In 30% of Magic: The Gathering® – Assassin's Creed® Beyond Boosters, available for preorder now from your local game store and online retailers like Amazon, you can find an art card showcasing 1 of 20 illustrations from the set. In an additional 5% of Beyond Boosters, the art card is gold stamped with an artist's signature or the Planeswalker symbol.

Learn more about Beyond Boosters—and the other awesome things you can find inside them—from Collecting Magic: The Gathering® – Assassin's Creed® and check out the art cards themselves in the Magic: The Gathering® – Assassin's Creed® Card Image Gallery (non-stamped versions have the same art but without the artist's signature or Planeswalker symbol).

Click Here to See all 20 Magic: The Gathering® – Assassin's Creed® Art Cards