Collecting Pioneer Masters
Pioneer Masters collects cards from the history of the Pioneer format—ranging from new-to-MTG Arena cards and classic reprints to cards with brand-new Magic art—and introduces them to MTG Arena, bringing the Explorer format to competitive parity with the Pioneer format.

The MTG Arena Store will offer Store Packs of Pioneer Masters (singles, and 3-, 6-, 10-, 45-, and 90-pack bundles, with
Pioneer Masters arrives with classic cards and nostalgia, and for the fans of Limited Magic, we're also bringing back rotating bonus sheets for MTG Arena–exclusive Limited events, like those first seen with Shadows over Innistrad Remastered in March of 2023. Pioneer Masters will have three rotating bonus sheets, each with its own two-week period during which they'll appear in events.
Bonus Sheet Card Lists and Schedule
These bonus sheet themes will be used for two weeks each on the following schedule:
(Start and end times for each period are 8 a.m. PT/16:00 UTC.)
- Planeswalkers: December 10–24
- Spells: December 24–January 7
- Devotion: January 7–21
This schedule applies to all Sealed and Draft Pioneer Masters events, including the Arena Open on January 11–12 that will use the Devotion bonus sheet. The lone exception to this rule will be the Midweek Magic Phantom Sealed event running January 7–9, which will include two packs from each of the bonus sheets.
Sealed, Traditional Sealed, Premier Draft, and Traditional Draft events will not restart between theme versions. This means that matches in these events may include players who opened their sealed pools or drafted their decks during different previous bonus sheet periods—all part of the digital fun of doing something different.
The description of Limited events will tell you which Pioneer Masters bonus sheet is being used. If you're looking to draft a new bonus sheet theme on its start date, check the event page description to ensure it uses the version you want to play.
Pioneer Masters Packs
Each Pioneer Masters Store Pack will contain the following:
- 8 Pioneer Masters cards
- 4 Commons from the main set
- 2 Uncommons from the main set
- 1 Rare or mythic rare from the main set
- A rare can be upgraded to a mythic rare at a rate of approximately 1:5.
- 1 Card from any bonus sheet
- A common or uncommon can be upgraded to a rare at a rate of approximately 1:10.
- A rare can be upgraded to a mythic rare at a rate of approximately 1:3.
Each Pioneer Masters Limited Pack will contain the following:
- 15 Pioneer Masters cards
- 8 Commons from the main set
- 3 Uncommons from the main set
- 1 Rare or mythic rare from the main set
- A rare can upgrade to mythic rare at a rate of approximately 1:5.
- 1 Variety slot from the main set
- Uncommons are more likely than commons in this slot, appearing at an approximate rate of 4:1.
- An uncommon can upgrade to a rare at a rate of approximately 1:5.
- A rare can upgrade to a mythic rare at a rate of approximately 1:4.
- 1 Card from the scheduled bonus sheet (see schedule above)
- Uncommons are more likely than commons in this slot, appearing at an approximate rate of 5:4.
- For the Planeswalkers and Devotion bonus sheets:
- A common or uncommon can upgrade to mythic rare at a rate of approximately 1:10. There are no rares in these bonus sheets.
- For the Spells bonus sheet:
- A common or uncommon can upgrade to a rare at a rate of approximately 1:10.
- A rare can upgrade to a mythic rare at a rate of approximately 1:5.
- 1 Guildgate land
Note that Pioneer Masters Store Packs do not follow the bonus sheet event schedule above. Any card from any of the three bonus sheets may appear in Store Packs at any time, regardless of when they were acquired, opened, or what theme they're listed in!
Wildcards will never replace a bonus sheet card, only the main set Pioneer Masters cards. Duplicate protection applies to rares and mythic rares, separately both by rarity and between the Pioneer Masters cards and the main set Pioneer Masters cards.
Rarity and Format Legality
Several cards in Pioneer Masters have received rarity shifts from their past printings to assist with collectability and Limited gameplay. Multiple cards appear at common for the first time in Pioneer Masters, so we wanted to clarify how this affects their legality in formats like Pauper.
The rarity of cards on MTG Arena only applies to MTG Arena formats, meaning common cards in Pioneer Masters will be legal in Pauper Constructed on MTG Arena but not in the tabletop and Magic Online Pauper format.
For example, Hero of Iroas appears in the set at common for the first time. Hero of Iroas will be legal in MTG Arena's Pauper Constructed format but not in the official Pauper format.
Pioneer Masters Complete Card List
You can see all the cards in the set by visiting the Pioneer Masters Card Image Gallery. You can use the card set filter to display cards in the main set and cards in each of the bonus sheets. Any of these cards can appear in Store Packs, and Store Packs are not subject to the bonus sheet schedule shown above.
All Pioneer Masters cards will be available to craft via wildcard redemption and in packs as described above following the MTG Arena release on December 10, 2024!
Pick up Pioneer Masters Store Pack bundles in the MTG Arena Store and play in Pioneer Masters events now!