Michiko's Reign of Truth
Healing after The Kami War was not an easy task. Years of war and strife had taken their toll upon the land and its inhabitants. The root cause of The Kami War was still largely a mystery to the citizens of Kamigawa, and mistrust and animosity ran deep. To undo the damage her father had caused, Michiko Konda took on the task of restoring peace and harmony to the land, partnering with the great kami Kyodai to do so.

This partnership was met by fear and suspicion. To most inhabitants of Kamigawa, Lord Konda had been their protector against the enraged kami. Such a close collaboration between Lord Konda's daughter and the child of O-Kagachi was shocking and unnatural, and Michiko's efforts were met with resistance on all fronts. Michiko realized that for Kamigawa to truly heal, people needed to know the truth. With Kyodai's blessings, she revealed the origin of The Kami War.
In later times, historians have been able to say that Michiko's actions led to true healing and paved the way for harmonious collaboration between mortals and kami. At the time, however, it created even more difficulties in her attempts to restore the plane. Many resisted Michiko's attempts at restoration, citing her lineage as Lord Konda's daughter as proof that she was not fit to take on the task. There were also those who continued to resist, refusing to accept the truth. But Michiko never wavered in her resolve. It was her belief that truth and action were the only solutions to redressing the sins of the past.
This elaborate folding fan depicts Michiko in her role as truth-bringer, healer, and unifier of Kamigawa. Though she refused the title of emperor in her lifetime, the title was applied posthumously, styling her as the first emperor of a new Kamigawa. On the fan, she's depicted wearing clothes patterned with the Konda crest, which she wore throughout her life, signaling her refusal to shy away from her father's legacy or leave it hidden in the shadows.