though welcoming to visitors, the Abzan are selective in bringing other clans' members into their family houses. As such, marriages and adoptions are governed by strict rules. In both cases, the ancestors must approve and bond individuals to their family's Kin-Tree. Those adopted into the Abzan are referred to as krumar and are considered true family and treated as equal to any other Abzan.
Weapon Naming
The most well-crafted weapons, those that have been wielded in great feats, are given names. These weapons pass down through generations within a family and are attuned to ancestral spirits as they go through an extensive process of treating the weapon with resin and sap taken fresh from the family Kin-Tree. Some named weapons have a spirit indefinitely bonded to them.
Abzan Magic
Abzan magic centers around earth manipulation and spirit summoning. Earthcarver mages can control the earth around them, such as raising protective barriers of rock, promoting plant growth, and wielding sand to obscure their forces in the desert. Within the Abzan, anyone connected to a Kin-Tree can call forth the spirit of an ancestor. Spirits can strengthen the summoner, provide guidance, and even take on tangible forms to interact with the world.
Kin-Tree wardens are chosen by the ancestors and are responsible for tending and maintaining the sacred family Kin-Trees. Powerful magic users, wardens are the most versed in summoning ancestral spirits.
The Abzan's Relationship to Dragons and Dragonstorms
Dragon Hunts
Though less nimble than many other clans when chasing or predicting storms, their spread-out outposts within the southern regions of the plane allow them to quickly respond to oncoming dragonstorms. The Abzan utilize their large numbers and defensive tactics to minimize their losses and maximize the number of wild dragons they can fight and capture. They prioritize larger and more imposing creatures and often outlast dragons they intend to capture, able to easily subdue them after they are exhausted.
Clan Dragons
Within the clans, dragons are considered part of a house and are treated like a family member, though they are not bound to a Kin-Tree and are not able to summon or speak with ancestors. Because of this, the Abzan consider both ability and temperament when selecting dragons. Abzan dragons tend to be large, heavily defensive, and mild-tempered. They work alongside Abzan soldiers to form a defensive frontline. Abzan dragons wield searing light as a breath weapon able to strip the flesh from a creature in a matter of moments with the powerful blast of energy.
Sinkings caused by the dragonstorms have revealed hidden oases and rocky refuges that the Abzan have swiftly converted into new thriving cities. Additionally, the Abzan have developed massive walls that they can call up to defend their more exposed locations, allowing life to continue almost like normal amidst the storms.
The majority of Abzan territory is in the Shifting Wastes, a region with lush steppes, hot deserts, and sands that shift constantly to reveal hidden underground karsts. The land is typically dry and arid with a few surrounding mountains and shared borders with the Mardu and Sultai.
- Sinkings – The sudden appearances of sink holes within the desert have increased in frequency and intensity due to the dragonstorms. Though the Abzan are expert desert navigators, this phenomenon has claimed the lives of even the most veteran travelers. While dangerous, some sinkings have revealed boons for the Abzan, such as lost fortresses and underground oases.
- Qatros Karst City – The newest fortress city built into a sandstone karst revealed by a sinking. It was formerly a network of caverns and passages used by rebels during Dromoka's reign and has now been expanded into a bustling city, acting as a haven from the dragonstorms.
- Great Arashin City – The largest and oldest Abzan fortress city that is built on a lush oasis and underground spring. It was formerly a giant fortress structure called the Great Aerie where Dromoka made her home. Arashin is known for its magical protective walls that can be raised to block out storms and other draconic threats.
- Dusyut Forest – A mysterious and verdant underground forest full of water, animals, and fruit-bearing trees. Discovered somewhat recently after a severe sinking revealed the location.
- Salt Road – A large road that extends throughout Tarkir, the Salt Road is used as the main Abzan trading route.
- Lookout Roost – Close to the mountains that mark the border with the Sultai, the Lookout Roost is a 400-foot tall watchtower built of reddish stone.
- Aerie of the Unfettered – An abandoned ancient structure that was home to only dragons during Dromoka's reign. It has since been taken over by a host of wild dragons that threaten any Abzan in the region.
- Anafenza's Kin-Tree – The first recovered Kin-Tree location from Dromoka's reign. It is now a verdant oasis carefully tended by Kin-Tree wardens.
The Jeskai 
"We act as one."
The Jeskai are led by monk practitioners of the Way who seek unity of thought and a shared understanding of reality. Known for their precision, compassion, and rigor, the Jeskai are staunch in their traditions and beliefs, considering it their duty to guide Tarkir to a better future. They are known for their disciplined meditation, rigorous martial training, and cunning manipulation. Found in the eastern mountains of the plane, they live within villages that surround their three monasteries, each specializing in a different philosophy of the Way.
The Jeskai meticulously document the plane's events in illuminated manuscripts and continuously seek out the history lost to the dragonlords. In service of the ideals of the Way, the Jeskai pursue a united Tarkir through structure and organization, considering the potential loss of a clan's autonomy and independence as a necessary cost of unity. The Jeskai generally prefer to begin with diplomatic solutions but are stubborn in their perspectives, leading not infrequently to open fighting where they leverage their tactical expertise and cunning to achieve victory.
Revival of the Jeskai
Under Ojutai, those who dared question the dragonlord's teachings were killed or, at best, exiled from the brood. Those who survived gathered in secret, trading truths of the history of the plane, but they remained a small and primarily intellectual resistance to the dragonlord. During the Phyrexian invasion, the scattered exiles flocked to Narset, the former protégée of Ojutai. She took on the mantle of leadership and declared that they would defend Tarkir together.
The invasion weakened Ojutai's forces, allowing the secrets found in the hidden Jeskai archives to spread more easily amongst the brood. This shook the foundation of the dragonlord's power and allowed the rebellion to gain more traction.
Yet Narset knew that no matter the strength of Tarkir's peoples, the dragonlords would not give up their power without bloodshed. The humanoids and dragons would be locked in the same constant warring of the past unless the storms could be quelled or turned against the dragonlords. In her quest for a solution, she uncovered the ancient Stormnexus Ritual and was convinced to put it into action by the other rebellion leaders, leading to final defeat of the dragonlords.
Jeskai Monasteries and Villages
The Jeskai are composed of monk practitioners of the Way and civilians who support the monasteries. Leadership of the clan falls to the council of stewards, the monk leaders of each of the three main Jeskai monasteries, with one of these three chosen as waymaster. The waymaster governs the rules that pertain to the entirety of the Jeskai as well as their interactions with other clans, while the other stewards have responsibility for their monasteries and the surrounding regions. Civilian leaders will advise the council and local religious leadership. They are largely autonomous in managing the day-to-day needs of the community.
The Jeskai villages and civilians exist in a mutual support network with the monasteries and monks. These communities provide the supplies and materials needed by the monks, and in exchange, the monks provide teachings, magical services, protection, and spiritual guidance. Well-maintained roads and bridges connect the villages to their monasteries. A local village leader and council manage smaller affairs and coordinate with the monasteries.
Monks are those who live primarily in one of the three monasteries and have dedicated their lives to following the Way, consisting of the following:
- Leaving behind personal attachments. Most monks do not consider themselves part of their old families or beholden to them in any way, which enables them to focus entirely on serving their community.
- Giving up material possessions. They also adopt a more ascetic lifestyle, owning few if any personal items, instead sharing them communally within the monasteries.
A monk's day includes meditation, physical martial arts training, scholarly pursuits, and magical practice. Interspersed with their rigorous training are many chores and duties around the monastery, such as rebuilding damaged walls from the last wild dragon attack, cooking communal meals, preparing medicines, forging weapons, and caring for the clan dragons.
Higher ranked monks will also spend much of their time training younger monks. Within each monastery, monks commonly follow one of two paths: warrior or scholar. Warrior monks specialize in the defense of the Jeskai, while scholar monks focus on strategy and research.
Skyriders have taken up the traditions of the former mantis riders of the old Jeskai. The clan has begun to breed a new generation of mantis mounts from the small numbers that were not devoured by the dragon broods. The monks who ride them are specially trained in aerial combat and are also the clan's main dragonriders and caretakers, raising and working alongside both varieties of flying creatures.
Daily Life
Civilians residing outside the larger villages primarily live agrarian lifestyles, many of them being farmers, herders, fishers, and taking on other supporting roles. Within the villages, there is also a wide range of highly respected craftspeople and artisans, including shipwrights, blacksmiths, weavers, and masons.
Life for the civilians within the clan is still shaped by the Way's objectives and principles. Those in the villages, however, are more concerned with the necessities of survival and are unable to devote their whole lives to the Way. Meditation rituals are commonly practiced, and practitioners recite teachings or reflect on the ways in which their actions are coordinated with the rest of the Jeskai. Villages often have statues and shrines that serve as emotional and spiritual waypoints for people going about their day. People leave offerings at the shrines like bundles of food, a robe, or new shoes with the intention that another passerby, someone who needs them, may accept the gift.
- Agriculture and trade – The Jeskai grow staple crops such as rice, wheat, lotus, and tea. They commonly trade raw materials such as stone, gems, and metals found in the mountain regions in exchange for resources and food they cannot easily procure within their territory.
- Arts and handcrafts – The Jeskai value the practice of the arts for its skill and discipline more so than its personal expression. Most of the practiced arts also provide some sort of useful object or outcome, including calligraphy and illuminated manuscripts documenting the history of Tarkir, impressive stonework and sculpture that complement the natural beauty of a location, and fine metalwork for weapons and clothing.
- Athletics and sports – Rigorous training for body and mind begins at an early age and is continued throughout a person's life, and for the Jeskai, even recreation serves bigger goals. Orjsu ball is a popular ball game in both village squares and monastery courtyards that rewards dexterity, precision, and intellect. The game is played in small teams, similar to soccer or cuju, where players kick a hard leather ball into elevated open nets, aiming to score more points than the opposing team.
The Way
The writings of Shu Yun were found within a hidden archive of the old Jeskai that was spared Ojutai's purge. In them, he inscribed the mantra, "To achieve peace, achieve unity," which has since become the guiding principle of the newly formed Jeskai. Followers of the Way strive toward unity of mind and shared understanding, seeking the "world-mind" that acts, thinks, and feels in unity to end suffering and strife. In doing so, the Jeskai hope to bring about a truly peaceful Tarkir.
Three principles serve as methods for achieving unity of mind:
- Cooperative action – Coordinated efforts lead to the best outcomes.
- Undivided thought – You must understand each other to work together.
- Aligned heart – You must share ideals and goals to work toward an outcome.
While the clan is unified in its overarching objective, it is divided in its methodologies. Each of the three monasteries focuses on a different principle to achieve unity of mind. Monks often train in multiple monasteries over their lifetime to ensure that the breadth of Jeskai philosophy can be shared across the clan.
- Cori Mountain Monastery – The red mana-aligned monastery emphasizes the principle of "cooperative action," believing that unity of mind is developed through unity of body; if they act in coordination, they will achieve the shared understanding of thoughts and ideals. The monks in this monastery are more often isolationists and traditionalists, engaging in complex and involved routines, meditation, and martial arts, dedicating their whole lives to building the unified community.
- Dirgur Lake Monastery – The blue mana-aligned monastery emphasizes the principle of "undivided thought," believing that unity of mind comes through directing and instructing people in the best ways of thinking. They cultivate understanding through direct teaching and philosophical instruction. Monks here are experts in manipulation, politicking, and persuasion, using their knowledge and magic to shape systems and people to support their goal.
- Storm Crane Monastery – The white mana-aligned monastery emphasizes the principle of "aligned heart," believing that unity of mind comes through working together to help others. Those that are struggling to survive can focus on little else, so with the monks' help, they gain the time and resources to focus on the bigger goals of unity of mind and shared understanding. As this floating monastery travels across the plane, the monks go where they feel they are needed most, providing protection from threats and offering food or spiritual guidance.
Death and the Afterlife
Unlike many other clans, The Jeskai rejected Ojutai's teachings of draconic reincarnation. Instead, they focus on the present and their obligations to the living. This can often result in conflicts with other clans, as the Jeskai look down on their beliefs and practices around death and the afterlife. They do, however, revere the actions of the people who came before, paying particular attention to the knowledge they left behind.
Celebrations and Ceremonies
Most villagers visit the monasteries for important celebrations, and the more devout may attend regular ceremonies led by monks.
- Athenaeum Festival – Honoring the legacy of Shu Yun and his devotion to keeping Tarkir's history, this is a day for scholars to examine writings in the archives and for monks and elders to recount Tarkir history to audiences in the villages.
- Feast of Union – At the end of the growing season, the monks leave the monasteries to help the villagers harvest and pack up foodstuffs for winter storage. Then the monks and villagers carry a portion of the harvest up to the monasteries. A modest but well attended feast takes place in the monastery to celebrate the unified community.
Jeskai Magic
Jeskai magic centers around the manipulation of the body and mind, using it for physical augmentation to aid fighting, mental illusions, and healing magic. Very few civilians are magic wielders, while most monks are proficient in some form of magic. As with the different approaches to the Way, each monastery teaches different forms and styles of magic.
The Jeskai's Relationship to Dragons and Dragonstorms
Dragon Hunts
When hunting dragons, the Jeskai tend to focus on the dragonstorms closer to their monasteries and the northern territories of Tarkir, though their emissaries in other clans will sometimes bring back information about storms in other regions. Between their mounted monks and flying monastery, the Jeskai are well prepared to capture dragons just as they emerge from the storms rather than waiting for them to come closer to land. This allows them to remain competitive even when other clans approach the same storm.
Clan Dragons
Jeskai monks almost exclusively teach and care for the clan dragons, which reside within the monasteries. The Jeskai prize dragons with intelligence, perception, and calm demeanors. Following the values of communal unity over individualism, these dragons work alongside groups of monks during rituals, ceremonies, training, and conflicts. Jeskai dragons wield ice, blasting enemies with super-chilled streams that freeze opponents in an instant.
Jeskai monasteries have large bells to warn locals of oncoming dragonstorms. The Jeskai have also become more mobile to react to the dragonstorms, using the flying Storm Crane Monastery and dragonriders to quickly move between villages. The terrain has also changed; the Jeskai have built cities interlaced with bridges to manage the higher water levels and warmer temperatures that have altered the composition of many plants in the northern regions.
Most of the Jeskai territory is in the eastern Tiansun mountain range, with tall volcanic peaks and lowland planes dotted with large lakes. The climate is cold much of the year, but snowmelt in the spring fuels the large rivers that provide much of the transportation and food for the Jeskai. Jeskai territory directly borders Mardu and Temur lands.
- Cori Mountain Monastery – A remote and difficult-to-access mountain monastery built in the flooded caldera of a volcano. It is surrounded by vibrant red flora due to the abundance of volcanic minerals.
- Dirgur Lake Monastery – A large and imposing monastery located on a floating island with bridges connecting it to a large fishing village along the shallow waters and shores of the lake. Dirgur Monastery is the closest Jeskai location to the Salt Road and is often visited by other clans' diplomats and merchants.
- Storm Crane Monastery – Built from the remains of the old Sage-Eye sanctuary that was destroyed in the Phyrexian invasion, the Storm Crane Monastery is a massive ship that can sail on lakes and rivers and transform into a flying ship when needed.
- Riverwheel Village – A small settlement built into the face of a cliff. The citizens have been slowly rebuilding the former Ojutai sanctuary, renovating the large waterwheel at its center now that the ice entrapping the region has begun to melt.
- Highspire Monastery – A smaller mountain-top monastery where the giant mantises and their caretakers reside. Most monks at Highspire practice a mixture of teachings from the three main monasteries.
- Qadat, the Fire Rim – A region on the northern border of Jeskai territory in an inaccessible mountain range, known for its volcanic activity.
- Pearl Lake – A large glistening lake nestled in the mountains near a remote Jeskai monastery. Many monks will journey there to meditate in the serene landscape.
Check out part two of the Planeswalker's Guide to Tarkir: Dragonstorm to learn all about the newly revitalized Sultai, Mardu, and Temur clans. The tale of our return to Tarkir continues March 3, 2025, with the release of the Tarkir: Dragonstorm story on DailyMTG and audiobooks available on The Magic Story Podcast. Dragons will roar, clans will clash, and the true ferocity of these dragonstorms will be revealed.
Ready to spread your wings over the skies of Tarkir? Tarkir: Dragonstorm releases on April 11, 2025, and is available for preorder now at your local game store, online retailers like Amazon, and elsewhere Magic products are sold.