The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth™ Set Boosters, available for preorder from your local game store and retailers like Amazon , include an art card showcasing one of 81 stunning illustrations from the set. Even better, 1 in 10 art cards opened may be gold stamped with an artist's signature or Planeswalker symbol.
Learn more about Set Boosters—and the other awesome things you can find inside them—from Collecting The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth and check out the art cards themselves below (non-stamped versions have the same art but without the artist's signature or Planeswalker symbol).
ART CARDS Boromir, Warden of the Tower Art Card 1/81 Fog on the Barrow-Downs Art Card 2/81 Gandalf the White Art Card 3/81 Took Reaper Art Card 4/81 Gandalf, Friend of the Shire Art Card 5/81 Goldberry, River-Daughter Art Card 6/81 The Watcher in the Water Art Card 7/81 Shadow of the Enemy Art Card 8/81 Éomer of the Riddermark Art Card 9/81 Gimli, Counter of Kills Art Card 10/81 Generous Ent Art Card 11/81 Mirrormere Guardian Art Card 12/81 Arwen Undómiel Art Card 13/81 Bilbo, Retired Burglar Art Card 14/81 Éowyn, Fearless Knight Art Card 15/81 Frodo Baggins Art Card 16/81 Legolas, Counter of Kills Art Card 17/81 The Mouth of Sauron Art Card 18/81 Samwise Gamgee Art Card 19/81 Saruman of Many Colors Art Card 20/81 Sauron, the Dark Lord Art Card 21/81 Sharkey, Tyrant of the Shire Art Card 22/81 Shelob, Child of Ungoliant Art Card 23/81 Sméagol, Helpful Guide Art Card 24/81 Théoden, King of Rohan Art Card 25/81 Tom Bombadil Art Card 26/81 Uglúk of the White Hand Art Card 27/81 Andúril, Flame of the West Art Card 28/81 Horn of Gondor Art Card 29/81 Elanor Gardner Art Card 32/81 Aragorn and Arwen, Wed Art Card 33/81 Witch-king, Bringer of Ruin Art Card 34/81 Galadriel, Gift-Giver Art Card 35/81 The Balrog, Flame of Udûn Art Card 36/81 Bilbo's Ring Art Card 37/81 Faramir, Field Commander Art Card 38/81 Samwise the Stouthearted Art Card 39/81 Elrond, Lord of Rivendell Art Card 40/81 Gollum, Patient Plotter Art Card 41/81 Sauron, the Necromancer Art Card 42/81 Witch-king of Angmar Art Card 43/81 Gimli, Counter of Kills Art Card 44/81 Legolas, Master Archer Art Card 45/81 Aragorn, the Uniter Art Card 46/81 Frodo Baggins Art Card 47/81 Galadriel of Lothlórien Art Card 48/81 Gandalf the Grey Art Card 49/81 Merry, Esquire of Rohan Art Card 50/81 Pippin, Guard of the Citadel Art Card 51/81 Samwise Gamgee Art Card 52/81 Minas Tirith Art Card 55/81 Mines of Moria Art Card 56/81 Aragorn, King of Gondor Art Card 57/81 Sam, Loyal Attendant Art Card 58/81 Gwaihir, Greatest of the Eagles Art Card 59/81 Call for Aid Art Card 60/81 Cavern-Hoard Dragon Art Card 61/81 Faramir, Steward of Gondor Art Card 62/81 Gríma, Saruman's Footman Art Card 63/81 Lord of the Nazgûl Art Card 64/81 Merry, Warden of Isengard Art Card 65/81 Pippin, Warden of Isengard Art Card 66/81 Treebeard, Gracious Host Art Card 67/81 Marshal's Anthem Art Card 68/81 Boon of the Wish-Giver Art Card 69/81 Learn from the Past Art Card 70/81 Thrill of Possibility Art Card 71/81 Asceticism Art Card 72/81 Heroic Intervention Art Card 73/81 Realm Seekers Art Card 74/81 Commander's Sphere Art Card 75/81 Field of Ruin Art Card 77/81 Ghost Quarter Art Card 78/81 The Dead Marshes Art Card 79/81 Valley of Gorgoroth Art Card 80/81 Treefolk Token Art Card 81/81