Magic Story Chronicle of Bolas: The Unwritten Now Yasova and the twins hear the end of Ugin's version of history and risk defying Nicol Bolas himself. Kate Elliott Arrow Right
Magic Story Chronicle of Bolas: Perspectives Nicol Bolas gives his own account of history to Naiva . . . and makes her an offer. Kate Elliott Arrow Right
Magic Story Chronicle of Bolas: A Familiar Stranger When Yasova and the twins reach Ugin's grave at last, they find a mysterious—and potentially deadly—stranger awaiting their arrival. Kate Elliott Arrow Right
Magic Story Chronicle of Bolas: Blood and Fire In a desperate attempt to assuage Atarka's anger, the hunting band plies her with the tale of an ancient war . . . between dragons. Kate Elliott Arrow Right
Magic Story Chronicle of Bolas: Whispers of Treachery After risking her peoples' lives to save Tae Jin, Yasova demands he finish his story of Bolas and Ugin, revealing its dark conclusion. Kate Elliott Arrow Right