Collecting The Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Editor's Note: Additional and updated details for Treasure Trove, showcase Legends of Ixalan, borderless, showcase Gods of Ixalan, and neon ink cards have been provided.
Take a journey into the depths of Ixalan and experience the plane like never before!

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Set Details

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander

Special Guests
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Set Code: LCI
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander Set Code: LCC
Jurassic World™ Collection Set Code: REX
Special Guests Set Code: SPG
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Treasure Trove Box Topper Set Code: LCC
Website: The Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Tabletop Legality:
- The Lost Caverns of Ixalan (LCI): Standard, Pioneer, Modern, Legacy, Vintage, and Commander
- The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander (LCC): Legacy, Vintage, and Commander
- Jurassic World Collection (REX): Legacy, Vintage, and Commander
- Special Guests (SPG): Individual cards may be used for the respective formats in which they are legal.
MTG Arena Legality:
- The Lost Caverns of Ixalan (LCI): Standard, Explorer, Alchemy, and Historic
- The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander (LCC): Not available on MTG Arena.
- Jurassic World Collection (REX): Select cosmetics available on MTG Arena
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Preview Events:
- The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Story: October 20
- The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Debut and Previews Begin: October 24
- Card Image Gallery Complete: November 3
- LoadingReadyRun's Pre-Prerelease: November 4
- Streamer Event on MTG Arena: November 9
- The Command Zone's Game Knights The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander Gameplay: November 15
- Global Tabletop Launch: November 17
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Gameplay Events:
- Prerelease at Your Local Game Store: November 10
- MTG Arena Release: November 14
- WPN Game Store Open House: November 17–19
- Friday Night Magic: November 17–January 26
- Commander Nights: November 9–February 1
- WPN Store Championship: December 2–10
- WPN Commander Party: December 15–17
- Alchemy: Ixalan Release: December 5
Preorder Now
You can preorder The Lost Caverns of Ixalan now through your local game store, online retailers like Amazon, and elsewhere Magic products are sold.
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Booster Fun
As the last, but certainly not least, tentpole booster release of Magic's 30th Anniversary, The Lost Caverns of Ixalan will end the year off with a bang!
The set takes inspiration from Magic's 30 years of history to deliver a new experience on a familiar plane, reprint several very iconic cards for our players around the world, and introduce a Universes Beyond release 65 million years in the making!
Full-Art Core Lands
Explore the inner core of The Lost Caverns of Ixalan with the full-art lands. Each of the five basic lands explores the beauty of the plane and its inhabitants.

These five full-art basic lands can be found in non-foil and traditional foil in The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Draft, Set, and Collector Boosters, and in Collector Boosters, they will always be traditional foil.
In addition to these full-art basic lands, you can find regular basic lands in The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Bundle and Bundle: Gift Edition.

Treasure Trove
As you explore the depths of the underground within The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, you may come across a never-before-seen piece of treasure. If you do—run away fast! because it's likely a trap that will cause you to be locked underground for the rest of eternity …
Or … just ignore my advice and open the chest to find your spoil.

Treasure Trove Box Toppers are featured in every booster display within The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, with non-foil Box Toppers available in Draft and Set Booster displays and traditional foil Box Toppers available in Collector Booster displays.
There are a total of 20 borderless cards within the Treasure Trove promotion, 19 of which are reprints from outside the plane of Ixalan that we believe will help you on your journey with the last being a special card from within the main set, the treasure of all treasures on the plane of Ixalan—Chimil, The Inner Sun.
- There are 8 uncommon, 7 rare, 5 mythic rare Treasure Trove cards.
- Uncommons appear 62% of the time.
- Rares appear 28% of the time.
- Mythic rares appear 10% of the time.
- Treasure Trove Box Toppers do not introduce new format legality for any reprints, and all cards are printed with the LCC set code.
Showcase Legends of Ixalan
There are 25 Cards in The Lost Caverns of Ixalan that appear with the showcase Legends of Ixalan treatment—there exists a vast civilization beneath Ixalan, much of which is unexplored by our travelers and the creatures that live there. See the murals that tell the story of their ancestors, the living legends among their cultures, and the mysteries of the cavern depths, available in both non-foil and traditional foil in Draft, Set, and Collector Boosters.

Showcase Gods of Ixalan
Fans may be familiar with this treatment from its debut in March of the Machine. But The Lost Caverns of Ixalan uses this showcase treatment in a slightly different way—to showcase the iconography of the almighty gods of Ixalan!
There are a total of 6 mythic rare Gods in the set that feature this treatment, 5 of which are double-faced cards that also feature the iconic map frame from original Ixalan block, illustrating their temples of worship that are playable after they perish in battle. Each of these are found in both non-foil and traditional foil within Draft, Set, and Collector Boosters.
Borderless Cards (Oltec and Dinosaurs)
Within The Lost Caverns of Ixalan boosters, you can find 16 borderless Oltec cards with flavorful motifs of modern-day Mesoamerican art in both non-foil and traditional foil within Draft, Set, and Collector Boosters.

There will also be 14 borderless Dinosaur cards inspired by classic dinosaur artbooks—check out this awesome borderless variant of the new mythic rare Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant in both non-foil and traditional foil within Draft, Set, and Collector Boosters.

Special Guests
Special Guests cards are borderless reprints of fan-favorite cards that will appear in non-foil in the slot where cards from The List can also appear in Set Boosters. In Collector Boosters, these appear in traditional foil.
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan features 18 total reprints from throughout Magic's history—each available with exclusive and unique borderless artwork.
Future iterations of the Special Guests program may vary in execution.

Jurassic World™ Collection

We're excited to announce a very special collection of cards in The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, the Universes Beyond booster insert: Jurassic World Collection (REX)!

The Jurassic World series joins Magic: The Gathering as a Universes Beyond booster-insert release in The Lost Cavern of Ixalan Set and Collector Boosters. Find your favorite moments from all the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies, from the original Jurassic Park (1993) to the recently released Jurassic World: Dominion (2022).
There are a total of 26 REX cards within The Lost Caverns of Ixalan—20 are mechanically new designs exclusive to this product, and each new card is a rare.
There are also 6 lands in the Jurassic World Collection, a cycle of 5 basic lands and a Command Tower, that allow you to curate your deck for the ultimate Jurassic World experience.
Each of the basic lands in the set are double-faced cards, giving you the choice of displaying dinosaurs before and after they break free!
All 26 cards are rares within boosters and are available in 1 in 12 Set Boosters, with 1 in every Collector Booster. Non-foil versions can be found replacing a common or uncommon within Set Boosters and in a dedicated slot in both non-foil and traditional foil in Collector boosters.
There are also 2 Jurassic World Collection tokens that are available in non-foil in Set Boosters and traditional foil in Collector Boosters at standard token rarity.
All Jurassic World Collection cards are Eternal legal (Legacy, Vintage, and Commander).
Additionally, each The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Bundle will include one non-foil card from Jurassic World Collection and the Bundle: Gift Edition will include one traditional foil card from Jurassic World Collection. (Bundle promos are one of 20 mechanically unique designs.)

Also be on the lookout for emblems on cards from the Jurassic World Collection, which are exclusive to The Lost Cavern of Ixalan Collector Boosters and available on 19 of the 20 mechanically unique cards in less than 1% of Collector Boosters. (Welcome to
Neon Ink Cards
Cosmium is a source of power for the underground civilizations of Ixalan, and after several spelunking efforts to make it back from the deepest cave on the plane, we're happy to share that we've collected a small amount to serve as a taste of Ixalan's power!
Neon ink debuted to large success with Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, and we've been looking for opportunities to try it again ever since. In The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, the artwork of each of the neon ink variants is unique to match the treatment applied to the card: green Cavern of Souls displays both a green cave as well as green neon ink!
This combination of both print treatment and varied artwork will best maximize the visual effect to allow for your cards to pop, both on the battlefield and in a curated binder.
Second, all five colors are represented to allow for WUBRG representation across collections. Merfolk players will be able to add blue Cavern of Souls to represent their favorite tribe in Modern, Krark, the Thumbless decks can feature a red Mana Crypt to forecast the impending doom in Commander, and the most inspired collectors can enjoy a display of the full rainbow in their home office, including one of the special three-color neon ink variants.
Here are the colors as they appear in order from rarest to least rare: three-color, red, purple, blue, green, and yellow. (The yellow Cavern of Souls is a WPN Premium store promo.)
Art Cards
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Set Boosters each contain an art card as a tribute to the amazing artwork that brings Magic sets to life. Each Set Booster will contain one of these art cards, a special card that displays the artwork of a card from The Lost Caverns of Ixalan. These cards don't represent their set counterparts. Instead, they're meant to fully display the artwork from the cards.

As a bonus, 1 in every 10 Set Boosters will have a foil-stamped art card with the artist's signature or the Planeswalker symbol as a special way to show off the artist's work.
Buy-a-Box Promo
Ready to preorder at your local game store? While supplies last, and only through WPN game stores, purchasing a booster display of The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Set, Draft, or Collector Boosters may include an additional traditional foil promo version of Jadelight Spelunker:

Visit your local WPN game store for all the details.
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Product Overview
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Draft Boosters

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Draft Boosters each include the following:
- 1 Rare or mythic rare
- 1 Double-faced common or uncommon
- 3 Uncommons
- 9 Commons*
- 1 Land
- Non-Basic Cave 70% of the time
- Core full-art basic land 30% of the time
*1 Traditional foil card of any rarity replaces a common in 33% of Draft Boosters.
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Set Boosters

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Set Boosters each include the following:
- 1 Art card
- 1 Rare or mythic rare from the main set
- 1 Traditional foil common, uncommon, rare, or mythic rare
- 1 Double-faced common or uncommon
- 3 Uncommons
- 3 Commons
- 2 Wildcard commons, uncommons, rares, and/or mythic rares
- Cards from Jurassic World Collection drop in wildcard slots.
- 1 Land
- Non-Basic Cave 70% of the time
- Core full-art basic land 30% of the time
- 1 Token, ad card, or a card from The List
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Collector Boosters

- 4 Traditional foil commons
- Can be one of 108 Commons from The Lost Caverns of Ixalan main set.
- 3 Traditional foil uncommons
- Can be one of 92 Uncommons from The Lost Caverns of Ixalan main set.
- 1 Traditional foil full-art basic land
- 1 Traditional foil showcase or borderless uncommon
- Can be one of:
- 8 Showcase Legends of Ixalan cards (55%)
- 6 Borderless Dinosaur cards (41%)
- 5 Borderless Special Guests cards (3%)
- Can be one of:
- 1 Traditional foil rare or mythic rare
- Can be one of:
- 64 Rares (85.3%)
- 22 Mythic rares (14.7%)
- Can be one of:
- 1 Non-foil extended-art rare or mythic rare
- Can be one of:
- 38 Rares (97.4%)
- 2 Mythic rares (2.6%)
- Can be one of:
- 1 Non-foil or traditional foil single-faced extended-art Commander rare or mythic rare
- 12.5% of Collector Boosters contain a traditional foil card in this slot—this includes new Commander cards in extended art, including the new Commander content found in Set Boosters, the 2 mythic rares in each Commander deck, and the 1 mythic rare in each commander deck in an alternate style. In total, there are 6 rares and 14 mythic rares in this slot found in traditional foil.
- The non-foil cards here are rares and mythic rares from The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander decks or new-to-Magic The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander cards.
- 1 Non-foil showcase or borderless rare or mythic rare card
- Can be one of:
- 8 Showcase rares (22.5%)
- 11 Showcase mythic rares (14.8%)
- 18 Borderless rares (50.7%)
- 8 Borderless mythic rares (10.56%)
- Or Quintorious Kand, available in both the showcase and borderless Oltec treatment. Each version shows up half as often as a mythic rare in the equivalent treatment (1.4% in total).
- Can be one of:
- 1 Non-foil card, traditional foil card, or emblem variant from Jurassic World Collection
- Can be one of:
- 20 Non-foil borderless nonlands from Jurassic World Collection (36.3%)
- 6 Non-foil borderless lands from Jurassic World Collection (43.6%)
- 20 Traditional foil borderless nonlands from Jurassic World Collection (8.9%)
- 6 Traditional foil lands from Jurassic World Collection (10.7%)
- 19 Emblem variants from Jurassic World Collection (< 1%)
- Can be one of:
- 1 Traditional foil Booster Fun rare or mythic rare
- Can be one of:
- 38 Extended-art rares (46.7%) or 2 mythic rares (1.2%)
- 8 Showcase rares (9.8%)
- 12 Showcase mythic rares (6.7%)
- 18 Borderless rares (22%)
- 8 Borderless mythic rares (4.9%)
- 13 Special Guests rares or mythic rares (8%)
- 11 Neon ink Mana Crypts or neon ink Cavern of Souls (< 1%)
- All other treatments in this slot, besides the neon ink cards, will appear in traditional foil.
- Can be one of:
- 1 Traditional foil double-faced token
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Bundle

The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Bundles each include the following:
- 8 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Set Boosters
- 1 Traditional foil alternate-art Hit the Mother Lode
- 1 Non-foil card from Jurassic World Collection
- 20 Traditional foil basic lands
- 20 Non-foil basic lands
- 1 Spindown life counter
- 1 Card storage box
- 2 Reference cards
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Bundle: Gift Edition

- 8 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Set Boosters
- 1 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Collector Booster
- 1 Traditional foil alternate-art Hit the Mother Lode
- 1 Traditional foil card from Jurassic World Collection
- 20 Traditional foil basic lands
- 20 Non-foil full-art lands
- 1 Spindown life counter
- 1 Card storage box
- 2 Reference cards
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Prerelease Pack

- 6 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Draft Boosters
- 1 Foil-stamped The Lost Caverns of Ixalan rare or mythic rare promo
- 1 Magic: The Gathering Arena code
- 1 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan punch-out counter card
- 1 Deck box
- 1 Spindown life counter
Looking for a place to join in on a The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Prerelease? You can enter the underground at your local game store. Plus, participating in two Prerelease events can net you a promotional pin (while supplies last).
See your store for all the details!
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander Decks

Blood Rite (White-Black)

Veloci-Ramp-Tor (Red-Green-White)
Alongside the main set, there will be four The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Commander decks, each featuring a creature type specific to the plane of Ixalan brought to life with a unique 100-card deck. Decks feature new legendary creatures, new-to-Magic cards, and reprints. Here's what you'll find inside each deck:
- 1 Ready-to-play 100-card Commander deck
- 2 Traditional foil new-to-Magic legendary creatures that can serve as the deck's commander
- 8 Non-foil new-to-Magic rares specific to that deck
- 90 Non-foil Magic cards, including basic lands
- 1 Foil-etched display commander printed on thicker cardstock (Not legal for sanctioned play.)
- 1 Collector Booster Sample Pack
- 1 Non-foil or traditional foil Booster Fun The Lost Caverns of Ixalan rare or mythic rare
- 1 Traditional foil borderless uncommon showcase card from The Lost Caverns of Ixalan
- 10 Double-faced tokens
- 1 Cardboard deck box
- 1 Spindown life counter
While we've reached the end of this article, our journey through The Lost Caverns of Ixalan has just started. You can see all these cards and more as they're previewed in The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Card Image Gallery before the set releases November 12, 2023. Traverse through the depths of Ixalan to find new stories, familiar faces, colorful cards, and one very special Universes Beyond release.
You can preorder the set now through your local game store, online retailers like Amazon, and elsewhere Magic products are sold.